World war hulk movie: potential release date, plot & characters

World war hulk movie: potential release date, plot & characters

Where Did the Solo Hulk Movie Rumors Come From?

With all this speculation surrounding the Marvel Cinematic Universe…

It makes sense that people would wonder about the sources of the information.

In other words: where did it come from, and have the sources been reliable about rumors like this in the past?

As far as we know, the source of the current solo Hulk movie rumors is The GWW, a pop-culture news and fan site.

In an article published on October 20, 2021, Matheus Ribeiro writes about the possibility of a brand new Marvel movie:

As for why on earth we haven’t seen a new Hulk film in ages…

Ribeiro gives us an answer to that question too:

Now, at this point…

It is very important to note that this info does not come from The Walt Disney Company or Marvel Studios.

AKA, There has been no official announcement yet about a solo Hulk movie.

This includes Kevin Feige, Bob Chapek, Mark Ruffalo, or anyone else.

In other words, all of this Hulk movie material is purely speculation right now, based on a source that The GWW spoke with.

Marvel Movies Delayed: Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Indiana Jones 5, & More

Marvel и Disney выкупили у Universal права на Халка?

В то время как Marvel Studios всегда могла разрабатывать проекты MCU с участием Халка Брюса Бэннера, Universal имеет право первого отказа для любых проектов. Это означает, что они получили бы более значительную часть прибыли, если бы Marvel выпускала какие-либо продолжения «Невероятного Халка» или сольные проекты с Бэннером в качестве ведущего.

Это объясняет ограниченную роль Халка в MCU по сравнению с его товарищами-Мстителями. Однако были признаки того, что Marvel Studios готовится к тому, чтобы права на распространение вернулись к их первоначальному владению по контракту.

Согласно заявке SEC от 2006 года, подтверждается, что Universal согласилась распространять «Невероятного Халка» и любые сиквелы на тех же условиях, что и сделка Marvel с Paramount, другим ее дистрибьютором в то время:

«Universal Studios согласилась распространять фильм Marvel «Невероятный Халк» и его сиквелы практически на тех же условиях, на которых Paramount согласилась распространять другие фильмы, финансируемые и производимые в рамках киностудии».

С этой целью в заявлении SEC, на которое ссылается Paramount, изложены условия распространения в течение начального 15-летнего периода. Таким образом, это предполагает, что права на распространение «Невероятного Халка» будут переданы Marvel в июне 2023 года, исходя из даты выхода фильма в июне 2008 года.

Марк Руффало в Avengers Assemble (2012)

История Брюса Бэннера еще не закончена

Арки нескольких оригинальных Мстителей завершились Финал. Но история Халка казалась неполной, учитывая то, что мы только что видели. Баннер и Халк могли бы примирить свои разногласия, став в процессе новым Умным Халком. И именно Халк сыграл решающую роль в совершенствовании машины путешествий во времени и возвращении всех к существованию.

Но работа Бэннера с Халком происходила за кадром. А боевые сцены оказались более ограниченными, чем мы ожидали. Нам даже не удалось увидеть Халка против Халка. Матч-реванш Таноса (Джош Бролин), которого мы ожидали. И в предыдущей истории любви Нэта и Брюса не было настоящего завершения. Мстители фильмы. Опять же, фильмы Marvel не могут дать нам всего, что мы хотим.

Мы не были уверены, что произойдет с Халком после Финал. Но когда Marvel объявила Она-Халк, практически это было само собой разумеющимся Халк будет камео. Вы не можете увидеть еще один фильм о Халке без тот Халк, которого мы все любим. Этого было достаточно, чтобы дать фанатам надежду, что последуют новые истории о Халке.

Потом пришел умопомрачительные сцены после титров в Шан-Чи. Они говорят нам, что организация Мстителей все еще в деле несмотря на значительные потери в Финал. Также интересен тот факт, что мы видим Брюса Бэннера действующим Мстителем, а не Умным Халком. Каким-то образом Баннер решил вернуться в свой человеческий облик. И снова это произошло за кадром.

. Possible Marvel Comics adaptations?

Photo: Disney+

To be fair, there are a ton of comics in K.E.V.I.N.’s lair, and most of them are probably set dressing. There’s Doctor Strange, America Chavez, Black Panther, Daredevil, She-Hulk, and more, but the optimist in me would like to think the choices here are clues to the MCU’s future. The one that has me especially pumped are the multiple (!) The Scarlet Witch comics by James Robinson on display (David Aja’s exquisite cover art is hard to miss). Like every other cool and hot Marvel fan, we are desperately waiting for the return of Miss Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) to the MCU — we’re looking at you, AI Marvel overlords!! Could this be a hint that there may be better things ahead for Olsen’s Wanda Maximoff even though we didn’t hear anything about her return at Comic-Con or D23 Expo? It better be.

7/8 Новые персонажи

Кинематографическая вселенная Marvel вечно меняется, и с учетом преемственности, которой она следует, зрителям неизбежно придется попрощаться с такими персонажами, как Железный человек, Капитан Америка и другими. Учитывая, что некоторые культовые персонажи Marvel ушли на пенсию, для MCU было бы неплохо включить в фильм тех, кто участвовал в Мировая война Халка. Сюжетная линия включает Warbound, группу галактических беженцев, которые стали гладиаторами на Сакааре. Некоторые из этих персонажей уже есть в MCU, если не сильно отличаются, например, Миек и Корг. Эта группа последовала за Халком в качестве лидера, когда он вернулся на Землю для осуществления своего плана мести, и они стали бы отличным дополнением к MCU.

Running from The Hulk

There are fun nods to past versions of the Hulk, including Lou Ferrigno’s appearance as a security guard. Norton distracts him with a pizza, and there’s a tongue-in-cheek tone. Banner also buys stretchy pants and gets his iconic purple pants from Betty later. Stan Lee makes a quick cameo as an unfortunate soul that drinks the soda contaminated by Banner’s blood. These touches might seem a little too cute, but they help to lighten the mood of a pretty bleak story. Another cool example is Paul Soles (the voice of Banner in the 1966 Hulk animated series) appearing as his friend Stanley.

Ross also gives a plot dump to Blonsky and references the Super Soldier program from World War II. Fans will recognize that Captain America was part of that program, though his results were much better. This mention sets the stage for the upcoming film Captain America: The First Avenger, though it won’t arrive until 2011. There aren’t many ongoing arcs for the MCU here, but Ross mentions a SHIELD operations database. Ross does actually return in the future but not until 2016’s Captain America: Civil War.

Banner spends the middle act continuing to run from the monster inside of him. He reconnects with Betty, who is now dating nice guy Leonard (Ty Burrell!). Hope arrives with data that Betty saved, but Ross and Blonsky interrupt their plans. This leads to a major battle at a university with the Hulk out in the open during the day. The effects are impressive, and there is more excitement here than in the final battle. It’s interesting to note that Ross purposefully reveals the Hulk with tear gas, which seems idiotic even with a super powered Blonsky. It also doesn’t have the desired effect of scaring Betty, who remains on board with Banner’s quest.

Recent She-Hulk Clip Has a World War Hulk Easter Egg?

In a recent She-Hulk clip released by Marvel, we see Bruce and Jen driving a car to someplace. At first, the conversation is about Captain America’s sex life and his virginity. The conversation moves on to discussing about the accident that transferred Bruce’s blood into Jen’s. Soon after that we see a space ship in front of the car that looks weirdly similar to the spaceships we saw in Sakaar. In Age of Ultron, Hulk travels to Sakaar, a planet ruled by the Grandmaster who hosts fighting competitions.

We saw in Thor: Ragnarok that Hulk was his reigning champion before Thor, Valkyrie and Hulk escape the planet. It is possible that the Grandmaster has tracked his champion and has returned to take him back or punish him for abandoning him in the first place. This visual has fueled the speculation that Marvel is going to do a World War Hulk storyline. Here’s synopsis of World War Hulk’s storyline, “World War Hulk saw Bruce Banner’s alter ego return to Earth determined to deliver revenge against his friends in the hero community who tried to exile him to the cosmos in Planet Hulk.”

However our Hulk is in good terms with the Earth superheroes so this doesn’t seem likely but whenever Marvel uses a famous name of a comic series they end up making their versions which turn out to be very different than comic books. If they do make a World War Hulk show they’d make a very different one. Recently in October 2021, there were rumors that Marvel was developing a World War Hulk series but since then we haven’t gotten any further updates regarding the same.

At SDCC’22 Feigi revealed the Phase 5 & 6 line up. There was no mention of World War Hulk in that too. However, there were many empty dates in Phase 6 so World War Hulk may be up there, we might just not know yet. There is a possibility that at D’23 Expo Marvel may reveal this to us. This clip does hint that She-Hulk will have bigger implications and can set up major storylines for Marvel’s superheroes. Clearly the Sakaar ship is not just randomly here. It definitely means something.

Here’s a still from the clip:

Tatiana Maslany as Jennifer Walters / She-Hulk,  Jameela Jamil as Titania, Ginger Gonzaga as Nikki Ramos, Renée Elise Goldsberry as Amelia, Tim Roth as Emil Blonsky / Abomination, Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner / Smart Hulk, and Benedict Wong as Wong: The Sorcerer Supreme. Apart from the main cast, the Web Series also stars Josh Segarra, Jon Bass, Anais Almonte, Nicholas Cirillo, and Griffin Matthews have been cast in undisclosed roles. Drew Matthews portrays Dennis “Buck” Bukowski, while David Otunga appears as one of Walters’ dates. The character Frog Man will also appear.

She-Hulk will start streaming on Disney+ from 18th August 2022.

If you have any questions regarding She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, feel free to ask in the comments below. For more content, stay tuned. As usual, like, subscribe and share our articles as we here are trying to build a community of people High on Cinema!

Sameer Talawdekar


A student of cinema with a keen eye and an acquired taste. Blunt and critical while reviewing, if Sameer says a film is good, it’s basically a guarantee that it is. He may not like what you do, but that’s what makes him a quality fit for any cinema publication. He craves excellence and perfection and that’s why you can blindly trust his word!

So What’s Up with the Rights to Hulk?

For most of its characters, Marvel retained the solo movie rights, which allowed them to greenlight and make sequels under the Disney banner. This is why we got sequels like Iron-Man 3 and Captain America: The Winter Soldier without a problem. However, this was not the case for The Incredible Hulk. For this character, Universal retained the distribution rights, meaning that if Disney and Marvel ever wanted to make a sequel (or release any solo movie), they would have to do so in conjunction with Universal.

And Disney doesn’t like to share its toys…

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In all fairness, it wouldn’t make much business sense for Disney to release a movie where they’d have to split profits with a competing studio. Because of this, the Hulk’s storylines in the MCU post The Incredible Hulk have all been spread out across other movies such as Avengers: Age of Ultron and Thor: Ragnarok. These flicks were able to incorporate the character in the story as much as they liked, but Disney wasn’t able to produce a solo film about the character.

But all that may be about to change…

Rumors suggest that ‘She-Hulk’ will lead into a ‘World War Hulk’ film.

While World War Hulk definitely does seem possible if Marvel Studios once again has the full rights to the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo deserves his own film!), there are several ways we could get there. The most likely seems to be that the Hulk will go back to outer space after the events of She-Hulk, which will introduce not only She-Hulk but likely Red Hulk as well. With all these Hulk iterations joining the MCU, it definitely seems like we’re gearing up for something much bigger.

Source: Marvel Studios
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Not only that, but in the comic books, World War Hulk is caused by the Illuminati, who banish Hulk to outer space. When the Hulk comes back to Earth, he vows to take revenge on those who banished him, which sets him against many of his former allies. Now that we’ve met a version of the Illuminati in Doctor Strange 2, this plotline definitely seems plausible.

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The final piece of the World War Hulk storyline deals with the Hulk’s alleged son, Skaar. Skaar has similar powers to his father and was born to Caiera the Oldstrong on the planet Sakaar. Does that ring any bells? It should!

The Hulk and Thor accidentally met up on Sakaar in Thor: Ragnarok. Is it possible that in that time, he fathered a son? Could She-Hulk lead the Hulk on a quest to find his son? Could the Hulk, who already has a fanbase on Sakaar, take over the planet like in the comic books?

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Source: Marvel Studios

All of these possibilities seem likely and have been somewhat set up in the MCU. And now that the rights are falling into place amidst the release of She-Hulk, we wouldn’t be surprised if the series ends with the announcement of a new MCU film project, World War Hulk.

Что MCU имеет в виду для Скаара?

MCU не принял сюжетную линию Иллюминатов. Вместо этого в конце «Эры Альтрона» Халк отказывается возвращаться на Землю после того, как сбросил Альтрона с его корабля. Затем было высказано предположение, что корабль случайно приземлился на Сакааре, где мы увидим его в следующем фильме «Тор: Рагнарёк».

Предательства нет вообще, и нынешний Халк вполне мирится со всем и со всеми. Таким образом, MCU никак не может создать историю Халка о Мировой войне, в которой он впадает в катастрофическую ярость.

Брюс представляет своего сына Скаара в фильме «Женщина-Халк».

Но ничто не мешает им использовать титул «Халк мировой войны», чтобы показать его на экране вместе со Скааром, чтобы изобразить другую сюжетную линию. Вполне возможно, что этот фильм или сериал могли бы, наконец, объяснить, как Брюс узнал о существовании Скаара, почему он привел его на Землю, и даже перенять одну из собственных комических сюжетных линий Скаара.

(Несмотря на то, что КЕВИН дразнит Женщину-Халка, говоря, что она не будет в фильме, было бы несправедливо не видеть ее в чем-то под названием «Халк мировой войны»).

Однако сейчас все теории и догадки так и остаются. Официальных заявлений по этому поводу не поступало. Marvel опубликовала расписание Фазы 5 на Comic-Con 22 в Сан-Диего, и не было зеленых проектов.

Поскольку Marvel явно наращивает команду Молодых Мстителей, вполне возможно, что Скаар может сыграть в этом большую роль.

Смотреть Женщина-Халк: присяжный адвокат на:

A Different Home for The Incredible Hulk

Despite being part of the MCU, the Hulk has no presence at Disney’s theme parks. Universal retains the rights to the character for theme parks east of the Mississippi. The Hulk actually is a key part of the Islands of Adventure park at Universal Orlando. The Incredible Hulk Coaster is the central attraction in Marvel Super Hero Island and is one of the park’s largest structures. Universal refurbished the coaster in 2016, and it remains a top attraction.

The original launch is one of the best of its kind and includes a stunning look at the park as you turn upside down. It’s incredible and one of the most thrilling moments that I’ve experienced on any coaster. Nothing can live up to that start, but the rest of the coaster is still a lot of fun. The storyline of Ross turning you into the Hulk is also a surprising theme. We may turn into a monster, but we’re going to enjoy this coaster! This B&M coaster isn’t the tallest or fastest ride out there, but it definitely packs a punch especially if you aren’t a thrill junkie.

Мировая война Халка скоро может начаться После Капитана Америки 4

Даже если Руффало победил&# 39; У него есть роль Баннера в Captain America: New World Order, тот факт, что его второстепенные персонажи повторно представлены в MCU в Фазе 5, означает, что все они могут быть вовлечены в грядущую Халк мировой войныпроект. КВМ, возвращающая генерала Росса в истории, в которой также есть Лидер, является признаком того, что он может превратиться в долгожданного Красного Халка КВМ, возможно, в результате махинаций злодея. Красный Халк может стать идеальным противником для Халка Бэннера в бою. События, которые могут произойти с Бетти Росс и Лидером, также потенциально могут подтолкнуть его к грани и привести к тому, что первоначальный образ Халка снова появится. слотов в фазе 6. На данный момент подтверждены только Дэдпул 3, Фантастическая четверка, Мстители: Династия Кан и Мстители: Секретные войны, так что это возможно, что одно из этих пустых мест будет заполнено Халком мировой войныпроект — если Marvel Studios и Universal придут к соглашению о правах на экранизацию Халка. Тот факт, что проект остался скрытым, может быть просто из-за того, чтобы избежать спойлеров для других будущих проектов, но Капитан Америка: Новый мировой порядок может завершить это, а это означает, что ожидание Мировая война Халка​​​​​​ может продолжаться недолго.

  • Дата выпуска: 05.05.2023

  • Дата выпуска: 2023-11-10

  • Дата выпуска: 03 мая 2024 г.

  • Дата выпуска: 26 июля 2024 г.

  • Дата выпуска: 06.09.2024

  • Дата выхода: 08.11.2024

  • Дата выпуска: 14 февраля 2025 г.

  • Дата выхода: 02 мая 2025 г.

Hulk Completes Fury’s Big Week on Timeline

Looking at this movie’s place in the MCU timeline, the footage lines up fairly accurately with how everything plays out in this listing.

During the penultimate scene in Iron Man 2, fans can see video footage of the WHIH report from Culver University on the Hulk’s fight against General Ross and the United States Army. That would mean that Iron Man 2 fully completes its own story before The Incredible Hulk’s is about halfway done.

Fans are also well aware of The Incredible Hulk’s inclusion in what’s known as «Fury’s Big Week,» which also has the plots of Iron Man 2 and Thor taking place all within the same week in Phase 1.

This comes amidst some confusion with timeline additions in Phase 4, specifically with Hawkeye’s placement so far after Avengers: Endgame and Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings being placed amongst the last two Spider-Man movies. Thankfully, The Incredible Hulk’s new destination is one of the easier ones to follow thanks to it being so definitively a part of the MCU’s Phase 1.

The Incredible Hulk is now available via home release, and it’s streaming on Disney+ in select countries.

World War Hulk: Potential release date and what it could be about?

World War Hulk has yet to be officially announced by Marvel Studios, so it’s hard to predict when it will be released. At the earliest, the movie definitely won’t happen before the start of Phase 6 in 2025. Only three Phase 6 projects have been announced: Fantastic Four, Avengers: Kang Dynasty, and Avengers: Secret Wars, which should conclude the ongoing Multiverse Saga. Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has announced that more projects will be announced for Phase 6 in the future. Some of them could be additional sequels to Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Eternals, and Shang-Chi. Still, we’re betting there will be something brand new, and World War Hulk could be just that.

For not comic readers, the potential World War Hulk movie could be loosely based on the comic book mini-series of the same name. It follows a story after the Illuminati banished Hulk from planet Earth. The part of this story was already adapted in Thor: Ragnarok since Hulk landed on the planet Saakar, where he allied with Korg and Miek, among others. Hulk gathered his allies and returned to Earth, seeking his revenge. Plenty of known characters appeared in that story, and the members of the Illuminati were Black Bolt, Tony Stark, Doctor Strange, and Reed Richards. Some of the characters that also appeared are the X-Men, New Avengers, Fantastic Four, etc.

The original comic contained many characters, but it wouldn’t be the first time that Marvel adapted the comic on a much smaller scale with the necessary changes to fit the film into the MCU narrative. Captain America: Civil War is one of the best examples comic book readers will understand.

3 Прибытие Часового

Один из немногих персонажей, которые могут противостоять Халку, — это Сентри. Если эти двое, наконец, вступят в драку в MCU, фанатов ждет большое удовольствие. Часовой — это версия Супермена от Marvel, если не с альтернативной ему стороной. Однако этот персонаж еще не задействован в MCU, поэтому Халк из Мировой войныбыло бы идеальным введением и звездным моментом радости для фанатов, которые хотят увидеть потрясающий бой и дебют классного персонажа.

У Сентри прекрасные отношения со многими персонажами Marvel, такими как Фантастическая четверка и Мстители. Представление Сентри может быть идеальным для MCU, учитывая, что персонаж достоин своего проекта, особенно с появлением Пустоты.

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The Hulk vs. The Abomination

Tim Blake Nelson is the perfect choice to play Mr. Blue, aka Samuel Sterns. He’s fascinated by Banner’s condition but doesn’t seem to have moral reservations. Tests to cure Banner have promise, but Ross again stops those plans. Blonsky enlists Sterns to gain more power, which creates the ugly menace The Abomination. The weirdest part of this scene is the creepy smile on Stearn’s face in a quick shot. Banner’s blood infects him and creates something different. Nelson was set to return as “The Leader” in a sequel, so this was a set-up for a new villain. There’s always a slim chance the MCU might circle back to him in the future.

The Incredible Hulk falls apart during its final battle, which becomes two massive CGI creations pummeling each other. Tim Roth makes for an interesting villain until he transforms into The Abomination. I like the idea of Banner dropping out of a plane and hoping he changes into the Hulk, but the fight is forgettable. Part of the challenge is the nighttime setting, which makes everything murkier. There is a “Hulk! Smash!” moment here, but that’s about it.

The most interesting part of the battle is the way that Betty talks down the Hulk before he kills Blonsky. Tyler does a good job with a character that’s pretty thin on the page. It’s not hard to believe that Betty could be the one person to connect with the Hulk. It’s also a surprising ending for Blonsky, though he hasn’t returned since this point. Hulk jumps across buildings and escapes to a life that’s unclear. When Banner looks at the camera and transforms, he seems to have new control over the monster. He no longer seeks a cure and looks ready to accept his fate.

Several leaks point to a ‘World War Hulk’ film project in the MCU, but it hasn’t yet been confirmed.

Marvel president Kevin Feige has yet to announce a future Hulk film, but thanks to a merger that gave Marvel the full rights to the Hulk, it definitely seems possible. Mark Ruffalo has yet to star in his own Hulk film since the first one was created in conjunction with Universal Pictures, who once owned the rights to the Hulk’s character.

Source: Marvel Studios
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However, in making the 2008 film starring Ed Norton, Marvel and Universal came to an agreement. Former MCU exec David Maisel explained in Marvel Studios Story: The Making of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that in the original deal, Marvel could use the Hulk in “future multicharacter films,” but Universal retained “the right of first refusal to distribute any future solo Hulk movies.”

Now, rumors suggest that in 2020, that deal between Universal Pictures and Marvel Studios ended, and all rights to the Hulk and his likeness reverted back to Marvel. This led to further rumors from reliable sources, such as The DisInsider and The GWW, that not only is a World War Hulk film coming but it’s already in production. It is possible, on the other hand, that the leaks of a Hulk project in production were simply confusing a secret Hulk movie with the upcoming She-Hulk series.

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How The MCU Has Portrayed The Hulk’s Personalities

To this point, the MCU has presented a more simplified version of Bruce Banner and his personalities, with The Hulk, Bruce Banner and their merger as «Professor Hulk» (or «Smart Hulk,» if you prefer) being the gist of what we’ve seen. The Hulk is his own person, Banner is his own person, and both throughout the Infinity Saga. By Avengers: Endgame, the two have merged into one being, with Banner’s personality existing within Hulk’s body.

It’s a simplistic way to tell The Hulk’s story, though perhaps the most effective way given Marvel’s limited way it could use the character. Since Universal owns the distribution rights to Hulk movies and hasn’t agreed to a standalone movie since The Incredible Hulk, Marvel can only use the character in movies where he’s either part of an ensemble or not the main character. This means since The Incredible Hulk, his story has only been able to be told in Avengers movies , and the character could only be so much of the focal point.

I certainly understand the reasoning for how the MCU has handled Hulk to this point, but now that audiences have had over a decade of cinematic stories about the character, I think even in this limited capacity, Hulk’s story can get a little more nuanced.

World War Hulk Movie Release Date

Finally, you probably want to know about the release date.

Given that this movie is entirely speculative right now…

We don’t actually even know if the movie will happen or when it will start filming.

That being said, however, Ribeiro’s article in The GWW does give us some hints and clues as to the timeline for this potential new Hulk movie.

Is a Solo Hulk Movie Coming to MCU? World War Hulk Rumors & Release Date


Based on all this speculation and rumor, when is the World War Hulk movie release date? It looks like 2022 for production, and 2023 or 2024 for theatrical and/or Disney+ streaming release.

Here’s how Ribeiro puts it:

That certainly would make some sense, given the rest of the timeline so far.

Even so, without an official announcement from Kevin Feige or someone else at Marvel Studios, it’s hard to know what’s true and what’s just a rumor.

However, our fingers and toes are all crossed for a new solo Hulk movie from the MCU! Whether it’s World War Hulk or something else, we’ll be happy campers either way.

Have a marvelous day!

Does Marvel Have Plans for A Solo Hulk Movie?

Credit: Marvel Studios

Before, the rights over the franchise of Hulk have had a restriction with Universal owning such.

Now that Marvel has taken it back according to BGR, this opens doors for Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk to have his very own solo movie and that gives Marvel boss Kevin Feige a complete control on the future of the character in the MCU.

To date, Hulk has only been in the side with the Avengers and recently, in She-Hulk: Attorney At Law.

Following the Avengers: Endgame, Hulk has proven himself an important character in the MCU and with the demise and loss of three of the original Avengers, the team is currently rebuilding.

Admit it or not, the whole story arc of Hulk is all over the place. He hasn’t been given that much time to explain himself in a solo film.

To date, all the original members of the Avengers got their own titles, all except Ruffalo’s Hulk.

Credit: Marvel Studios

There is so much potential to the character that hasn’t been tapped yet in the MCU and yet, he still has no solo movie or even a series. His cousin, Jennifer Walters, even got a show of her own.

Banner has provided the brains for the team while Hulk provided the brawns, it is all in one amazing character.

More than that, Hulk has lightened up various scenes and even provided a comic relief to already stressful circumstances in films.

More than that, becoming Smart Hulk/ Professor Hulk in Endgame opens more doors for the narrative of Banner/ Hulk.

His heroic act of doing the snap in the same film surely means a lot for the franchise.

READ MORE: Mark Ruffalo Reportedly Set to Return in Captain America 4

Hulk movies in order (at a glance)

  1. The Incredible Hulk (2008)
  2. The Avengers (2012)
  3. Iron Man 3 (2013)
  4. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
  5. Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
  6. Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
  7. Avengers: Endgame (2019)
  8. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)

As we already mentioned, Hulk has only one independent movie in Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the reason stems from the fact that Universal Studios still have movie rights to Hulk’s character. Another Hulk movie not considered part of the MCU happened in 2003, released and developed by Universal Studios. They decided on a Hulk movie reboot in 2008, with Edward Norton as the actor playing Bruce Banner, while Marvel Studios released the first Iron Man movie simultaneously. Kevin Feige finally realized his dream of creating Marvel characters on the silver screen and crossovers that will reflect the ones from the comics.

However, Universal Studios still held the rights of first refusal to distribute future Hulk films. Hence why Hulk mostly has appearances in other projects of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and not his own.

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