Чудо: 25 мстителей от самых слабых до самых могущественных, официально оцененных

Marvel contest of champions tier list - the best characters by class


Power: Magnetokinesis

Magneto was sometimes a villain, and sometimes a hero but no matter in which scenario you put him, the fact of his undeniable power remains. Magneto is a danger to most technological and biological beings, as well as to some delicate natural systems, due to his powers of magnetic manipulation.

He has control over all forms of magnetism, which enables him to manipulate metal and achieve various effects, even holding together a Celestial’s headless form. He can control an entire planet’s electromagnetic field and has and can cause severe effects like pulling back a giant metallic object from light-years away or causing global devastation with a self-generated electromagnetic pulse.

Magneto’s abilities have been compared to Phoenix’s, and he can use his magnetic powers in multiple ways simultaneously, such as rapidly assembling complex machines. The nature of Magneto’s powers, whether psionic or purely physiological, remains unknown.

5 Халк


Теперь мы попадаем в нашу пятерку самых могущественных героев в MCU и оставляем людей позади, когда мы приходим к богам и монстрам. Справедливости ради, любой из этих героев мог бы занять первое место, но мы считаем, что это тот порядок, в котором они должны следовать свидетельствам, которые мы видели из MCU.

Итак, следующая запись в нашем списке — это сам большой зеленый монстр Халк. Нельзя отрицать, что когда речь идет о чистой силе и агрессии, то Халк является одним из самых могущественных существ во всем MCU. Однако, из-за Гамма-излучения, Халк в значительной степени неразрушим, и чем злее он становится, тем сильнее он становится, вот и все, кем он является. Единственное оружие Халка — это сила и ярость, в то время как другие записи в нашем списке имеют больше навыков в своих арсеналах и, если их подтолкнуть к нему, могут сбить Халка, если они в этом нуждаются. Это уже было доказано в MCU, поскольку Алой Ведьме легко удалось запутаться в разуме Халка и запутать его. Железный Человек, с помощью своего костюма Халка Бастера, остановил Халка, и Тор сразился с ним лицом к лицу и вышел целым и невредимым. Все эти времена другие герои не хотели причинять боль Халку и поэтому сдерживались. Но если бы они раскрыли всю свою мощь, тогда Халк стал бы неудачником.

Marvel Contest of Champions (MCOC) Tier List: All Tiers Explained

Marvel Contest Of Champions (MCOC) Tier List (Image via Kabam)

Before we dive into the details of the ranking system, let us understand the playable Champions a little better. Here each champion is assigned to six different classes:

  • Cosmic – They can be anybody from aliens, Gods, or any powerful being from the cosmos.
  • Tech – As the name suggests, these champions mainly rely on advanced technology when it comes to combat the battle. 
  • Mutant – Known for their extraordinary superpower, what makes the Mutant champions special is that they are humans born with X-gene. 
  • Skill – Known for their high speed and mobility, these champions mainly rely on their physical strength and fighting abilities.
  • Science – Just like Spider-Man and Hulk, these heroes have gained their powers through some scientific accident. They are known for their advanced scientific abilities. 
  • Mystic – Heroes with supernatural abilities to manipulate energy, can deal with high damage, and control or disrupt the battlefield. 

For all those who do not know how the ranking system works, the champions are put into different tiers like S, A, B, C, and D. The S-tier is the strongest, and accordingly, D-tier is the weakest. Without further ado, here is the Marvel Contest of Champions (MCOC) tier list for May 2023 to help you choose your squad better.


Galan (Image Credits: Kabam)

Cosmic Mystic Science Tech Skill Mutant
Galan Diablo Abomination Ghost Falcon Apocalypse
Ghost Rider Doctor Doom Captain America Infinity War Nimrod Nick Furry Archangel
Hulking Claire Voyant (Recoil) Human Torch Omega Sentinel Kingpin Magento Red
Hercules Rintrah Mister Fantastic Ultron Shang-Chi Omega Red (High Sig)
Hyperion Tigra Mister Negative Warlock Valkyrie Kitty Pryde
Knull Quick Silver Prof X
Scorpion Stryfe
Spider-Ham White Magneto
Spidey 2099


Miles Morales (Image Credits: Kabam)

Cosmic Mystic Science Tech Skill Mutant
Aarkus (Vision Synergy) Magik Immortal Hulk CA Sam Wilson Agent Venom Bishop
Angela, Black Bolt Dragonman Miles Morales Hulkbuster Aegon Domino
Captain Marvel Hood Overseer Guardian Black Panther (Classic) Cable
Black Bolt Mojo Quake Nebula Black Widow Colossus
Corvus Longshot Spider-Gwen Punisher 2099 Blade Havoc
Cull Obsidian Sorcerer Supreme She-Hulk Penni Parker Elsa Bloodstone Namor
King Groot Scarlet Witch Void Guilly 2099 Crossbone Gambit
Hela Symbiote Supreme Stark Spidey Mole-man Sunspot
Gamora Wong Mysterio Killmonbger Storm
Medusa Wiccan Hit-Monkey Storm X
Sersi Spiderman (Stealth-suit)
Venom Masacre Wolverine
Venom Pool Black Cat


Thor (Image Credits: Kabam)

Cosmic Mystic Science Tech Skill Mutant
Thor Ebony Maw Anti-Venom Howard The Duck Thor Ragnarok Red Deadpool
Venom The Duck Man-Thing Red Guardian Civil Warrior Gwenpool Deadpool (X-Force)
Silver Surfer Juggernaut Red Hulk Doctor Octopus Jabari Panther Emma Frost
Terrax Mangog Thing Darkhawk Hawkeye Iceman
Red Goblin Morningstar Joe Fixit Iron Man(IW) Karnak Old Man Logan
Gorr The God Butcher Sasquatch Silver Centurion Misty Knight Rogue
Carnage Mordo Sentinel Night Thrasher Sabretooth
Ikaris War Machine Squirrel Girl Weapon X
Yondu Ronin Toad


Doctor Strange (Image Credits: Kabam)

Cosmic Mystic Science Tech Skill Mutant
The Champion Guillotine Gladiator Hulk Psycho-Man OG Black Widow Captain Britain
Annihilus Doctor Strange Wasp Star-Lord Taskmaster Jubilee
Air Walker Dorm Yellow Jacket Kang Winter Soldier Mister Sinister
Heimdall America Chavez Luke Cage Elektra Platinumpool
Proxima Ghost Rider Sentry Daredevil Psylocke
Ronan Guillotine Invisible Woman Korg Sauron
Super Skrull Purgatory X-23
Nova Thor (Jane Foster)


Ant-Man (Image Credits: Kabam)

Cosmic Mystic Science Tech Skill Mutant
Superior Iron Man Unstoppable Colossus MODOK OG Iron Man Punisher OG Golden Deadpool
Captain Marvel Iron Fist OG Hulk Red Skull Moon Knight NightCrawler
Ms Marvel OG Spider-Man Rocket Raccoon Black Panther CW Cyclops
Kamala Khan OG/WW2 Captain America Iron Patriot Beast
Drax Rhino Green Goblin
Groot Electro Lab Ultron
Phoenix Ant-Man
Symbiote Spider-man

Go choose the best champions to win the battles in the game with this Marvel Contest Of Champions (MCOC) Tier List.

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Power: Quantum reality manipulation

Jamie Braddock possesses an incredibly powerful mutation, granting him reality manipulation abilities that allow him to transform the world by manipulating invisible string constructs, also known as “quantum reality manipulation .”As an Omega-level quantum reality manipulator, he can create pocket realities and split his own timeline into numerous branches.

Additionally, he can create new beings and objects with a simple thought, duplicate people and timelines, manipulate powers, heal wounds, resurrect the dead, exert mind control, and cast illusions. His range and power have grown with recent events and Krakoan resurrections, making him capable of creating without his previous restrictions.

2. Капитан Марвел

Из-за огромной силы Капитана Марвел с ней трудно считаться, что является одной из причин, по которой ее появление в MCU до сих пор было настолько ограниченным. В отличие от Алой Ведьмы и некоторых других героев из этого списка, Кэрол Дэнверс удалось полностью раскрыть свои способности в своем первом фильме, и с тех пор она проводит большую часть своего времени за пределами мира, помогая другим планетам.

Однако когда она появляется на больших боях, она меняет правила игры. У нее нет шанса, но кажется, что она может правдоподобно победить Таноса, и ее появление в Финале коренным образом меняет ход этой битвы.

Molecule Man

As far as mortal beings go, none can compare to Molecule Man. Despite his name, his power is simple but horrifyingly strong: he can control all molecules, even atoms themselves. That makes Molecule Man’s power only limited by his imagination.

If we wished it, the Molecule Man could destroy the Earth with a thought or even create an entirely new Earth. Indeed, when the multiverse collapsed during the “Secret Wars” event, it was revealed that the cause was a bomb- a bomb constructed from multiple realities’ Molecule Men. Indeed, it was only Molecule Man’s power that restored some fraction of the multiverse in the form of Doom’s Battleworld.


Thor’s had character flaws, family flaws, hair flaws, and an arc that’s involved him morphing from an arrogant meathead unworthy of wielding his own hammer to a mindful warrior who sacrifices all of Asgard to save his own people. But there’s also a reason why more than one MCU film has saved his introduction until the third act fight, creating a massive crowd-pleasing moment.

Thor’s raw Asgardian power, durability, speed, and nifty knack for being able to create game-changing lightning charges out of thin air allow him to soar in from above and completely clear a battlefield. Dude’s over a thousand years old and has bested Dark Elves, Frost Giants, galactic fire demons, and a plate of hard-earned, artery-clogging shawarma. He’s also withstood the heat of a dying star. Yeah, he’s a keeper.

White Sword

Power: Healing

The “White Sword” was originally a mutant from Okkara, who took up his father’s sword and led an army of One Hundred Champions to invade Amenth as an advance guard during the Amenthi Daemon invasion of Okkara. Blue’s actions provided the mutants with crucial time and an advantage in the war.

After the battle, the White Sword vanished and was presumed dead, only to reappear deep within Amenth, where he built the Ivory Spire and defended against the demons, leaving behind a trail of crucified Daemons as evidence of his hatred.White Sword’s other superpower (besides hating demons) is healing. He is an Omega-level healer capable of resurrecting the dead. Each morning he resurrects his One Hundred Champions every morning to face the demons.

White Sword is basically also a necromancer since, after the resurrection, he can place his resurrected “undead thrall” under his service and add it to his army.

Kid Omega

Power: Telepathy

Like Jean Grey, Quentin was also at one point the host for Phoenix Force, and like Jean Grey, he is a powerful telepath, telekinetic, and psionic of the highest order. He possesses incredible cognitive abilities, allowing him to process data at high speeds, project ideas into others’ minds, and effortlessly shield himself from psychic attacks. He can also generate an impressive ten million brilliant thoughts per second.

However, pushing his powers too far can lead to him passing out and falling into a coma as his DNA reboots itself. Over time, his abilities evolved from healing single wounds to healing multiple people simultaneously, resurrecting others, and manipulating life force.

Omega Red

Power: Death Factor

Arkady Rossovich, aka Omega Red, possesses lethal pheromones known as death spores, which weaken or kill those in his vicinity based on their endurance and proximity to him.

He can emit these spores from his body but risks eroding his own body if he doesn’t secrete them successfully and fully. He can also drain the life force of other humans through his tentacles, using them as conduits to sustain himself and gain strength and healing abilities.

His recent resurrection has made his spores even more potent, and he no longer emits them as pheromones but keeps them circulating through his tentacles.


Power: Power manifestation

Now the reason for Haller being so high up on this list is pretty simple but complicated at the same time. Legion has the ability to manifest superpowers, but he also has a broken mind, which leads him to develop multiple personalities. The catch? Every time a personality is born, Legion manifests an Omega-level superpower for that personality. It’s estimated that Legion currently holds around 200 personalities with 200 Omega-level powers, ranging from pyrokinetic to omniscient seers.

While Rogue was inside Legion’s mind, she saw over a thousands of possible superpowers and new ones being created all the time.

Emma Frost

Power: Telepathy

Emma Frost, like many on this list, is not only a legendary mutant but also one of incredible power. Emma is a world-class telepath with abilities similar to those of Charles Xavier, capable of broadcasting and receiving thoughts, mind control, altering perceptions and memories, and projecting offensive blasts of psionic energy.

She can erect powerful psionic shields for protection and remove other psychic shields. Emma possesses telepathic and mind-cloaking abilities, allowing her to mask her presence and rearrange mental engrams to avoid detection by other telepaths and mutant scanning devices. She can also create realistic telepathic illusions and induce experiences that aren’t actually happening.


Герой является смесью органики и разумного, а простыми словами – андроидом. От смерти его защищает вибраниум – спецспособность, позволяющая ему практически не замечать урон даже огромной силы. Даже повреждений на теле незаметно, а Камень Разума дает ему возможность экспериментировать с плотностью своего тела. Все это вместе дает ему неоспоримые преимущества: суперсила, неосязаемость, сверхбыстрый полет и мгновенная остановка.

По сути, Вижен – это огромный сгусток энергии, который при необходимости расплавляет или уничтожает любой известный материал. Его способность также может распространяться на компьютерные сети: персонаж смог однажды взломать даже Альтрона, пусть наш герой и оказался парализованным на время.


Granted, we never really saw “peak Vision” in the MCU, given all he can do (and the fact that he was created and powered by an actual Infinity Stone). He vanquished an already-trashed Ultron fairly easily, but after that there were a lot of stop-starts for this vibranium-made mixtape of J.A.R.V.I.S.

He got lost in the mix in Civil War and then barely got out of the gates in Infinity War (before getting killed twice). On WandaVision, he existed in two different, yet equally-disturbing, ways… but his powers weren’t even the focus of that show.

Vision’s a heroic hodgepodge of superpowers who can, ultimately, decimate just about anyone in his path. From invulnerability to density manipulation to firing blasts from the Mind Stone stuck to his forehead (when he had it), Vision’s a bastion of battle-ready brutality. We only ever scratched the surface with him though. Perhaps more Vis awaits us…

The One-Above-All

As its name suggests, there isn’t one being more powerful than the One-Above-All. Sitting at the very apex of the cosmic pecking order, the One-Above-All is the most powerful being in the Marvel multiverse. Both omnipotent and omniscient, it alone possesses greater power than the Living Tribunal and Beyonders and acts as the Marvel Universe’s supreme being.

The One-Above-All is believed to represent the most revered real-life architects of the Marvel universe, Jack Kirby and Stan Lee. In the past, he has taken the form of Jack Kirby to symbolize his true power: the supreme creator of the Marvel universe.

Mister M

Power: Matter manipulation

Absolon Mercator, also known as Mister M, is an Omega-level mutant with virtually omnipotent matter manipulation powers, allowing him to alter molecular structures without limitations.

He can manipulate complex machines, make himself intangible, generate electricity, and manipulate air to suffocate others. Mercator can also depower mutants, amplify powers, and manipulate organic matter for biological changes, healing, regeneration, and even creating new life forms like butterflies and pterodactyls.

He can create force fields to contain large objects, has flight capabilities, is telepathically immune, and can generate controlled nuclear explosions of incredibly destructive power.

Scarlet Witch

When Scarlet Witch was first introduced in /, she definitely wasn’t the most powerful hero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. At that time she had only just started accessing her abilities, and while it allowed her to do cool things like cause hallucinations and harness energy, her powers kept her on . Now, however, in the wake of WandaVision, things are much different in the canon, and it’s a challenge to argue against the fact that Wanda Maximoff is the strongest Marvel hero alive.

As gifted as all of the other heroes mentioned in this list are, right now there is no ability in the franchise greater than Scarlet Witch’s capacity to warp reality to her will. She may not have 100 percent total control over her power just yet (hence the plot of WandaVision), but that doesn’t mean that she’s less strong; she’s just more dangerous. She’ll be back on the big screen soon in Sam Raimi’s , and we only expect the character’s strengths to advance further.

These are the rankings as things currently stand in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but the franchise has the capacity to totally change with each newly released project – and we’ll keep updating this feature accordingly. To discover everything that is ahead for the canon, both on the big screen and the small, check out our , and our .

Up next:


If this feature was written after only watching about half of Avengers: Endgame, Thor probably wouldn’t be as high up on this list, as he definitely suffered a bad crisis of confidence following his initial encounter with Thanos and let himself go a bit too much. That isn’t the point of view I’m writing from, however, and the truth of the matter is that the God of Thunder bounces back quite considerably by the end of the Infinity Saga’s capstone blockbuster. Sure, he still has a few pounds to shed, and he no longer possesses the political power that comes with being the king of Asgard, but his spirit has been rebuilt, and his abilities are as spectacular as ever.

Both Mjolnir and Stormbreaker are immensely powerful weapons that few in the universe other than Thor can wield, but as we learn in , the Asgardian merely channels his power into them. His lightning abilities are entirely innate and god-like, and combined with his durability and strength he is unquestionably still one of the most powerful heroes in the Marvel universe. The rankings may change when comes out and we witness the ascension of Jane Foster’s Mighty Thor, but until then the Chris Hemsworth character keeps the three spot on this list.

2. Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel is unlike any being in existence. Having had her DNA changed by an explosion of Tesseract energy, and then receiving a Kree blood transfusion, she is neither totally human nor totally alien. What she definitely is, however, is powerful. When she fully understands what it is that she is capable of, her abilities grow and grow, and as such there was a time when she stood as the strongest hero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (we’ll get into why she’s not anymore in a moment).

If one needs any proof of Carol Danvers’ spectacular power, one need not look any further than her arrival during the final battle in Avengers: Endgame. She is viewed as so dangerous by the alien forces that she diverts the attention of all the weapons on Thanos’ ship, Sanctuary II, away from the rest of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, and then she demonstrates why that was probably the best call by single-handedly destroying the city-sized vessel. Her ability to fly and harness cosmic energy is remarkable, and she is definitely a hero you want around when things are going Armageddon-level wrong.

1. Scarlet Witch

When Scarlet Witch was first introduced in /, she definitely wasn’t the most powerful hero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. At that time she had only just started accessing her abilities, and while it allowed her to do cool things like cause hallucinations and harness energy, her powers kept her on . Now, however, in the wake of WandaVision, things are much different in the canon, and it’s a challenge to argue against the fact that Wanda Maximoff is the strongest Marvel hero alive.

As gifted as all of the other heroes mentioned in this list are, right now there is no ability in the franchise greater than Scarlet Witch’s capacity to warp reality to her will. She may not have 100 percent total control over her power just yet (hence the plot of WandaVision), but that doesn’t mean that she’s less strong; she’s just more dangerous. She’ll be back on the big screen soon in Sam Raimi’s , and we only expect the character’s strengths to advance further.

These are the rankings as things currently stand in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but the franchise has the capacity to totally change with each newly released project – and we’ll keep updating this feature accordingly. To discover everything that is ahead for the canon, both on the big screen and the small, check out our , and our .


Железный человек
Настоящий человек, обладающий гениальными умственными способностями, интеллектом, инженерным талантом. А еще, Тони Старк – бабник, гений, богатый отпрыск, погибших в автокатастрофе, родителей-промышленников. Его компания производила новые виды оружия и на одном из испытаний в Афганистане, команда Старка попала в плен к могущественному оружейному барону. Последний предложил ему в обмен на жизнь поработать на Зло, и чтобы спастись, Тони согласился.

Итогом гения ученого стал боевой костюм, способный генерировать магнитное поле и защищать своего владельца. Помимо этого, облачение в него дает нечеловеческую силу, обладатель теперь может поднять 90 тонн, а многочисленные встроенные пушки, лазеры и ракеты уничтожают все живое. Кстати, костюм не просто позволяет стать супергероем, но жизненно необходим Железному человеку – в Афганистане он был ранен и теперь жизнедеятельность его сердца зависит только от его защиты.

1. Arishem

Image used with permission by copyright holder

One of the Celestials, Arishem the Judge is a being of such immense power that humans can only vaguely grasp what he’s actually capable of. Arishem is so powerful that he created the Eternals, a race of beings that, in and of themselves, are also incredibly powerful. His intentions may not always align with what’s good for the Earth, but Arishem is probably the most powerful being we’ve met in the MCU, at least to date.

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11. Человек-муравей

Человек-муравей объективно является супергероем, но именно квантовая технология, на которой основан его костюм, в конечном итоге позволяет Мстителям открывать путешествия во времени. Его способность входить в Квантовый мир в сочетании с сверхсилой, которую он получает, становясь очень маленьким, делает его удивительно могущественным Мстителем.

Все это верно еще до того, как мы узнаем о том, что он также способен стать настоящим гигантом. Как Человек-гигант, он смог сразиться с силами Канга Завоевателя и свергнуть всю его империю в Квантумании . У него все еще есть некоторые слабости, но если вы собираете армию супергероев, вы почти наверняка захотите, чтобы Человек-муравей был в вашей команде.


Убийственный титан, обладающий собственной армией и способный нести смерть и разрушения всему живому. Он перемещается со своим отрядом по космическому пространству, их жертвами становятся не просто отдельные персонажи, но целые народы/расы/планеты. В своем стремлении стать самым могущественным по Вселенной, Танос рыскает в поисках волшебных камней и куба, попутно уничтожая непокорных и дерзких.

Секрет его непобедимости кроется в фиолетовой коже, которая впитывает силу и энергию самого космоса, а его глаза способны уничтожать врагов лазерами. Его команда – опасные ребята, у которых лучше не стоять на пути, так как Танос пленных не берет.

Mad Jim Jaspers

Power: Reality manipulation

Sir James Jaspers is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, surpassing even some of the cosmic entities. His reality manipulation abilities allow him to warp matter and energy on a vast scale, distort space to create tesseract spaces and alter his own form and stature at will.

In his less powerful Earth-238 version, Jaspers’ reality-warping became so uncontrollable that the entire universe had to be destroyed to prevent its spread. The Earth-616 version of Jaspers was even more potent, with Merlyn warning that he could cause chaos in the omniverse and become a hostile god if left unchecked. You know that you are extremely powerful when an entire universe needs to be purged because of your “whoopsie”

9 Джессика Джонс


Говоря о Джессике Джонс, сама леди — центр нашей следующей записи. Следуя по стопам Сорвиголовы, Джонс также получила свое собственное шоу на Netflix, чтобы полностью изучить персонажа и интегрировать ее в MCU. На протяжении всего шоу ее способности никогда полностью не объясняются и не проверяются. В комиксах она фактически становится несколькими героями в масках, прежде чем стать частным детективом. Шоу на самом деле не касается этого, а вместо этого поднимает характер, с которого она пересекалась с разрушительной силой Пурпурного Человека.

Тем не менее, в рамках шоу мы видим, как Джессика Джонс демонстрирует свою невероятную силу и неуязвимость, хотя она терпит поражение или два. Но она все еще гораздо более долговечна, чем любой человек! Плюс, конечно, есть ее способность летать или, по крайней мере, прыгать очень высоко и далеко, не причиняя себе вреда, когда она приземляется.

Jean Grey

Power: Telepathy/telekinesis

Fans have become uncomfortably familiar with Jean’s powers during the ‘Dark Phoenix’ Saga when this multiversal entity bound with Jean and well brought her powers to another level completely.

Jean Grey is an Omega-level mutant, possessing both Omega-level telepathic and telekinetic abilities, making her the most powerful and skilled telepath in the Marvel Universe. As the host of the Phoenix Force, she becomes one of the second most powerful Abstract Entities in the mainline universe.

Initially limited to telekinesis, her powers grew exponentially after being influenced by the Phoenix Force, granting her incredible cosmic-level abilities and making her a global and universal-level threat as the Dark Phoenix.


Данный персонаж «Марвел» – это норвежский бог грома, спокойно может уничтожить любую планету и управлять погодой. Молнии, гром, полеты сквозь пространство – все это под силу Тору.

Забавный факт: по комиксам он настолько силен и могущественен, что для фильма ему пришлось снизить уровень силы. Иначе, практически любой другой персонаж будет уничтожен за 30 секунд, и зрителю нечего будет смотреть.

Кроме всего прочего, Тор обладает бессмертием, и воевать с ним просто смертельная глупость. В свое время герой сражался с самыми знаковыми персонажами вселенной, и при желании сможет разнести металлический скелет Росомахи.

5. Infinity Ultron

Disney+ / Disney+

This variant of Ultron succeeded in uploading himself into Vision’s body, which allowed him to defeat the Avengers, annihilate humanity, steal the remaining Infinity Stones from Thanos, and subsequently destroy all life in his universe. But even that didn’t stop him, as he was able to hear the Watcher’s voice and discover the existence of the Multiverse, showing there’s seemingly no end to how high he can ascend.

With all six Infinity Stones, this Ultron variant is able to overwhelm the likes of Thor, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch, Strange Supreme, and even The Watcher. He can also create an entire robot army out of thin air and take a bite out of an entire galaxy. If the Guardians of the Multiverse didn’t stop him when they did, who knows what kind of destruction this Ultron could have unleashed?

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