Обзор ea sports ufc 4

Striking and grappling in ‘EA Sports UFC 4’?

Fans of the series will see some significant changes to gameplay for this installment.

There will be a new submission system that is more reminiscent of the «WWE 2K» series rather than the two-stick submission attempts. Striking inputs have also been overhauled where shoulder button modifiers are removed and striking will focus how long you press a button. Players can throw quicker strikes with a tap, while holding the button will result in slower, more damaging blows. 

Grappling has also seen some adjustments. The clinch game won’t operate like the ground game in previous installments. Instead, «UFC 4» will introduce what is called Real Player Motion Technology that will offer a more fluid experience. The clinch is integrated as part of the striking system and allows for more fluid and frequent clinch and break moments.

There will also be a grapple assist function that will streamline the ground game and use basic left stick inputs to trigger transitions. Ground and pound won’t be as static as it was in previous games. Fighters will be able to pick their spots to strike while those on the defensive end will have access to more tools to avoid taking damage and reverse position. 

More animations have been added to takedown attempts. There will be a number of different takedowns that range from power double legs to driving takedowns where both fighters will jockey for position.  

В своих базовых механиках UFC 4 не стала дружелюбнее к новичкам — пальцы в ней ломаются так же, как и в предыдущих частях.

Все выпуски UFC от EA известны сложным управлением, к которому нужно долго привыкать. Новая часть положение не исправляет — да и вряд ли его вообще можно исправить.

Как вообще в игре работает бой в стойке? Две кнопки для левого и правого джеба; еще две для левого и правого лоукика. Если хочешь бить в корпус, то нужно предварительно зажать специальную кнопку-модификатор. Звучит просто? Но дальше эти «модификаторы» начинают наслаиваться друг на друга. Например, нужно зажать отдельную кнопку, чтобы джеб превратился в хук. А если тебе нужен хук в корпус, то нужно нажимать уже три кнопки сразу. Для некоторых ударов нужно не просто выкручивать пальцы, а реально менять хват геймпада. Провернуть такое за секунду, в горячке боя, просто невозможно. В UFC 4 разработчики попытались упростить систему, перекинув выполнение некоторых сложных ударов на долгое нажатие определенных кнопок, чтобы не приходилась зажимать комбинации. Местами это удобнее, но запоминать все равно нужно дофига. 

В этом плане UFC от EA всегда напоминала мне хардкорные файтинги вроде The King of Fighters и Street Fighter. Как там приходится заучивать специальные атаки, связки и комбо, так и здесь ты зубришь все эти безумные комбинации для нанесения особых ударов у любимых бойцов. 

Is there a trailer for EA Sports UFC 4?

At the end of July 2020, EA Sports unveiled a new career mode for EA Sports UFC 4 with a brand-new trailer. It highlighted the four pillars of the new mode: fighter evolution, relationship system, unscripted storyline and injury system.


A gameplay trailer for the game was also released in July 2020. It shared details about the improved combat changes players can expect, alongside new takedowns, updated throws and clinch control and more.

EA Sports UFC 4 was originally announced in July 2020 with an action-packed trailer that featured both UFC middleweight champion Israel Adesanya and welterweight division fighter Jorge Masvidal, as well as the upcoming game’s new features.

Режим карьеры почти не изменился, а вот аналог FIFA Ultimate Team из игры убрали.

Карьера, за исключением мелких особенностей, работает так же, как и в третьей части. Заключаем контракты на бои, а между ними тренируемся и подогреваем к матчу интерес, давая интервью и устраивая щитпостинг в твиттере. И так, пока здоровье не закончится. Самое заметное изменение — сила ударов растет на тренировках органически. Спаррингуешь с боксером, активно используя джебы — джебы становятся сильнее, логично и просто. 

А вот в рейтинговый онлайн стал проще и слава богу. В третьей части был совершенно сатанинский вариант FIFA Ultimate Team. Тебе выпадали бустеры с рандомными бойцами в разных весовых категориях. Так же рандомно на них падали перки, новые приемы и усиления. Все это было жестко завязано на донат и вообще никак не походило на скилл-плей. Выйти однозведочным бойцом с базовыми приемами против пятизвездочного Макгрегора с полным набором лучших перков — смерть. 

Теперь все максимально просто. Выбрал рейтинговый бой, игра рандомно назначает тебе весовую категорию, выбираешь из нее любого бойца (можно и своего, созданного) и вперед. И все равны. Побеждает навык и знание. И уже на основании твоей статистики игра определяет тебя в разные дивизионы и дает тайтл-шоты.

Первая UFC открывала текущее консольное поколение, а четвертая часть его закрывает и делает это достойно. Это лучший выпуск серии и лучшая игра про ММА вообще за все время. Да, она все еще не для всех, но пока серия остается реалистичной, иначе быть и не может. Единственное, что вызывает вопросы — отсутствие у ЕА планов на улучшение игры под новое поколение. Но все еще может измениться.

A simplified approach

Source: EA Sports (Image credit: Source: EA Sports)

One of the biggest changes to UFC 4 seems to have focused on was making the game a bit more welcoming for newcomers. While a complex fighting system can still be found if you dig deep enough, players who are new to the series won’t have anywhere close to the challenge getting used to things that they used to. UFC 4 comes packed with more tutorial options and allows for in-game popups, allowing you to get tips and tricks as you go through a fight. In the Octagon, gameplay has also been tweaked, starting with on the mat fighting.

In previous iterations of UFC, fights that occurred on the ground could be tweaked depending on a variety of analog stick movements, allowing players to change between getting up, trying to submit someone, or getting into a ground and pound session. While this still exists in UFC 4, the ways you do it are much simpler. Instead of having to memorize the older system, UFC 4 simply asks players to use the left analog stick to make decisions.

Pressing it up, left, or right will result in your fighting doing one of three things, with more options branching out from there. It’s probably one of the single biggest changes to the game, and it’s handled very well. In previous entries, taking fights to the ground used to result in some major moments of frustration on my end. Now, though, I’m able to maneuver through them with more ease, and can get back into the fight without losing or sacrificing too much stamina.

Как играть в игру, подсказки

2. Используйте разные стили боя: в UFC 4 доступны различные стили боя, такие как бокс, кикбоксинг, борьба и др. Используйте их в зависимости от вашего соперника и ситуации на ринге.

3. Осуществляйте блоки: блок — это важная защитная техника, которая может защитить вас от ударов соперника. Используйте блоки в нужный момент, чтобы не получить урон.

4. Не забывайте про болевые приемы: в UFC 4 есть множество болевых приемов, которые могут помочь вам победить соперника. Используйте их, чтобы отправить своего противника в нокаут.

5. Наблюдайте за выносливостью: выносливость — это важный показатель, который может влиять на ваши действия и скорость реакции. Не забывайте следить за выносливостью вашего бойца и отдыхайте в нужный момент.

6. Практикуйте комбинации: умение создавать комбинации из различных приемов — это важный навык в UFC 4. Практикуйте различные комбинации и применяйте их в бою.

7. Используйте способности и перки: в UFC 4 есть специальные способности и перки, которые могут улучшить ваши характеристики и приемы. Используйте их, чтобы получить преимущество над соперником.

8. Не забывайте про граунд: борьба на земле — это важная часть UFC 4. Не забывайте улучшать свои навыки борьбы и использовать приемы на земле, чтобы одержать победу.

9. Следите за тактикой: каждый соперник уникален и требует своей тактики боя. Следите за действиями вашего соперника и изменяйте свою тактику в соответствии с ситуацией на ринге.

Who will be featured in the EA Sports UFC 4 roster?

EA Sports has been slowly releasing the roster of fighters available in EA Sports UFC 4 through its Star Rating system list. It currently includes 30 different playable fighters, ranging from current UFC flyweight champion Deiveson Figueiredo to former UFC Women’s strawweight champion Jéssica Andrade.

World heavyweight boxing champions Tyson Fury and Anthony Joshua will also be included in EA Sports UFC 4, but will be exclusive to players who pre-order the game. It is currently unknown if the two fighters can be unlocked without pre-ordering.

The game is also set to introduce a new star rating system to help players understand the strengths and weaknesses of the game’s roster of fighters. The new mechanic “allows for a better assortment of fighters when playing online or against friends on the couch. This will help you determine who has the highest punch power or highest kick speed in each division and allow comparisons of individual attributes on each fighter”, EA explained.

The final round

I’ve enjoyed every UFC game from EA Sports over the last several years. Like most of you, I primarily used my created fighter in career mode, often avoiding the online play because I had no desire to invest in the convoluted grappling and submission systems. Watching UFC 4 gameplay, though, I’m filled with hope and excitement that we’re about to get our hands on what could potentially be the best MMA game ever released. Time will tell, but everything I saw and outlined here today seemed like a step forward.

EA Sports UFC 4 will release on August 14, 2020 for the PS4 and Xbox One. 

Managing Editor

Bill, who is also known as Rumpo, is a lifelong gamer and Toronto Maple Leafs fan. He made his mark early in his career through guide writing and a deep understanding of editorial SEO. He enjoys putting in the work to create a great content, be it a wild feature or grinding out an in-depth collectible guide. Tweet him @RumpoPlays if you have a question or comment about one of his articles.

Should you buy EA Sports UFC 4?

Source: EA Sports (Image credit: Source: EA Sports)

With not many other fighting game options even available to players, UFC 4 almost becomes a must-buy regardless. Thankfully, though, the game offers more than enough improvements to warrant serious fans of the sport buying it, and even has enough for newcomers to the sport or fans just looking for a fun time to check out.

The tweaks to the various game modes and simplified approach to the fighting make for a much better experience than in years past. Blitz Battles and the new Knockout and Stand & Bang modes are also great additions that succeed in keeping things from getting too stale too fast. All in all, EA Vancouver has succeeded in taking a franchise that looked ready for a knockout and taking the right steps in getting back into the fight.

EA Sports UFC 4 retails for $60 and is available on Xbox and PlayStation 4.

EA Sports UFC 4

Jump into the ring.

EA Sports UFC 4 offers a return to form for the classic fighting game. With an improved and simplified fighting system and the ability to fight in more places, fans of the sport are in for a treat.

What you might not love about EA Sports UFC 4

Source: EA Sports (Image credit: Source: EA Sports)

Many of the core functions and aspects of UFC 4 have changed for the better. There’s still not a whole lot to do once you’re deep into the game. Offline modes can offer some fun moments — especially in the new Stand & Bang outdoor fighting mode — but the predictability of the AI opponents and general receptiveness of the fights can get a bit boring. Thankfully, the online modes of UFC 4 offer various ways to change up the pace, but if you’re someone who would rather not play against real people, you’re stuck to a limited set of options.

Outside of the game modes, one of the more frustrating aspects of UFC 4 has to do with its gameplay. While the simplified fighting and general tuning of things has been very well done, the on the mat fighting — when you’re on the ground with an opponent — still don’t seem quite there. EA Vancouver has done a great job making it easier to get into and out of grapples, but locking someone into a submission or successfully taking someone to the ground just doesn’t feel as satisfying as the stand-up fighting does. Luckily, EA Vancouver seems on the right track in this department, so this is more of a fixable problem than something that will hinder the game longterm.

What are the gameplay changes coming to EA Sports UFC 4?

EA Sports UFC 4 is set to feature a slew of gameplay changes that will improve the overall experience of the franchise. It includes new striking mechanics, a revamped clinch system and updated takedowns.

Striking in the upcoming EA Sports UFC 4 has been simplified. Multiple button taps will now unleash quick combinations, while a long-press will result in more damaging, and flashier, attacks.

EA Sports UFC 4. Credit: EA Sports

On the other hand, clinch will now no-longer share the same controls as grappling on the ground. The new mechanic will make it so that players can now throw punches from different angles, engage and exit the clinch at will, and use it to disrupt their opponent’s attack.

Locomotion has been added to takedown attempts, which gives players more opportunities to deny or finish takedowns. More submissions have also been added into the game, such as flying triangles and standing guillotines.

The game also originally featured live in-game advertisements at release, but the feature was later removed after backlash from fans. “It is abundantly clear from your feedback that integrating ads into the Replay and overlay experience is not welcome. The advertisements have been disabled by the team and we apologize for any disruption to gameplay that players may have experienced,” the developer said.

Сюжет игры

Игра начинается с создания своего персонажа. Игрок выбирает внешний вид, стиль боя, навыки и характеристики своего персонажа. Затем игрок отправляется в зал тренировок, где он сможет улучшить свои навыки и подготовиться к боям.

После тренировок игрок готов к первому бою. Его противник — опытный боец, который уже доказал свое мастерство в октагоне. Бой проходит в захватывающем темпе, и игроку удается одержать победу. Он получает деньги, призы и новых фанатов.

Далее игрок продолжает свой путь к вершинам UFC, сражаясь с лучшими бойцами в мире. Каждый бой становится все сложнее, но игрок не сдаётся и продолжает прогрессировать.

В конце игры игрок сражается с самым талантливым бойцом в UFC. Этот бой становится для него настоящим испытанием, но он не сдаётся и побеждает своего противника.

Игрок становится новым чемпионом UFC и получает награды, славу и уважение. Он доказал, что талант, упорство и тренировки могут привести к успеху в мире боевых искусств.

Get your jiu-jitsu on

If you played enough UFC 3, there were probably times you found yourself in a submission attempt from your opponent and you just set the controller down. You were doomed. You knew you were facing someone who was skilled in submissions. The Damien Maia of video game MMA if you will. You had little chance to defend the submission, and even less chance to get up, assuming you remembered the controls to do so.

EA Vancouver looks to simplify both the grappling and submission systems with a grappling assist feature and two mini games for submissions, one for joints and one for chokes. With grappling assist, players can utilize the left stick to get up, attempt a submission, or engage in ground and pound. These new grapple control settings include a full grapple assist mode, a hybrid mode, and the legacy controls. Skilled players can keep doing what they did in previous iterations of the game, but casual players can utilize a simpler control scheme that makes the entire grappling experience less intimidating.

With submissions, there will be simpler mechanics that depend on keeping pace with your opponent’s movements instead of flicking the left stick in eight different directions within five seconds. The old way of performing or escaping submissions used to be frantic and twitchy, whereas the new system appears to flow naturally and allow for fluid movements to lock something in or defend. As someone who found the grappling and submission mini-games frustrating in past UFC titles, this is a change I’m excited for.

В UFC 4 наконец-то появился режим без грэпплинга, а игра в целом стала веселее.

Это вообще главное. И в сингловых, и в онлайновых боях теперь есть режим «Удары из стойки» — без партера, только стойка и клинчи. Этого сильно не хватало с самой первой части. Жаль, что в карьере «Удары из стойки» включить нельзя. В предыдущей части, конечно, был «Режим нокаутов», в котором партер был отключен, но бой велся до определенного числа пропущенных ударов — это все же не то. «Режим нокаутов» в четверке, к слову тоже остался и даже стал лучше. Теперь в нем не счетчик ударов, а полоска здоровья, как в обычных файтингах. Лучшая вещь для посиделок с друзьями под пиво.

Игра вообще стала веселее, несмотря на возросшую реалистичность. Так здесь в качестве ринга появился задний двор дома — в такой атмосфере особенно приятно устраивать подпольные стычки Брюса Ли и Дэйны Уайта. Еще подраться можно на арене в пещере при свете факелов — объявлять бойцов при этом будет голос, один в один как у Шао-Кана. А на созданного в редакторе бойца можно напялить маску лучадора и гладиаторскую юбку.

How good is UFC 4?

The UFC franchise has only improved with each sequel, eclipsing the very moderate reception that had befallen the first game in 2014. UFC 4, which came out in 2020, felt like the most refined mixed martial arts experience available out there.

The game’s visuals are still not on par with the best in the business. However, the overall experience is remarkable. It’s headlined by the new submission system and career mode additions that have been introduced by the developers.

While the submission system introduces a whole new dimension to the game, the career mode allows you to create your own custom fighter as you advance in your career by choosing to accept or decline fights.

Compared to its predecessors, this game also featured an improved and streamlined control scheme. And as far as multiplayer gameplay is concerned, Blitz Battles and Online World Championships have been added by the developers.

Different fighting arenas have made their way into the mixed martial arts game, with the Octagon no longer being the only place for you to spar with your opponents. The Backyard is a new fighting arena that was added post-release, while another is an underground fighting arena called Kumite.

Fans were disappointed to find out that Ultimate Team did not return to the UFC franchise with this entry. It allowed gamers to create a team and train it to lead the participants into a variety of single-player and online multiplayer fight modes.

Why Is UFC 4 Not on PC?

Despite the outcry of fans to bring the MMA licensed fighting series on PC there still has not been any official talk on the matter. EA has provided no explanation as to why UFC 4 is not coming to PC despite the obvious demand for the game on the platform.

Based on some credible assumptions there are some reasons as to why EA has still refrained from bringing the UFC series on PC. The most common assumption with the greatest consensus from both fans and industry critics is that EA is not bringing UFC 4 to PC because of licensing issues.

Since the UFC series is an officially licensed MMA game EA is bound by a set of rules and regulations and a contract they cannot breach. If the original contract only allows for a console release or doesn’t include the possible scale and expansion of the game on other platforms, then EA is obliged to follow that. Failure to comply with the terms will result in the EA and UFC series of the game getting stripped of their official license.

The other possible explanation that many people agree on is that the game is not released on PC due to piracy issues. As you know PC games are prone to piracy and therefore in a sensitive game like UFC it can result in a very alarming situation. This explanation however in my opinion seems a little vague and out of context. In this day and age anti-piracy technologies have progressed a lot and Steam, the flagship platform for PC games, is also more secure and reliable than ever.

Lastly, the final case for the lack of release of UFC 4 perpetrates from the fact that EA doesn’t see the game being profitable on PC. Maybe the business of EA at this time doesn’t align with the release of UFC 4 on PC and they have other projects on hand that they consider more important to sink time and money in.

Whatever the case, I believe EA should at least come up with a concrete response to this query that has affected many people. Until then we can only wait for an official response from the team responsible for the UFC game at EA.

Look good while doing it

Guess who the most popular fighter was in EA Sports UFC 3? You’re thinking McGregor, but it wasn’t. The most popular fighter was the one you created, and EA Vancouver is using this information to give players more options for their fighter via their universal avatar system. This system makes your created fighter available in all weight classes, meaning if you’re fighting at 135 pounds and want to take on Daniel Cormier at heavyweight, your created fighter can scale to that weight class. No need to make a new one.

Since this created fighter can follow you anywhere, there’s a laundry list of new customization options, including new hairstyles, facial hair, tattoos, shorts, tops, gloves, and accessories. All these items, which have no impact on gameplay, will be unlockable through gameplay progression through your connected player profile that allows you to earn in-game rewards in any mode. Microtransactions are there if you choose to use them, but we were told that virtually everything was unlockable through gameplay. You can even step away from Reebok with your apparel, but only with your created fighter. Who’s ready to wear some Pride gear?

The presentation overhaul continues with the new fighting environments players can enjoy. We all know that Kimbo Slice made backyard brawling famous, but UFC 4 co-cover athlete, Jorge Masvidal, has recently returned it to the spotlight. The BMF (Baddest Motherf*cker) champ started in back yards, and now you can brawl there too. This is in addition to the Kumite, an environment that pays homage to cinematic lore of MMA and combat sports, and the UFC Apex center where events have been held recently due to the ongoing pandemic. Unfortunately, we don’t get a Fight Island at launch, but we do get an Action Avenue location meant to showcase the early stages of an MMA career.

When the action begins, wherever you choose to partake in it, expect to find a new camera angle that’s lower than it was in UFC 3, as well as something EA Vancouver is called high impact movements. When you deliver a fight changing shot, expect to see and hear the devastation in slow motion, down to the ripples on a fighters face when they get cracked.

To round out what I would say are across-the-board presentation improvements, Daniel Cormier will step in for Joe Rogan and sit alongside Jon Anik in the broadcast booth. Rogan’s commentary has been widely criticized throughout the series, but it appears those challenges are a thing of the past. As someone who watches a metric butt load of MMA, if Cormier and Anik bring even a sliver of their chemistry to UFC 4, we’re all in for a treat.

Is UFC 4 crossplay between:

PC and PS4?

EA Sports UFC 4 is available to play only on the PS4 and the Xbox One. Moreover, EA Vancouver has no plans of releasing a PC version, as far as we know. So there’s no question of cross platform gaming between these two platforms coming out in the future.

PC and Android?

No, UFC 4 cross platform play is again impossible on these platforms as the game is not available on either of them. Only the first ever UFC game was released for Android and iOS. All other versions have been exclusive to PS4 and Xbox One.

Xbox One and PC?

Both Xbox One and PC are Microsoft’s gaming platforms; so it would have been easy for EA Vancouver to make UFC 4 cross platform between these game platforms. But due to the fact that they didn’t release the title on PC, this is not a reality.

PS4/PS5 and PC?

As we said, this fighting sports video game is not available on PC in the first place. So there’s no question of cross platform functionality being a possibility for PC users.

What Are Other Popular Sports Games?

Sports video games are a dime a dozen. But only a few manage to actually get you totally engrossed in the experience with their gameplay. Worldwide, the FIFA series receives universal love each year, with FIFA 23 being the most popular sports game out there right now.

Sports majorly played in North America have also spawned plenty of big game franchises. Madden NFL 23 is one of them; it allows football fans to enjoy their favorite sport to the fullest. There’s also NBA 2K23, which is a great way for gamers to indulge in frantic basketball matches.

PGA Tour 2K23 is a neat experience for golf aficionados, while skateboarding fans always swear by games from the Tony Hawk’s series. Owners of the Nintendo Switch can opt for Nintendo Switch Sports, an awesome game that lets them enjoy multiple sports in a more interactive way.

Is The Game Cross Generation Compatible?

No, UFC 4 is not a cross generation supported game. So while the PS4 copy will work on the PS5, you won’t be able to spar with someone who is not on the exact same platform as you. The same goes for the Xbox family.

Does It Offer Cross Progression Support?

No, there is no cross progression support in UFC 4. This means, if you move from the PS4 to the PS5, you won’t be able to carry forward your progress from the former to the latter and vice versa.

Will UFC 4 Offer Cross Platform Support In The Future?

UFC 4 is more than two years old now and to date, its makers have not spoken about any plans of such support ever making its way into the game. So there are little to no chance of it happening in the future.

Wrapping up

The unavailability of UFC 4 cross platform play is quite unfortunate. Fans of the game would have loved to indulge in intense bouts with their friends, irrespective of the platform they own. But given EA Vancouver’s insistence on not introducing the feature, that is just a dream.

As for future games from the franchise, there has been no announcement of a UFC 5 yet. Games from the series had been coming after two-year intervals until now. But 2022 has broken that cycle. We wonder whether we will get an announcement in 2023.

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Картинка в UFC 4 не сильно выросла над третьей частью, зато анимации и реализм вышли на новый уровень.

EA не зря гордятся своей системой RPM — Real Player Motion. Суть ее, если уж совсем упрощать, в тысячах записанных анимаций, которые движок тасует и бесшовно смешивает под разные ситуации, учитывая положение бойцов на ринге, расстояние между ними и другие параметры. В UFC 3 система дебютировала не очень удачно, но в четвертой частью ее довели до ума и расширили со стойки еще и на клинчи с партером. 

В UFC 4 отклик стал еще быстрее, а движения плавнее — это сильно повышает «интуитивность» боев. Проще рассчитывать тайминги, уворачиваться от ударов, работая корпусом и двигаться по рингу — бойцы ведут себя ровно так, как ты и ожидаешь, оценивая их габариты. Клинчи под RPM и вовсе переделали полностью. Раньше они, как и партер, выглядели слишком условно: жесткий набор позиций, в которых бойцы намертво залипают, страстно обнявшись. Теперь же это реально быстрые, не очень надежные захваты. Выйти из клинча можно, просто попятившись назад или резко рванув вбок. При этом сам захват смотрится максимально органично: быстро схватил за шею сразу после хука, двинул коленом в живот, приложил локтем в висок, отпустил.

Движения же в партере, как я уже описал, все еще сильно привязаны к позициям, но и они стали выглядеть реалистичнее и естественнее. Этот тот момент, который словами описать почти невозможно, чтобы прочувствовать, нужно смотреть и нажимать самому. 

Exciting news for EA Sports UFC 4 fans, as the game’s latest update provides an even more thrilling experience.

Electronic Arts (EA) has been producing UFC games for years now, and their latest offering, EA Sports UFC 4, has been a hit with fans of the mixed martial arts (MMA) sport. With regular updates, the game continues to provide new and exciting features, making it a must-have for any MMA enthusiast.

One of the most notable updates to the game is the inclusion of Francis Ngannou, who is making waves in the MMA world like never before. Practically as soon as “The Predator” won UFC heavyweight gold with a stunning knockout of Stipe Miocic, fans were clamoring for his inclusion in the game. Now, with the latest update, players can step into the virtual octagon as Ngannou and see if they have what it takes to knock out the competition.

But Ngannou isn’t the only fighter making headlines in the UFC world. Las Vegas, NV — Five months after his first UFC loss, lightweight Maheshate Hayisaer returns to the octagon when he takes on Viacheslav in a highly anticipated matchup. Fans of the game will be able to recreate this and other exciting fights in the virtual world.

One of the biggest fights in recent UFC history saw Dustin Poirier defeat Michael Chandler during UFC 281 at Madison Square Garden. Photo by: Jessica Alcheh-USA TODAY Sports/Reuters. The game’s realistic graphics and attention to detail make it possible for players to experience the excitement of this fight and many others like it.

Despite a lot of the criticism that EA gets over their games, their UFC games are polished very well. UFC games have a dedicated fan base, and EA has done an excellent job of catering to their needs. The latest update is no exception, with new features and improvements that make the game even more enjoyable.

UFC champion Israel Adesanya has praised Francis Ngannou following the announcement that he has signed a deal with PFL. Adesanya, who is one of the most popular and successful fighters in the UFC, knows a thing or two about what it takes to succeed in the octagon. With his endorsement, fans of the game can be sure that Ngannou is a fighter worth including in their virtual roster.

Tyson Fury has challenged UFC heavyweight champion Jon Jones to a boxing match. Watch Next. Fury knows what he wants | ‘Is Usyk fight next?’. While this fight may never happen in real life, fans of the UFC game can create their own dream matchups and see how they would play out in the virtual world.

Former UFC heavyweight champion Francis Ngannou will financially benefit from his deal with the Professional Fighters League, which was announced earlier this month. Ngannou’s inclusion in the game is just one example of how the UFC and its fighters are capitalizing on the growing popularity of MMA.

Expected to headline a pay-per-view return to Sydney, Australia for the UFC before the close of his year, undisputed middleweight champion, Israel Adesanya, is one of the most popular fighters in the game. With his incredible striking abilities and impressive record, he is a must-have for any virtual roster.

Overall, EA Sports UFC 4 continues to provide an exciting and realistic experience for fans of the UFC and MMA. With regular updates and new features, the game remains fresh and engaging, making it a must-have for any fan of the sport.


What fighters will be available if you pre-order ‘EA Sports UFC 4’?

  • Tyson Fury
  • Anthony Joshua
  • Bruce Lee

«EA Sports UFC 4» will continue the trend of including non-MMA fighters in the game. The fourth edition of the game will include Fury and Joshua. Also included will be a mainstay in martial arts legend Bruce Lee. 

«Fighting is what I have dedicated myself to. No matter the stage or opponent, I’ll always back myself,» Joshua said. «My character in ‘UFC 4’ will be no different, I’m ready for any challenge and hope we’ve made something in ‘UFC 4’ that can get fight fans excited this year.»

«I have a lot of respect for UFC fighters, but I’m the greatest fighter in the world,» Fury said. «It’s going to be exciting to watch players use my boxing skills to outshine the most talented MMA fighters in ‘UFC 4.'»

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