Обзор фильма ужасов «кукловод» (2018): джейсон на курсах рисования и лепки

The puppetman (shudder) review | road rash reviews

Переезд в деревню

Младшая сестра Сони Аня болеет, поэтому мать привозит девочек в деревню. Сказать, что Соне это очень не нравится, значит, не сказать ничего. Аня понимает, что виновата в том, что теперь самые лучшие годы сестры пройдут в деревне и даже обещает быстро выздороветь. Кстати, стоит сказать, что не такая уж глухая деревня. Есть свою больница школа, да и дома не маленькие.

На следующий день Соня вступает в конфликт с местными хулиганами. Главный в этой банде Тема закидывает ее скейт в заброшенный дом. Соня входит внутрь и встречает там свою младшую сестру. В руках у Ани странная кукла с огромными глазами. Соня приказывает куклу бросить, а маме ничего не говорить, ибо влетит обоим.

Позже Соня узнает, что этот дом кукольника, который был уродом, делал кукол и ставил скучные постановки. Местные жители относились к нему пренебрежительно, он не выдержал и повесился в своем доме-театре. Потом начали пропадать дети. Поговаривают, что кукольник делал своих кукол из живых детей. В это, конечно, никто не верит, но дом обходят стороной.

Кадр из фильма «Кукольник»

Was Charlie murdered?

Charlie was Michal’s roommate, and she was curious when she learned about Michal’s past. She realized that the reason behind Michal’s sleepwalking was her childhood trauma. But that was not the only answer Charlie was searching for; she wanted to dive deep and find out the mystery behind the Puppetman killer. The fact that Michal’s father believed he was controlled by someone else when he murdered his wife got Charlie wondering if Michal had inherited any of her father’s traits. Michal was glad to have a supporting friend such as Charlie by her side, but at the same time, she often felt overwhelmed by her curiosity. She wanted to get over her past, but Charlie made that almost impossible. One night, while sleepwalking, Michal drew three lines on the wall with her blood. She had a tendency to pick her skin, but she did not know the meaning behind the symbol she made. Recently, Michal had started to zone out a lot, and she would imagine herself as a little girl locked inside a cupboard. The three lines that she had drawn matched the symbol she saw in her dreams, but the meaning behind them was still a mystery. Along with the strange visions and the sleepwalking, Michal also started to spot crows all around her. She could feel an ominous presence, but she did not know what it wanted from her. Meanwhile, Charlie conducted her own investigation, and she learned some unsettling truths about Michal from a psychic, Ruby.

One night, Charlie, Michal, and their friends Jo, Glenn, and Danny gathered at the dorm terrace for a fun night. After taking a few sips of his drink, Glenn went on to disclose how messed up Michal was. Charlie and Glenn took an interest in each other, and Charlie seemed to have shared every detail about her roommate with Glenn. Michal could not believe that Charlie had betrayed her trust and shared embarrassing details of her life with someone else. Charlie tried to explain herself, but Michal had enough. Just as Michal was about to leave, Charlie started to behave strangely. She was unable to move or speak. Her horrified eyes stared at Michal as she walked to the edge of the terrace and fell to the ground. Charlie died on the spot, and Michal believed she was to blame. Michal was convinced that there was something wrong with her, and it was the reason why people around her died. After meeting Charlie’s mother, Michal learned about the psychic Charlie visited often, and she decided to meet Ruby with her friends.

Фильм ужасов «Кукловод» 2018: плюсы

Но есть и плюсы. Главный – сам маньяк. Бог с ним, с его мотивацией. Зато этот чувак отлично рисует страшные картинки, делает скульптурные инсталляции, художественно развешивает в лесу красные ниточки, печет пирожные и пирожки. В общем, мужик на все руки, жаль, что псих.

Ну и хочется добавить, что девчульки играли замечательно, крайне правдоподобно пугались и рыдали, не иначе, режиссер гонялся за ними по съемочной площадке с бензопилой.

Давай будем очень хорошо играть, а то дяденька режиссер будет очень ругаться!

Есть и мораль: не надо, не надо ничего есть в лесу. И хорошо бы объяснить это детям (без шуток).

Ахтунг! Не путать фильм с “Кукловод. Самый маленький рейх”. Это два разных фильма.

Вердикт фильму ужасов «Кукловод» 2018: 5 из 10. На месте режиссера гордиться бы фильмом я не стала, хотя и стыдиться тут нечего. Да, проходняк, но крепкий, и, если любите Джейсона, зайдет. А, если не любите, то вряд ли вообще будете смотреть кинопроизведения подобного плана.

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Why was Danny murdered?

After learning about Jo and Glenn’s deaths, Michal decided to end her life, but Dolos did not allow her to do so. It was a fight between the vessel and the spirit, and ultimately, the spirit won. After watching what Michal was going through, Danny decided to visit Ruby. She believed every word Danny said, and she made it clear that they must act as if they were unaware that a spirit was living in Michal’s body. The moment the spirit felt threatened, it tended to destroy the obstruction. So, when Michal told Ruby how the spirit living inside her was not happy that she (Michal) knew about his existence, Ruby diverted the entire conversation and tried to convince Michal that she was indeed wrong. Ruby explained that she was the one who started to spread the theory, but it was untrue. She handed back the money that she had taken from Charlie and Danny. Ruby knew she would die if she lied anymore.

The spirit became suspicious of Danny when he started driving aimlessly. It demanded an answer, and Danny was forced to read the message Ruby had written on the notes. The moment the spirit realized that Danny too, was aware that someone else was in control of Michal’s body, the decision to kill Danny was made. The vessel and the spirit were in conflict once again, but the spirit was too powerful for Michal to dominate, and she helplessly watched her boyfriend die in front of her eyes.

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Автор статьи

Евгений Пинигин
Музыкант, юрист, маркетолог. В прошлом — эзотерик, в настоящем — скептик и реалист. Любит кино, сериалы, экстремальный спорт.

Отличная статья!21Нет…3

Жуткий кукольник

Между тем странная кукла странным образом появилась в их доме и с тех пор Аня начала меняться буквально на глазах, да еще стали происходить пугающие события. Соня обратилась к своим новым друзьям. Вместе они попытались сжечь дом кукольника, но огонь чудесным образом потух.

В итоге Соня с Юрой и Аней оказались в ловушке кукольника, и чуть было не стали его куклами. Там же Юра нашел своего пропавшего брата Пашу. Им помогли Тема и его команда, в итоге дом спалили и все подружились. Но кукольник никуда не ушел, ведь зло всегда должно оставаться в нашем мире, чтобы добро могло его побеждать…

Кадр из фильма «Кукольник»

Фильм ужасов «Кукловод» 2018: минусы

Нет, не здорово. Фильм сразу начинает раздавать своим зрителям фейспалмы:

Мы переехали в уединенную хижину в лесу, хотя у нас маленькие дети, которым нужна школа (садик) и врач! И приличная игровая площадка, чтобы они не шатались по темному лесу! А-а-а! Почему у вашей хижины нет сигнализации и видеонаблюдения? Почему вы не купили детям хотя бы самые дешевые мобильники? А-а-а! Да вы хоть смотрели фильм «Хижина в лесу»?! А-а-а!

Мамаша вела себя в фильме так бестолково и стремно, что, кажется, даже маньяк был девочкам лучшей матерью, чем она.

В фильме три мужика. Согласно новейшим веяниям, они представлены так: один из них маньяк, двое других – умственно отсталые, так что сильной, смелой женщине (в смысле, стремной мамаше) приходится разбираться с проблемами самой. Ну, ладно, маньяк. А, если в хижине в лесу потечет кран или вырубится электричество? Куда пойти, куда податься сильной независимой женщине.

Наконец, ближе к финалу зачем-то решили, что у маньяка должна быть мотивация. И она-таки есть, но настолько бредовая и невнятная, что на этом фоне Джейсон и Бабадук кажутся недостижимыми вершинами тончайшего психологизма.

По-моему, таким инсталляциям место в музее, а не в лесу. А, может, на ярмарке народных ремесел

What was the book of Dolos?

From the bunch of dead crows to Michal attempting to commit suicide in her sleep, there were plenty of indications that suggested something was terribly wrong. Even though visiting a psyche was not the most logical thing to do, Michal, Danner, Jo, and Glenn agreed to give it a try. Before speaking to Michal, Ruby invited her friends and warned them that there was something dark that lived inside Michal, and Charlie was afraid of her. While Ruby was busy with her friends, Michal glanced through the room and noticed a book titled “The Cult of Dolos” with the exact symbol that she used to draw in her sleep. Before Michal could find any more information, Ruby called her into the room.

A seance was conducted to summon Michal’s mother, Patricia, since Ruby believed she was the only one who could answer the person responsible for Charlie’s death. A spirit entered Ruby’s body, and they wrote, “I murdered Charlie.” When Michal saw the note, she demanded to know who Ruby had contacted, and it turned out that the person she contacted was Michal herself. This proved that there was a part of Michal that was evil, and she was unaware of the existence of the spirit inside her. Since Ruby had been in talks with Charlie, she figured that she must try and contact the evil in Michal to find out if it was responsible for Charlie’s death. After going through Charlie’s laptop, Jo found out that it was a book named “The Cult of Dolos” that led Charlie to Ruby. Charlie was searching for answers, and that resulted in her death.

That night, Michal started to sleepwalk once again, and using the blood dripping from her wrist, she wrote, “Let it lie, let it die, Char lie, Char die.” It was the darkness that spoke through Michal, and according to the statement, it was safe to assume that anyone who dared to lie to the darkness living inside Michal would be killed. Michal realized that maybe she was responsible for the death of her mother and later the death of one of her foster fathers, who abused her. She started to believe that her anger resulted in the deaths. In The Puppetman, we learn that there was something powerful in her that could take action even without her consent, and the more Michal learned about it, the more she wanted to give up on her life.

Did Ruby trick the trickster?

Ruby contacted Detective Al, the one in charge of Charlie, Jo, and Glenn’s murder cases. When Michal attempted to die once again at the police station, Al found her. Even though Michal wanted to die, the spirit protected the vessel. But since Al entered the station in silence, the spirit was unaware of his presence. Al shot Michal with a tranquilizer and brought her to Ruby. The book mentioned that the spirit of Dolos found peace only when it rested, and now that the body was at rest, Ruby assumed that the spirit was asleep as well.

While Michal was resting, Ruby contacted the real Michal, who was still awake inside the body. Michal responded that she wanted to be free and that her father could be her substitute. It was time to trick the trickster. Since Michal’s father was to be executed, it was the perfect body for the spirit of Dolos to reside in to confirm that it never returns. At the end of The Puppetman, Michal was taken to prison, and she woke up when they arrived there. The real Michal seemed to be the one in control, and she was ready to have a word with her father. She convinced David to open himself to the spirit of Dolos. She desperately wanted to be free, and David agreed to do one last favor for his daughter. The transfer was apparently a success, and David was taken in for execution.

During The Puppetman‘s ending, David, with the spirit of Dolos inside of him, was able to take control of the body of the executioner, but it was only momentary. David died after being injected with a lethal substance, and Ruby breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the threat was now gone. The last few seconds of The Puppetman are crucial. While Ruby was convinced that Dolos was gone, the wicked smile on Michal’s face told a different story. It was evident that Dolos never entered David’s body, and it was Michal who momentarily paused the executioner to make David believe that he was in control and that he could be free if he wanted. The ending proved that it was almost impossible to trick the trickster. It makes us wonder if Ruby ever contacted the real Michal, or was it the real Michal who was put to sleep instead of the spirit of Dolos? Whatever the case, in the end, Dolos had complete control over Michal. To think of it, Michal would have never wanted her father to live, and by transferring Dolos into his body, it was a possibility. Once David had the power to control minds, he would have escaped his death (it is strange that Ruby did not think about that). It is also likely that, in the end, the vessel and the spirit were finally in sync. Dolos will continue to live as Michal and trick those who dare to plot against him.

В чем смысла фильма

Что по итогу. Достаточно неплохой фильм, снят очень качественно, есть пугающие моменты, но на мой взгляд история с кукольником высосана из пальца. Даже в фильме «Яга. Кошмар темного леса» несмотря на всю его фантастичность была серьезная идея. Ну а тут за всей этой мистикой скрывается более простой и понятный смысл.

Собственно, кино о детях и о том, как они страдают, если не имеют друзей. Причем отсутствие друзей может быть по совершенно разным причинам. Аня просто болела и не могла общаться со сверстниками, Юра был слабым и странным ребенком. В общем, всегда найдется причина.

Но если у тебя есть старший брат или сестра, то и эта проблема перестает быть проблемой. Братья и сестры вполне могут быть лучшими друзьями на всю жизнь. А родители, да, даже самые хорошие и заботливые всегда заняты. Да и не верят они во всякие странности, потому что некогда им верить в сказки и выдумки. Такие вот дела…


3 star gory and unnerving supernatural thriller.

The Puppetman is a 2023 American horror film with a screenplay by Ryan Christensen and Matt Manjourides (The Last Drive-In with Joe Briggs) alongside Brandon Christensen (Z, Superhost) who also directs.

It is a Shudder Original, available on the steaming platform from Friday 13th October 2023.

“When he was being questioned, he just had one answer and all he said was ‘It wasn’t me.’”

As the film opens we see a woman cooking a meal as her husband David (Zachary Le Vey – Middleground) enters the kitchen, grabs a knife and stabs her, all the time trying to tell her to run and insisting it isn’t him. Their  daughter Michal (Natalie Meetze) watches from a cage in a closet. He is arrested and charged with murder, but always maintains that he wasn’t in charge of his body at the time, earning himself the nickname The Puppetman.

Many years later, and the daughter Michal (Alyson Gorske – Jungle Run, Meteor Moon) has now left the foster care system and is at college trying to lead a normal life. This isn’t aided by the barrage of news reports regarding The Puppetman’s impending execution by lethal injection. Her roommate Charlie (Angel Prater – The Engagement Dress) is fascinated by it, even trying to convince her to go and see him, but she just wants to move on with her life.

She has good friends around her, including Jo (Anna Telfer – Tomorrow), Glenn (Cameron Wong) and her boyfriend Danny (Kio Cyr – Give Me An A), but as things begin to unravel and they enlist the help of psychic Ruby (Caryn Richman – Among the Willows), it looks as though her past may be coming back to haunt her.

“We all have baggage. That’s why we’re even here, to cut the strings. We’re on our own now. This is our world and our control. You’re a survivor, man.”

The Puppetman is an entertaining watch, and a decent solid horror. Following the gruesome opening sequence, some patience is required to get to the next horror element, but it’s worth the wait for two brutal and memorable deaths.

The first hour or so of the film concentrates on Michal’s grief and trauma and the ways in which she tries to work through that with her friends, and plays out as more of a coming-of-age film. The latter part picks up with the introduction of an evil ‘other’, however without any coherent back story, the impact of this is somewhat lost.

All in all it’s a good film, with pretty good acting, crisp and modern style and just a little more attention to the script might have improved it considerably. Certainly worth a watch.

“It isn’t your fault, what happened to your Mom. What happened to Charlie, that is not your fault. We’re all here for some closure, yes? Why shouldn’t we be?”

Puppet Man – Photo Credit: Shudder

The Puppetman is streaming on Shudder from 13th October 2023.

Category: Review

Объяснение концовки

Смысл концовки фильма «Кукла» в том, что вся показанная мистика, на поверку оказалась объяснима поступками реальных людей. Кукла не была живой. Её перемещал выживший в пожаре настоящий Брамс. Он прятался в доме и, судя по его словам, терроризировал и убивал людей — погибшей девочкой всё явно не ограничилось. Родители Брамса, вероятно, знали об этом и специально наняли Грету в качестве прощального подарка сыну. Содержание их записки это подтверждает.

Такое объяснение концовки всё же не раскрывает многие детали. Например, непонятно, какой смысл был прятаться в тайных помещениях после пожара. Ясно, что родители пытались из-за убийства девочки (и, может быть, ещё кого-то) скрыть то, что Брамс жив. Но ведь жили они уединённо — мальчик вполне мог оставаться незамеченным рядом с родителями, скрываясь от глаз посторонних лишь в редких случаях.

Непонятно, зачем понадобилось заказывать куклу по образу и подобию сына. Впрочем, всё это обретает смысл, если предположить, что родители после пожара не пожелали мириться со страшной внешностью ребёнка и с его поступками. Они нашли ему замену в виде куклы и стали общаться с сыном через неё. Мальчика же убрали с глаз долой, оборудовав ему тайные помещения.

Однако такая трактовка — лишь догадка. Создатели не дали по этому поводу явных подсказок. У фильма есть продолжение под названием «Кукла 2: Брамс». Благодаря ему, во все недосказанности закладывается совсем другая идея. Однако сиквел также игнорирует некоторые события, поданные в первом фильме как факты. Так что обе части всё-таки следует анализировать отдельно друг от друга.

Кадр из фильма.

Ещё одна странная деталь, расходящаяся с реализмом первой части — голос Брамса, меняющийся с детского на взрослый. Кто-то в своих разборах предполагает, что парень остался в детском возрасте не только психологически, но и отчасти физически. То есть его голос не сломался. Но непонятно, как он смог яростно и хрипло кричать вслед Греты, чтобы та вернулась. Если не добавлять мистики и фантастики, то можно предположить, что парень просто умело имитировал детский тембр.

What did Michal learn from her father?

Glenn and Jo died on the same night. He was at the gym, and all of a sudden, Dolos took control of his body and ultimately crushed his skull. Danny was the only one alive, but not for too long. Danny and Michal traveled to the prison to meet Michal’s father, David. She believed he was the only one who could answer her questions, and she was right. David admitted that he and Patricia participated in the marriage ritual, as mentioned in the book. They united sin with innocence by including little Michal in the ritual. The three of them offered their blood to bring Dolos into the mortal world, and he was born in Michal’s body. Patricia was ready to carry the demon in her body in the form of a fetus, but the demon chose Michal. Patricia and David wanted to rattle the world with Dolos by their side, but their plan backfired. Dolos was a trickster, and he tricked his devotees by entering Michal’s body.

At times, he acted according to his wishes, and there were times when he fulfilled the hateful thoughts that came to Michal’s mind. David hated his daughter because she was blessed with the power they prayed for, and she acted against them once Dolos started to live in her body. David was right about one thing: the trickster had used them and left them to die, and once he was done with Michal, he would do the same to her. While traveling to campus from prison, when Danny tried to comfort Michal, he felt someone stopping him. He had no control over his body, and it became clear to him that Michal did not want to be touched. She communicated with him using just her mind.

Who was Dolos?

In The Puppetman, Jo could sense an ominous presence from the moment she was handed the Dolos book by Ruby. She had informed Glenn and Danny about it, and she intended on uncovering the mystery together. But neither Glenn nor Danny responded to her message, and after waiting for them at the library, she decided to find out the truth all by herself. Glenn liked Charlie, and after her death, he became extremely bitter. He hated Michal for destroying their lives, and he could not wrap his head around how big the problem was.

Meanwhile, Danny was busy with Michal. He was her only friend who did not give up on her. He tried to understand what she was going through, and he supported her as much as he could. When he received the text, he was at a diner with Michal, and he ignored the text to keep Michal company. After going through the book, Jo learned that to bring the demon back into the world, a ritual of marrying the light and the dark, that is, the sin and the innocence, must be followed. It was then that she figured out what Charlie had gone through. The book stated that the ones who conspired against Dolos would have to submit themselves to him, and he would ultimately take control of their bodies. Dolos is the spirit of trickery in Greek mythology, and he was brought into the world to wreak havoc. Jo called Ruby to find out if they were in danger, and within seconds, she got her answer. Jo was smoking a cigarette, and she lost complete control of her body. The cigarette dropped on the book, and she stabbed herself with the pen in her hand. As the book burned, she could feel someone pushing her face towards the fire. Jo’s death was foretold in a way– Glenn jokingly once stated that it was about time that something exploded on her face. Jo ultimately burned to death, and even though she tried to fight against the force, it was impossible.

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