Next 20 years of warcraft ign interview with john hight — new movies, future games, season of discovery

Генеральный директор ea утверждает, что закрытие visceral и отмена игры ‘ragtag’ не были связаны с соотношением одиночной и многопользовательской игры

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When Can Little Nightmares 3 Be Released?

Ans. 2024 or 2025 can be the expected release date of The Little Nightmares 3, an intriguing puzzle-platformer horror adventure game.

Q. Who is the Main Character of the Game Little Nightmares 3?

Ans. A nine-year-old girl, Six, dressed in a yellow raincoat, is the game’s protagonist character. The players are supposed to guide her to look for hulking monsters to make a meal out of them.

Q. Who Are the Main Characters of the Game the Little Nightmares 3 Apart From Six?

Ans. Mono, Nome, The Thin Man, The Hunter, The Teacher, The Doctor, and The Ghost are some of the game’s main characters.

Q. Is Six an Evil Character?

Ans. Six can be an evil or an anti-hero character of the Little Nightmare 3 game. While coming across the other characters or children involved in the game, she does not even consider saving them from monsters.

Little Nightmares 3: the Inside Story

To the dismay of fans, Tarsier Studios is no more, having been acquired by parent company Embracer Group. The original developers of Little Nightmares have also mentioned that they are done with the series. Naturally, this means there’s no hope for a Little Nightmares 3, right? Not necessarily.

In February of last year, a lot of news and rumors circulated on the internet about the development status of Little Nightmares 3. It turned out to be quite encouraging and a bit confusing. Speaking to IGN, Tarsier CEO Andreas Johnsson clarified the rumors surrounding the release of Little Nightmares 3, thanking fans for their support and enthusiasm for the series but also saying that “it’s bittersweet to announce that we’re leaving the world behind.” Little Nightmares.” He also stated that they are ready to move to “new IPs and explore new worlds.”

What Will Little Nightmares 3 Be About?

With the Little Nightmares 3 release date possibly on the horizon, fans have been speculating about the story. It could be a continuation of Six’s story from the first Little Nightmares because the game ended on a rather exciting cliffhanger note. I’d be happy to see where Six goes next and what other horrors await him, especially with his transformation at the end.

Another possibility could be the continuation of the Mono story. He was the main protagonist of Little Nightmares 2. Perhaps Mono’s origin story could be the next step. It would be pretty different from what has already been released in the loop.

A third possibility for a Little Nightmares 3 story is Six’s origin. We don’t know what happened to Six before “The Hunter” captured her, and it would be great to have more details on why she became so attached to that music box.

Either way, if Bandai Namco continues with another game in the series, it’ll be a delight to revisit the mysterious yet enchanting universe of Little Nightmares once more.

Метавселенная мертва? Генеральный директор Epic Games так не думает

Игровой магнат призвал сторонников провести «онлайн-поминки», чтобы 600 000 000 ежемесячно активных пользователей Fortnite, Minecraft, Roblox, PUBG Mobile, Sandbox и VRChat могли «оплакивать» уход метавселенной в 3D в реальном времени.

Неудивительно, что большой босс Epic Games не согласен с центральной предпосылкой истории, учитывая, что понимание метавселенной большинством людей основано на структуре, созданной генеральным директором Meta Марком Цукербергом.

Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney is upbeat about the metaverse. Image: Epic Games

Неудивительно, что у людей и компаний могут быть разные представления о том, какой должна быть метавселенная и как она должна работать.

В конце 2021 года генеральный директор Meta сделал большое заявление о будущем компании Цукерберга и цифрового ландшафта. Он объявил, что название Facebook будет изменено на Meta.

С этим изменением Цукерберг также переключил свое внимание на метавселенную, в которой он видел будущее онлайн-общения. Термин «метавселенная» используется для описания области виртуальной реальности, где люди могут участвовать в различных действиях и взаимодействовать друг с другом

Термин «метавселенная» используется для описания области виртуальной реальности, где люди могут участвовать в различных действиях и взаимодействовать друг с другом.

Конечная цель — облегчить людям жизнь, работу и путешествия в виртуальном мире, который кажется таким же реальным, как и реальный мир.

New Season of Little Nightmares 3

Hypothetically, as Tasier Studios leaves the frame, only Bandai Namco is left alone in the picture to develop and launch Little Nightmares 3.

Fans have been eagerly waiting for a teaser or even a release date, but there is no update about the same from the developers. But, we have got some insights or have predicted what the storyline of season 3 could be.

Thus, here in this explanatory article, we will tell you about the same. Both seasons of Little Nightmares give more background to the character of Six and how she satisfies her insatiable hunger in the game.

Six is a survivor in the game, as she falls into problems every time, and her companion Mono risks his life to save hers every time.

Six also has survived various nightmares, but it is unknown about her family and siblings and why she is always in a violent mood. And it is also yet to be discovered how she ended up in the prison of The Nest.

According to what we think and have analyzed, the developers of Little Nightmares 3 could go deep into the story of Six and tell the answers to the unanswered questions in the story.

Or they can also include the backstory of Mono in the game and tell where he came from and how he got his powers.

In addition to the character’s backstory, the game can also answer about the existence of The Signal Tower and who is in charge of the same.

Apart from this, the game can also decide the fate of Six as to what will happen to her after killing the Lady and absorbing the many others in the Maw, as shown and told in season 2.

However, the ending will not be happy or a great one, but her ultimate fate is still unknown to the players.

Bandai Namco may answer all these questions while developing season 3 of Little Nightmares or may leave some of them that still need to be answered.

Now, what he does, will be only known on the release of the new chapter of the game.

Little Nightmare 3 May Be Another Prequel

Table of Contents

As we have seen, Little Nightmares 2 was a prequel to the events of Little Nightmares. giving the figure of Six a deeper background and showing how she realized the insatiable hunger she was exposed to in the original game.

Her iconic yellow coat is found in Little Nightmares 2 as well, further assuring it takes place earlier in the timeline.

Six is not an ordinary child, she is completely self-centric and always prioritizes her life over others. unlike Mono, who risks his life several times to save her.

We all know Six survive in extreme circumstances, but how did she learn this action? How did her journey start? How did she become a Nest prisoner? Did six have parents or siblings ever? Why did Six betray Mono? Is Mono the Thin Man?

All these questions must be answered, Little Nightmares 3 could decide to deepen Six’s origins and answer these questions.

Or they can go with Mono’s back story, which will be an interesting topic. for a prequel game, Six’s companion is strong, but we know nothing about him, where he came from, or how he initially gained his powers.

Little Nightmares 3 without Tarsier Studios

The encouragement comes from the little details in Bandai Namco’s statement to IGN. The publisher mentioned that the series could continue without the involvement of Tarsier Studios. They also stated that “nothing is planned, but we received so much love from fans worldwide with the release of Little Nightmares 2, we feel energized to deliver more content in the future.” As of this writing, there hasn’t been an official announcement yet; however, there have been more interesting Little Nightmares occurrences in video games.

Last December, Bandai Namco offered a job as a global brand manager for the franchise. It was suspected that the opening was necessary due to the sales success of Little Nightmares 2, but that’s not all. Brand managers around the world also help with game development. This means only one thing: Little Nightmares 3 is possibly already in development.

It’s now the start of 2022, and while Bandai Namco has kept quiet about the continuation of the Little Nightmares franchise, the rest of the year may offer surprises of its own. Who knows, we might have Little Nightmares 3 before the end of the year.


Well, that’s about pretty much everything we know about Little Nightmares III. Let us know if we’ve missed anything in the comments below. Oh, and don’t forget to watch the trailer. Who knows, you might notice something there no-one has pointed out before.


When is Little Nightmares III releasing?

Little Nightmares is expected to release in 2024 at some point. There has been no announcement of a set release date.

On what platforms will Little Nightmares III be released?

Little Nightmares III will release on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Windows.

Have there been any changes made when compared to Little Nightmares I & II?

Yes, 2 major changes have been made. The first is that the development will now be handled by Supermassive Games rather than the original team; Tarsier Studios. The second change is that the sequel will feature new protagonists in a different setting, rather than continue the adventures of Six; the protagonist of the previous 2 games.

Before Little Nightmares’ Sequel/Prequel Releases Read More About the Main Characters of the Game


Six is a shrewd and solid young lady of around nine, whose fundamental theme is a yellow overcoat.

All through the whole universe of the establishment, Six is attempting to get by in a world loaded up with horrible beasts, trying to obliterate her using any and all means.

Like the wide range of various characters in the Little Nightmares series, Six doesn’t talk; nonetheless, her character can be induced through her activities.

Six every now and again shows the attributes of a screw-up; she doesn’t appear to think often about saving different kids caught on board the Maw and will take the necessary steps to get by and get away from the hotel without anyone else, with the next to zero assistance from any other individual.

She has a voracious craving and will eat basically anything to fulfill it, with her eating regimen bit by bit becoming hazier and more frantic throughout the game. On one event, an agreeable Nome offered Six who was starving a wiener to eat.

All things considered, she decided to devour the Nome, showing an unmistakable aloofness to killing, basically while defeated by her appetite.


Mono is a sort and supportive kid who showed sympathy to other people.

All of this changed when he went with a young lady named Six on an excursion to the Signal Tower.

He shows up as an independent person in Little Nightmares Comics, and the fundamental hero of Little Nightmares II.

Notwithstanding Mono scarcely talking, his character is displayed in his activities, and it was expressed in a meeting that Mono is normally defensive.

Mono seems, by all accounts, to be a respectable, sure, benevolent kid who will make a special effort to help other people, as displayed when he battles to liberate Six from her clear detainment in Hunter’s home and offers his hand to her.

He remains close by, offering his assistance again when she requests it in spite of her underlying dismissal of his help. He has a level of sympathy, being obviously upset by the rotting bodies in Hunter’s home.

As well as at first being stunned after seeing Six in her beast structure when he tracks down her in the Signal Tower. Mono is likewise outstandingly mindful of his environmental elements, and sufficiently ingenious to involve different articles in his environmental factors to assess the uprightness and wellbeing of the way ahead.

The Thin Man

The Thin Man fills in as the fourth and primary bad guy of Little Nightmares II, essentially showing up on TVs across the Pale City from the Transmission.

He appeared during the end credits of Secrets of the Maw, and shows up in The Pale City section, of which he is likewise the primary adversary.

Like the numerous different characters in the Little Nightmares universe, the Thin Man doesn’t talk and his character appears through his activities.

Not at all like different bad guys of the establishment who are forceful and fierce, the Thin Man acts cool as a cucumber as he stubbornly seeks after Mono and Six, all while remaining apparently antagonistic in any case.

For obscure reasons, the Thin Man had hijacked somewhere around one kid in Little Nightmares Comics, which might mean he has a propensity for capturing youngsters assuming they at any point get excessively near a TV.

Notwithstanding, when Mono unintentionally liberates him, the Thin Man centers around chasing after Mono and Six explicitly. He shows high measures of commitment when zeroed in on an undertaking, as he ceaselessly follows Mono all through the Pale City even after the kid escapes his grip commonly.

Stay with Stanford Arts Review for all the updates.

Лего-нарратив в Judas

В 2014 году, выступая на GDC, Кен Левин рассказал об идее создания лего-нарратива в играх. Суть в том, чтобы создать несколько мелких взаимозаменяемых повествовательных элементов — и позволить игрокам самим выстраивать с их помощью сюжет. Иными словами, конструировать его из блоков, предложенных разработчиками, — по аналогии с тем, как дети и взрослые собирают фигурки из мелких деталек лего.

Десять лет назад эта идея была лишь теоретической, но уже тогда Левин чётко дал понять, что намерен реализовать её в своей следующей игре. И кажется, в Judas у него это получилось.

Скриншоты: игра Judas / Ghost Story Games
Скриншоты: игра Judas / Ghost Story Games

Если говорить о конкретных примерах, то помощь одним ключевым персонажам и игнорирование иных — это и есть те самые составные элементы, или детали, из которых в Judas строится сюжет. К примеру, если игрок решит принять сторону Тома в момент, когда тот будет спорить с Нефертити, это создаст один элемент, который без проблем соединится с предыдущим и будущим таким же элементом. И при следующем прохождении игры в том же споре можно без проблем принять сторону Нефертити — и вот это будет уже другая деталь в основе сюжетной конструкции.

Основная цель, которой Кен Левин стремится достичь, используя этот лего-нарратив, — это создание нелинейности. Впрочем, здесь речь всё же идёт не о привычной нелинейности в играх, когда из-за тех или иных решений меняется лишь концовка истории. В Judas весь сюжет от практически самого начала и до финала может состоять из разных деталей, поэтому разные прохождения окажутся во многом непохожими друг на друга.

И самое интересное заключается в том, что сама Judas будет внимательно следить за действиями и решениями игрока, а затем реагировать на них и на основе полученных данных предлагать всё больше и больше элементов, из которых будет строиться сюжет.

Licensing Warcraft to Other Studios

“Certainly open to people who really get it and have a cool idea about how to express Warcraft and if we feel like aesthetically they’re going to be able to hit the bar…I think if we found the right partner, found the right situation, I think especially if they have a proficiency in a game genre that we really don’t, I think that’d be the ideal partner for us to work with and we’re open to that, but that’s relatively new. I’m open to it because I want to have Warcraft out there a little more than it is now, and I also don’t want to have us grow so fast that we’re no longer able to serve the audiences we have. But I think there’s some benefit in leveraging other companies that share our love for it, have a really cool idea, share our belief in quality and have the ability to execute on it. But now that’s probably a pretty small list, right?”

Что будет дальше после Эльденского кольца

Следующая игра почти готова

В интервью японскому сайту (4Gamer)(viaPCGamer) Хидетаку Миядзаки спросили о старом комментарии, который глава студии From Software сделал еще в 2018 году. В то время Миядзаки сообщил, что его команда будет работать надтремя с половиной играми

Какие именно игры имел в виду Миядзаки? Теперь мы знаем больше:

  • Игра, известная на тот момент:Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
  • а затем необъявленная игра:Эльденское кольцо
  • другая еще не анонсированная игра:Неизвестно
  • полуигра:PS VR-эксклюзивDeracine

Миядзаки спросили о текущем состоянии этих игр сейчас, в июне 2022 года. В ответ глава студии сообщил, что оставшаяся игра все еще находится в активной разработке и фактически уже на финальной стадии. Это означает, что поклонникам From Software, возможно, не придется долго ждать следующего удара студии.

Что ждет поклонников From Software

Официально неизвестно, над чем сейчас работает From Software. Однако утечка информации может преподнести нам сюрприз уже в начале 2022 года. Согласно этой информации, разработчик Elden Ring в настоящее время разрабатывает новую часть серии Armored Core. Просочилась не только конкретная информация об игровом процессе, но и несколько скриншотов.

Armored Core — это, как правило, довольно суматошный шутер от третьего лица, в котором игроки управляют гигантскими мечами в бою. Однако показанные сцены игрового процесса предполагаемого проекта From Software, как утверждается, напоминают геймплей Dark Souls и Co.

Когда может появиться таинственная игра?

На этот вопрос в данный момент ответить невозможно. В конце концов, последняя работа From Software еще даже не была официально анонсирована. Однако, судя по заявлению Миядзаки, ждать осталось недолго. На данный момент просто невозможно сказать, когда именно выйдет игра.

Сама игра Elden Ring была анонсирована на выставке E3 2019. Первоначально игра с открытым миром, напоминающая Souls, должна была выйти в январе 2022 года, но после переноса релиз состоялся 25 февраля 2022 года. Так что фанатам пришлось ждать выхода Elden Ring всего два года после Reveal. Если последний проект From Software уже находится на финальной стадии разработки, ожидание может стать еще короче.

Утечку скриншотов можно посмотреть здесь:

Что насчет DLC для Elden Ring?

На данный момент официально не подтверждено, что Elden Ring получит новые аддоны и расширения. Многие фанаты, по крайней мере, надеются на это — и не без оснований. Предыдущие игры, такие как Dark Souls 3 или Bloodborne, уже получили приличный пакет контента после запуска.

Кроме того, финансовый отчет Kadokawa указывает на то, что ее собственная материнская компания From Software планирует меры, чтобы и в будущем сделать Elden Ring привлекательной для игроков. Поскольку спрос определенно есть, было бы удивительно, если бы разработчики не удовлетворили его.

Однако и здесь игрокам Кольца Элдена придется запастись терпением Например, выпуск нового контента можно было бы предположить не позднее годовщины релиза — то есть в начале 2023 года — если бы From Software уже не взялась за предстоящие рождественские дела этого года

Season of Discovery

“I think there’s going to be things that will repeat and then there’s things that will evolve,” he says. “I can’t tell you how that turned out because we’re still seeing how players are responding to it, what they’re telling us they like that may be one of those that we evolve and we do a new incarnation of it or maybe one that we repeat the cycle. What was fun about that is the Classic team itself has some really involved players. They love supporting and playing their own game, and so those ideas both for Hardcore Mode and for Season of Discovery came out of that developer team. We turned them loose. We were like, ‘Give us your pitches. Tell us the things that you’d like to do that you think we would like.’”

Are There Any Major Changes in Little Nightmares III?

There are 2 major changes being made in Little Nightmares III:

1. Game development will be handled by another studio

Although Little Nightmares I and II were developed by Tarsier Studios, they were published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. This means that all intellectual rights belong to Bandai Namco. Regardless, Bandai Namco has decided that Little Nightmares III will be developed by Supermassive Games. However, fans can rest assured that Supermassive Games will do a great job of making a solid Little Nightmares game.

The Enhanced Edition for Little Nightmares II was developed by Supermassive Games | Bandai Namco Entertainment America

Supermassive Games’ portfolio consists almost exclusively of horror games. They are best known for developing Until Dawn, The Dark Pictures Anthology, which they developed with Bandai Namco, and for The Quarry, which they developed for 2K Games. They have also developed the Enhanced Edition for Little Nightmares II which was released for next-gen consoles.

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2. The narrative now shifts from Six to a whole new setting and new protagonists

Little Nightmares I and II followed the adventures of Six. And while the new game in the franchise has been titles Little Nightmares III, it is not linked to any of the previous games. Supermassive Games have decided to introduce a whole new setting and protagonists; Low and Alone. However, one should expect some Easter eggs that reference the previous entries in the franchise.

Meet the new protagonists; Low and Alone | BANDAI NAMCO Europe

READ MORE: Witcher 3 Next-Gen Update: Everything You Need to Know ➜

Epic Games: 2 миллиарда долларов на финансирование The Metaverse

Epic Games недавно объявила о раунде инвестиций в размере 2 миллиардов долларов, направленном на ускорение метавселенных амбиций компании. KIRKBI, материнская компания LEGO Group, и Sony Group внесли по 1 миллиарду долларов каждая.

Это последовало за более ранним объявлением о многолетнем сотрудничестве между The LEGO Group и Epic Games для создания семейного мира.

Генеральный директор Lego Group Нильс Кристиансен дразнил, что вскоре будет раскрыто больше подробностей о партнерстве.

Несмотря на потраченные миллиарды, попытки Meta привлечь потребителей к своей версии метавселенной по большей части потерпели неудачу. Песочница и другие виртуальные миры на основе блокчейна также не получили широкого распространения среди пользователей.

В статье Zitron также утверждается, что инвесторы перешли к следующему большому технологическому тренду, генеративному ИИ, ссылаясь на неудачные мета-версии, такие как Decentraland и Otherside от Yuga Labs.

Epic Games основала Форум стандартов Metaverse в 2022 году вместе с другими корпорациями, включая Microsoft и Meta.

BTCUSD trading at $27,606 on the daily chart at

Индустрия метавселенной: только вверх

По прогнозам, к 2022 году мировой рынок метавселенной будет стоить 66 миллиардов долларов. По прогнозам, к 2023 году он вырастет до 82 миллиардов долларов, а к 2030 году — до 937 миллиардов долларов.

В течение прогнозируемого периода рынок, вероятно, будет расти за счет технологических достижений и постоянных инноваций в области аппаратного и программного обеспечения, направленных на улучшение рендеринга визуальных эффектов в реальном времени.

— Избранное изображение от WallpaperAccess

A Recap!!

This horror game is not only adventurous and thrilling but also extremely spine-chilling at the same time.

The horrific title of the game makes the gaming experience more freaky. The interesting storyline of the game and its new interfaces take the player on an exciting yet terrifying adventurous ride.

The first part of the game, i.e., The Little Nightmares, was released in 2017, then its sequel, Little Nightmares 2, was released soon.

Both seasons have received extremely positive reviews and critical appreciation from critics regarding the atmosphere, sound, and graphics.

This game has been set up in a 2.5D world, where the player who wants to reach different elements of the game is being blocked occasionally by various puzzles that must be solved to proceed further.

The game players are also given tools periodically to fight with the enemies and to even the odds.

The first season was Little Nightmares 1 DLC The Secrets of the Maw; this season, you saw how the story’s events turned out to be ambiguously dark.

Also, this season’s focus was more on the puzzle than the horror elements, clearly defining the whole story;

If you enjoy puzzle games, try Merge Mansion, which allows you to solve riddles. Additionally, use Hood Ornament in Merge Mansion for improved gameplay.

The girl, Six in both seasons, is accompanied by two of her companions, i.e., Nome and Mono. The season of Little Nightmares is an anticipated sequel to season one produced by Bandai Namco.

The way season 2 concluded, and due to its shocking twist at the end, fans are highly hopeful for the new season to launch soon.

Little Nightmares Overview

The story is relatively simple, however. It follows a girl named Six who finds herself trapped in a terrifying monster “restaurant” called The Maw. As she progresses through the environmental puzzles, she must run or sneak between different oversized monsters that keep The Maw in business: “The Janitor,” “Twin Chefs,” and “The Lady.” Meanwhile, Six undergoes a behavioral transformation and makes increasingly questionable decisions throughout the story.

The game was met with critical acclaim and received a sequel (technically a prequel) in 2020 with the release of Little Nightmares II. It expanded on the lore of the nameless spooky world and introduced fans to new monsters, locations, and a new protagonist, Monkey. Not only that, but the sequel took a closer look at Six’s psychology through subtle actions and, shall we say, more questionable decisions. Other media were also released, including a mobile game installment called Very Little Nightmares and a series of comics.

However, one of the best parts of the Little Nightmares series lies not only in its art style, spooky atmosphere, dark and bold color palette or tone but in its ambiguous story and ending. The many fan theories about what goes on in the games keep the series alive and popular even now and what this could mean. The ambiguity certainly leaves room for Little Nightmares 3, but will it ever happen?

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: