The boys season 3 soundtrack: all songs with scene descriptions

Season 3 – Episode 2

The Only Man in the Sky

Song: Listen on:
You’ve Got a License to Drive (Me Crazy) — Miles Gaston VillanuevaTimestamp: 0:06 / 0:51 / 0:56 | Scene: Supersonic and Starlight are talking about this song. / Supersonic sings this song on his stage show. / Song can be heard in the credits of the second episode of the third season of The Boys.
America’s Son — Laurie HoldenTimestamp: 0:13 | Scene: Crimson Countess sings this song.
Chimps Don’t Cry — Laurie HoldenTimestamp: 0:14 | Scene: Crimson Countess, Frenchie and Kimiko watch this music video. Crimson Countess causes chaos and horror.
This Country Rocks — Brent HarrisonTimestamp: 0:28 | Scene: Billy is at the gun show.


  • Билли Бутчер (Карл Урбан) – возглавляет отряд борцов с героями. Волевой лидер, не брезгующий любыми методами для достижения цели. Саркастичен, умелый манипулятор.
  • Хоумлендер (Энтони Старр) – глава семерки супергероев. Наделен огромной силой, способностью к полету, и выпускает из глаз разрушающие энергетические лучи. Психически не стабилен, но имеет весьма благообразный вид.
  • Хью Кэмпбелл (Джек Куэйд) – рядовой член отряда, обычный человек. После гибели подруги присоединяется к борьбе с сильными мира сего. Страдает от панических атак, но способен в нужный момент собраться.
  • Старлайт (Эрин Мориарти) – единственная из компании супергероев, кто искренне старается помогать людям. Добрая и отзывчивая девушка, с собственными скелетами в шкафу.

Многим зрителям понравились нестандартные герои, не такие, какими мы их привыкли видеть. Благодаря талантам актеров, сумевших передать все оттенки характеров персонажей, армия поклонников проекта безостановочно растет, и все задаются вопросом, когда выйдет шоу Пацаны 3 сезон. Возможно, это случится уже осенью 2021 года, поскольку съемки новых серий еще не начались.

Сюжет 3 сезона

3 июня 2022 года на платформе Amazon Prime Video состоялась премьера третьего сезона «Пацанов». Новый сезон обещает быть еще страшнее, безумнее, темнее, смешнее и во всех отношениях более запоминающимся, чем все предыдущие. Зрители продолжают наслаждаться циничным взглядом на мир супергероев, который неутомимо удивляет и шокирует своей сатирой.

События третьего сезона происходят год после завершения второго, в котором главная героиня Энни, сыгранная Эрин Мориарти, вновь становится членом супергеройской группы «Семерка» после своего исключения из нее за сопротивление Хоумлендеру, исполненному Антони Старр, и за разоблачение Штормфронт, воплощенной Айей Кэш, как нациста.

Также беспокойство показывает Билли Бутчер, сыгранный Карлом Урбаном, который с сожалением относится к несчастному случаю, приведшему к смерти его возлюбленной Бекки, сыгранной Шантель Вансантен. Билли всегда мечтал отомстить Хоумлендеру, и в этом сезоне у него предоставляется возможность, когда он обнаруживает новую версию Препарата V, который преподносит временные сверхспособности на протяжении около 24 часов, и он намеренно использует его в своих интересах. Кроме того, основная часть сезона сосредоточена на поисках загадочного оружия Мясником против супергероев, а также на исследовании прошлого супергероя Vought — Мальчика-солдата.

Билли Бутчер «Мясник» — лидер и искусный манипулятор

Хьюи Кемпбелл – новобранец, который потерял любимую девушку по вине Экспресса

Марвин «Молоко Матери» — идеальный семьянин, правая рука «Мясника»

Французик – парень переживший тяжёлое детство, отличный знаток химии и оружия

Кимико «Самка» — девушка со способностью регенерации, сильная и быстрая

Season 3 – Episode 1


Song: Listen on:
Run The World — Litty KittyTimestamp: 0:09 | Scene: Kimiko and Frenchie enter the party. Song can be heard at the party. A guy is taking drugs.
Dream A Little Dream of Me — Doris DayTimestamp: 0:09 | Scene: Kimiko watches a little girl playing the piano. She starts to sing.
Devotion — One True God & adam&steveTimestamp: 0:10 | Scene: Peter is applauded by the audience. Frenchie looks around the party for Peter and his boyfriend.
Uptown Girl — Billy JoelTimestamp: 0:15 / 0:16 / 0:57 | Scene: Hughie and Stargirl are having fun in bed. / Hughie enters the office / song is also heard at the end of the episode. Hughie watches Nadia kill Tony.
Dream a Little Dream of Me — Ella Fitzgerald & Louis ArmstrongTimestamp: 0:31 | Scene: Hughie and Butcher are talking to each other. The girl plays this song on the piano.
Rock My Kiss — Miles Gaston VillanuevaTimestamp: 0:38 | Scene: The music video from the boy band can be heard and seen.
Dream a Little Dream of Me — Anne ReburnTimestamp: 0:53 | Scene: Janine is tucked in by her father Milk. He then goes into a room where newspaper reports are hung on the wall.


Jensen Ackles is Soldier Boy. Ackles’ character is a WWII-era Supe who is allegedly going to make Homelander look like a tame kitten. And yes, as a WWII supe, Soldier Boy definitely has history with Stormfront, formerly known as Liberty. 

«Yes, he knew her when she was Liberty,» Kripke told TV Guide at the end of Season 2. «There’s a history of Vought that we’re starting to map out because Soldier Boy has been a mainstay of Vought for decades. He was like John Wayne there, and so as a result, we’re writing the history of Vought and how all the characters weave in together.» 

Your faves will return. The giant cast of The Boys is all set to return for Season 3, including Karl Urban, Jack Quaid, Laz Alonso, Karen Fukuhara, and Tomer Capon for Team Boys and Antony Starr, Erin Moriarty, Chace Crawford, Jesse T. Usher, and Dominique McElligott for Team Supe.


The first full-length trailer or The Boys Season 3 arrived on Monday, May 16, and there’s a lot to unpack. First of all, we are going to be picking up about a year after the events of Season 2. Homelander is on the press trail to try and redeem his image after having a very public love story with a Nazi. He’s claiming that he simply «fell in love with the wrong woman,» but it’s clear that we are very close to Homelander’s mind snapping and that won’t be good for anyone. 

The headline news here is really about Billy though. We see him take a serum that gives him superpowers for 24 hours. According to him, it is to level the playing field for once but Mother’s Milk points out that the entire ethos of the boys is that no one deserves that kind of power. It’s also unclear whether this new mystery serum will have the same addictive nature as Compound-V, because if it does, that’s going to open a whole new can of worms. 

Then there’s Soldier Boy. He’s coming out of retirement, and what looks like a cryogenic chamber. The beard is in full effect and we know he’s going to be interacting with Billy at least, but also smashing someone’s head in with his shield like Captain America (Wyatt Russell) did in that episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier we all try to forget. It seems like Soldier Boy might have a bit more in common with Homelander than we suspected. It remains to be seen if that will be a good thing or a total travesty. Regardless, this is The Boys so it will be something we never expect. 

The Boys Season 3 teaser trailer debuted during the show’s featured session at SXSW on March 12, and even if there’s no dialogue in the trailer, there is so much to unpack. The trailer shows the first footage of Soldier Boy in action, though it’s only a few quick glimpses of him in between action shots. It looks like he knows how to throw a punch though. The second thing worth noticing is that Billy has powers! There is a lot of laser-eye action going on for our main vigilante whose life purpose is destroying Vought and all of the superheroes the corrupt company spews out. It also looks like we are getting multiple music numbers this season and poor Hughie is suffering per usual, but things look even more painful than his previous exploits. Oh, and there’s blood everywhere. Just so, so, so much blood. 

Все сезоны сериала

1 сезон
2 сезон
3 сезон
4 сезон

Сезон 1, серия 1
Такая игра

Сезон 1, серия 2

Сезон 1, серия 3

Сезон 1, серия 4
Самка человека

Сезон 1, серия 5
Полезно для души

Сезон 1, серия 6

Сезон 1, серия 7
Общество самосохранения

Сезон 1, серия 8
Ты меня нашёл

Сезон 2, серия 1
Большая поездка

Сезон 2, серия 2
Правильная подготовка и планирование

Сезон 2, серия 3
За холмом тысячи людей с мечами

Сезон 2, серия 4
Ничего подобного в мире нет

Сезон 2, серия 5
Нам пора идти

Сезон 2, серия 6
Прочь чёртовы двери

Сезон 2, серия 7
Мясник, пекарь, свечник

Сезон 2, серия 8
Что я знаю

Сезон 3, серия 1

Сезон 3, серия 2
Единственный в небе

Сезон 3, серия 3
Берег варваров

Сезон 3, серия 4
Славная пятилетка

Сезон 3, серия 5
Последний взор на сей мир лжи

Сезон 3, серия 6

Сезон 3, серия 7
Вот зажгу я пару свеч — ты в постельку можешь лечь

Сезон 3, серия 8
Только ярость добела

Season 3 – Episode 4

Glorious Five Year Plan

Song: Listen on:
Solid Gold Theme – Dionne WarwickTimestamp: 0:00 | Scene: Song is heard right at the beginning of the episode.
Rapture – BlondieTimestamp: 0:01 | Scene: Soldier Boy sings this song.
Yasniy Moly Svet – Tatiana BulanovaTimestamp: 0:06 | Scene: Butcher goes to the Russian grocery shop to speak to Nina, and Nina reveals to Butcher that in exchange for her assistance, she wants Cherie.
Junk – Jane AirTimestamp: 0:15 / 0:57 | Scene: Song is heard after the conversation between Annie and Mauve. / The closing credits.
You Got Your License To Drive (Me Crazy) – Miles Gaston VillanuevaTimestamp: 0:17 | Scene: Annie approaches Alex for assistance in killing Homelander, and he immediately accepts.
Poison – Bell Biv DeVoeTimestamp: 0:27 | Scene: Kimiko exits the vehicle while impeccably attired and walks in the direction of the estate.
I Will Survive (Russian) – Ivan GromovTimestamp: 0:27 | Scene: Kimiko enters the estate and is invited to a room with sex workers; she murders a guy and fights the guards.


Мир, где супергерои представляют собой настоящую корпорацию. Торговая марка, призванная увеличить доходы акционеров. Спасение производится по указке, точно отмеренными дозами. Как звезды сцены, люди, наделенные сверх способностями, являют публике благовидное лицо, пряча за ярким фасадом отвратительный характер с низменными потребностями.

Призвать к порядку потерявших человеческое лицо «спасителей» может только специальный отряд, созданный человеком, искренне ненавидящим все, что связано с этими зазнавшимися личностями. Он подбирает себе команду единомышленников, и, не стесняясь в выражениях, старается бороться против окончательно зарвавшихся людей с невероятными силами.

Показ второй части проекта запланирован на начало сентября 2020 года, но разговоры о дате выхода всех серий в России Пацаны 3 сезон уже ведутся. Что послужило причиной популярности сериала? Возможно, нестандартная сюжетная линия, показывающая изнаночную жизнь героев. В любом случае, поклонники могут вздохнуть с облегчением – еще целых два сезона им гарантированы.

Season 3 – Episode 3

Barbary Coast

Song: Listen on:
…Baby One More Time — Britney SpearsTimestamp: 0:00 / 0:57 | Scene: Song can be heard right at the beginning of the episode. / Homelander and Starlight kiss. During the kiss, Starlight clenches her hand. The credits follow.
Express Yourself — N.W.A.Timestamp: 0:04 | Scene: Butcher looks at himself in the mirror. Mother’s Milk is cleaning a table. He is talking to Frenchie.
Rock My Kiss — Miles Gaston VillanuevaTimestamp: 0:12 / 0:54 | Scene: Starlight lets this song play. Afterwards, she talks to Supersonic. She tells him that he will win the contest. / Supersonic is accepted as a new member of the Seven.
Rock You Like a Hurricane — ScorpionsTimestamp: 0:18 | Scene: Grace leaves her tent. She wants to know why all the men are cheering excitedly. Mindstorm, Crimson Countess, Swatto and other superheroes make a performance.
Despiertamente Antes De Que Te Va — Los JoaoTimestamp: 0:21 | Scene: Grace walks around the camp watching the superheroes.

Актеры 3 сезона сериала Пацаны


  • Season 3 had been greenlit by Amazon ahead of the season two premiere; and was revealed at SDCC 2020.
  • Season 3 will introduce Soldier Boy and Supersonic. The latter is Starlight’s ex-boyfriend and will drive a wedge between her and Hughie.
  • Eric Kripke, the show’s executive producer, hoped to begin filming early 2021 dependent on COVID-19 restrictions. Filming began in February 24, 2021 to September 10, 2021.
  • Eric Kripke gave some information about this season:
    • Soldier Boy is «Homelander before Homelander». He is a huge celebrity of America and Homelander will feel really threatened.
    • The audience learn more about Kimiko Miyashiro’s interests.
    • Love Sausage might come back again.
    • Stormfront is still alive and mutilated. Aya Cash expressed that she will be back if the showrunners call her back.
    • There will be a Herogasm. It will be the main event of the sixth episode of the season.
    • Starlight becomes a rising star among The Seven, but things will «go to shit pretty quickly».
    • Ryan Butcher will be a part of Season 3. Butcher will keep tabs on him and the two will have interactions.
    • Black Noir may take off his mask.
  • Antony Starr expressed that Homelander in Season 3 will be a «Homicidal Maniac».

Интересные факты

  1. Впервые на экранах сериал появился 26 июля 2019 года.
  2. Съемки первого сезона длились четыре месяца, второго – три с половиной.
  3. Объявление о появлении третьего сезона было сделано еще до показа первой серии второй части проекта.
  4. Сюжет сериала основан на одноименном комиксе, за авторством Дарика Робертсона и Гарта Энниса.
  5. Поскольку продюсерская группа однозначно ответила на вопрос, будет ли выход Пацаны 3 сезон, повода для волнения и споров больше нет. Конечно, может случиться всякое, но оптимизм режиссеров держится на успехе первой части проекта. Зрителям же остается надеяться, что качество будущего материала ничуть не будет уступать тому, что уже было показано на экранах.


Season Three
Episode Summary Airdate #
«Payback» You and a guest are invited to the premiere of DAWN OF THE SEVEN this Tuesday at 7PM in Vought Tower’s Lamplighter Memorial Theater! Screening will be followed by a Q&A with director Adam Bourke and an after-party with Supe DJ Malchemical on the turntables! Join us for the greatest true origin story ever told about America’s number one Superhero team and see how the legend began! June 3, 2022 3X0117
«The Only Man in the Sky» Homelander. America’s greatest Superhero. Defending our shores from sea to shining sea. Today, America honors him on his birthday. And the Vought Shopping Network is celebrating by offering the exclusive Homelander Limited Birthday Edition Gold Coin for only $99.95 (plus tax and shipping) while supplies last. Vought Gold Commemorative Coins: An investment that lasts a lifetime. June 3, 2022 3X0218
«Barbary Coast» Tonight at 9/8C on Vought Plus, it’s the season finale of #AmericanHero! Three contestants remain, but only TWO will join #TheSeven! Will Starlight choose her old flame Supersonic? Or will someone else be moving into the Seven Tower? Tune in tonight for the SHOCKING final episode, brought to you by Lean Lady Frozen Dinners by Vought: Where slim tastes super! June 3, 2022 3X0319
«Glorious Five Year Plan» Tonight, streaming live exclusively for Super-Subscribers, it’s the #ClashOfTheDildos! Which of the Seven-inspired dildos will crush the competition in this tip-to-tip challenge? Will it be the reigning champion Homelander Star-Spangled Banger or Starlight’s electrified Star-Brator? Join us as we put these pleasure-pounding penetrators through their paces! Only on! June 10, 2022 3X0420
«The Last Time to Look on This World of Lies» Did you know chimpanzees are an endangered species largely because of human activity? But you can help by supporting construction costs for Crimson Countess’s Chimp Country! This beautiful refuge for chimpanzees will feature a banana plantation, four daily stunt shows, and a petting zoo! And when you donate, you’ll be entered to win a private video chat with Crimson Countess! Donate today! June 17, 2022 3X0521
«Herogasm» You’re invited to the 70th Annual Herogasm! You must present this invitation in order to be admitted! Same rules as always: no cameras, no non-Supe guests unless they sign an NDA and they’re DTF, and no telling any news media! It’s BYOD, but food, alcohol and lube will be provided! And please remember to RSVP so we can get an accurate headcount for the caterer! June 24, 2022 3X0622
«Here Comes a Candle to Light You to Bed» Did someone say birthday? Come celebrate at Buster Beaver’s with our new Deluxe VIP Birthday Package, with seating for up to 30 guests, ten large two-topping pizzas, and ten pitchers of your choice of soda! And of course, a special birthday play starring Buster Beaver and his cast of furry forest friends! All for only $199.99 + tax! Buster Beaver’s Pizza! Where Kids Make the Rules! July 1, 2022 3X0723
«The Instant White-Hot Wild» Calling all patriots! Let’s show Homelander we’ve got his back and we’re not going to let Starlight and her Starlight House of Horrors get away with trafficking children and drinking their adrenaline! It’s time for real Americans to fight back! Join the Hometeamers and Stormchasers tomorrow at Vought Square! Stand back and stand by! July 8, 2022 3X0824


  • Karl Urban as Billy Butcher (8 episodes)
  • Jack Quaid as Hughie Campbell (8 episodes)
  • Antony Starr as Homelander (8 episodes)
  • Erin Moriarty as Starlight (8 episodes)
  • Dominique McElligott as Queen Maeve (5 episodes)
  • Jessie T. Usher as A-Train (8 episodes)
  • Laz Alonso as Mother’s Milk (8 episodes)
  • Chace Crawford as The Deep (8 episodes)
  • Tomer Capone as Frenchie (8 episodes)
  • Karen Fukuhara as Kimiko Miyashiro (8 episodes)
  • Nathan Mitchell as Black Noir (6 episodes)
  • Colby Minifie as Ashley Barrett (8 episodes)
  • Claudia Doumit as Victoria Neuman (6 episodes)
  • Jensen Ackles as Soldier Boy (7 episodes)

Supporting Cast

  • Katy Breier as Cassandra Schwartz (7 episodes)
  • Sabrina Saudin as Also Ashley (6 episodes)
  • Matthew Edison as Cameron Coleman (5 episodes)
  • Laurie Holden as Crimson Countess (5 episodes)
  • Matthew Gorman as Todd (5 episodes)
  • Liyou Abere as Janine Milk (5 episodes)
  • Giancarlo Esposito as Stan Edgar (4 episodes)
  • Cameron Crovetti as Ryan Butcher (4 episodes)
  • Miles Gaston Villanueva as Supersonic (4 episodes)
  • Katia Winter as Little Nina (4 episodes)
  • Kristen Booth as Tessa (4 episodes)
  • Jack Doolan as Tommy (4 episodes)
  • Frances Turner as Monique Milk (3 episodes)
  • Laila Robins as Grace Mallory (3 episodes)
  • Jim Beaver as Robert Singer (3 episodes)
  • Christian Keyes as Nathan Franklin (3 episodes)
  • Nick Wechsler as Blue Hawk (3 episodes)
  • Ryan Blakely as Mindstorm (3 episodes)
  • Aya Cash as Stormfront (2 episodes)
  • Malcolm Barrett as Seth Reed (2 episodes)
  • Jordana Lajoie as Cherie (2 episodes)
  • Paul Reiser as The Legend (2 episodes)


Hughie is working for Victoria Neuman. The end of Season 2 revealed that Hughie (Jack Quaid) was putting some space between him and the boys by taking a job with Victoria Neuman (Claudia Doumit), who he believes is an honest congresswoman determined to bring down Vought. Unaware that Neuman is actually the supe responsible for exploding heads throughout Season 2, Hughie is actually in more danger with his new boss/friend than he was with Butcher and the gang. Kripke confirmed that Season 3 will give Hughie a brief respite from being covered in blood, but everything will eventually go to hell in a handbasket for the canary. 

«The thing about Hughie is he’s not particularly good at the ultra-violence, but he’s very competent, and I think we wanted to show that off ,» Kripke told TV Guide. «He’s very smart, he’s a good investigator, he’s amazing with technology, he has great ideas. We wanted a chance to showcase him doing what he does best and see that he’s really strong, and an able character in the fight against supes. But of course, it’s all going to go to sh— on him.» 

Stormfront is not dead. Kripke would not reveal whether we’ll actually see Stormfront again in Season 3 after she lost her limbs in a showdown with Ryan (Cameron Crovetti) in the Season 2 finale, but he did tell TVG that the hero is not dead yet. She’s a living torso in a secure facility, being monitored as her injuries are tended to. 

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: