Bottom Lines Up Front
In this guide, I will compare each of their physical traits to get a somewhat idea of which villain has the upper hand in physical combat. And alongside that, I will also go over all their abilities, wins, and defeats throughout their respective universes to grasp what each of them is capable of.
And, of course, no comparison is complete without considering each of their mentalities and motivations and the lengths they will be willing to go to secure a win. Therefore, at the end of this guide, considering all the statistics and putting aside my biases, I will be crowning one of them as the ultimate being of both universes.
Могучий Тор
Поскольку он, пожалуй, самый могущественный член Мстителей, можно предположить, что у Тора будет больше всего шансов выжить в противостоянии с Таносом один на один. Однако в выпуске “Тор” № 25 за 2000 год Тор не просто выживает. Он бьет Таноса молотом до тех пор, пока Безумный Титан не может встать.
Это кульминация истории, в которой Танос ненадолго отказался от Камней Бесконечности и нацелился на трио космически мощных артефактов с не менее зловещими названиями: Чаша Руин, Карта Всех Концов и Просветляющий Камень. После поисков, в которых участвовали зловещий монстр Мангог и Повелитель огня, бывший глашатай Галактуса, Танос не только получил эти предметы, но и победил Тора, полностью отдав его в свою власть. По крайней мере, на несколько минут. Оказалось, что это был лишь первый раунд, отвлекающий маневр, чтобы дать отцу Тора время вложить еще несколько волшебных предметов в полную силу Силы Одина, увеличив и без того немалую силу Тора до поистине сокрушительного уровня.
С одной стороны, в этой истории есть элемент, который, по сути, сводится к тому, что персонажи сопоставляют все более мощные безделушки, как в игре Yu-Gi-Oh, определяющей судьбу вселенной. С другой стороны, после трех десятилетий правления Таноса как одного из самых грозных злодеев во всей Вселенной Marvel, невероятно приятно наблюдать, как Тор нацепляет на себя кучу магических приспособлений, а затем наносит, возможно, самый жестокий удар за всю свою долгую историю. Учитывая, что Тор однажды ударил врага так сильно, что сломал все кости в собственном теле, это о чем-то говорит.
A more all-ages take on Infinity Gauntlet had the team of Spider-Man, Hulk, Wolverine, Ms. Marvel, Dr. Doom, and space trucker US Ace take on Thanos. It was a silly endeavor, but very much worth reading.
When the heroes (and Doom) fought Thanos, they got their asses handed to them as expected. Out of nowhere, US Ace drove his space truck into Thanos. It didn’t kill him, but it did knock off his Gauntlet. Dr. Doom stole it, but it didn’t do him any good due to the realization that he was just a Doombot.
Thanos tried to put the Gauntlet back on, only for Spider-Man to steal it with a web yoink and put it on. Spider-Man wished that Thanos never found the Infinity Gems and the story reset itself where only Spider-Man and Thanos remembered the incident.
9. Is literally a God
In the comic books, after Anakin Skywalker died protecting the Galaxy from Darth Sidious and the Death Star, Skywalker appears again in another issue. This time, Anakin Skywalker is a God. The Force has finally taken Darth Vader into its wings and his consciousness is now one with the very energy that binds all life in the Galaxy. As a being born out of the Force and now made up of it, Anakin can travel great distances in a matter of milliseconds and perform godlike feats like crushing a planet into a pulp by just willing things to happen. Unlike Thanos who needs an Infinity Gauntlet to achieve that feat, Darth Vader has already achieved that level by himself.
“I pretend nothing! I am SUPREME!! In my native realm I WAS the universe!” — Beyonder
Including Beyonder in this list isn’t even fair. Beyonder whomps Thanos like a kid stomping on a plastic action figure. Thanos is toast.
The Beyonder is an ancient being belonging to the race known as “Beyonders”. He was sent to Earth by a group of evil geniuses trying to get a hold of some vibranium (the stuff that makes up Captain America’s shield).
The Beyonder’s capabilities are off the power grid. He has the ability to manipulate reality. For him, simply wishing something to be makes it true. He can morph himself into anything with any characteristics he wants. His strength is incalculable and can match any foe at his own desire. For all practical purposes, he is an omnipotent being with no inherent weaknesses. In the comic book realm he lost his powers to Doctor Doom for a period of time, but he survived and regained his strength.
Beyonder would be able to defeat Thanos at the mere desire to do so; however, there really isn’t any motivation for him to get involved.
Над костюмом и звуковыми эффектами трудилась целая команда
По первоначальному замыслу Лукаса у Дарта Вейдера не было никакого шлема – вместо этого лицо было обмотано черным шарфом. Шлем предполагался лишь как часть военной формы – ведь нужно как-то перемещаться с одного звездолета на другой. В итоге было решено, что Вейдер будет в этом шлеме постоянно. На создание и шлема, и остальной амуниции Вейдера и имперских военных Лукаса вдохновили униформа нацистов и шлемы японских военачальников. Знаменитое тяжелое дыхание Вейдера было придумано саунд-продюсером Беном Бурттом. Он поместил маленький микрофон в мундштук регулятора акваланга и записал звук своего дыхания.
Thanos: The Mad Titan
Thanos, also known as the Mad Titan, hails from the Marvel Comics universe. With his towering presence and superhuman strength, Thanos is an imposing figure. Equipped with the Infinity Gauntlet, a weapon capable of harnessing the power of the Infinity Stones, he becomes virtually invincible. With a mere snap of his fingers, Thanos has the ability to wipe out half the universe’s population.
The Infinity Gauntlet’s power grants Thanos a wide array of abilities, including time manipulation, reality alteration, and energy projection. His unmatched strength combined with his strategic mind makes him a formidable foe. However, despite his immense power, Thanos can be overconfident at times, underestimating the resolve and ingenuity of his opponents.
Актер Дэвид Проуз и режиссер Джордж Лукас ненавидят друг друга
Вражда между Лукасом и Проузом стала уже легендой среди съемочной группы «Звездных войн». Во-первых, Проуз думал, что для фильма используют его голос и был страшно огорчен озвучкой. Во время съемок эпизодов 5 и 6 Проуз портил жизнь всем на площадке, не утруждая себя тем, чтобы произносить те строчки, что были прописаны в его роли, и вместо них болтая какую-то околесицу. Например, нужно было произнести «Астероиды меня не волнуют, мне нужен этот корабль», а он невозмутимо произносил: «Геморрои меня не волнуют, мне нужно посрать».
Проуз также был огорчен тем, что его заменили на дублера в боевых сценах, несмотря на то, что физически он был вполне подготовлен. Но он все время ломал световые мечи. Позднее Лукас обвинил Проуза в раскрытии секретной информации о том, что Вейдер – отец Люка. Актеру также очень не понравился тот факт, что зрители не увидят на экране его лица: Вейдера без маски сыграл другой актер. Натянутые отношения между Лукасом и Проузом достигли финальной точки, когда Проуз в 2010 году снялся в антилукасовском фильме «Народ против Джорджа Лукаса». Это переполнило чашу терпения режиссера и он вычеркнул Проуза из всех будущих постановок «Звездных войн».
As a veteran of the Clone Wars, Darth Vader was very intelligent in terms of the strategies that he used in a fight. He could adjust on the fly and use different tactics that can be considered risky and unconventional in the eyes of the Jedi Order and the Republic. However, he almost always got the job done using unconventional tactics.
But one of Vader’s biggest weaknesses was his inability to control his emotions, as he almost always allowed his emotional side to get the better.
Arguably the scariest part about Thanos is his intelligence because he has always been a genius among his kind and was known for being an expert in all fields of knowledge throughout the universe.
There is also a good reason to believe that he is among the most intelligent non-god beings in the universe, and that allowed him to formulate useful strategies in the many battles and wars he waged throughout his life. As such, Thanos is most dangerous whenever he uses his mind to its full extent.
While Darth Vader’s military strategies are unique and effective, Thanos is basically in the upper echelons regarding his intelligence in the Marvel universe. That’s why the Mad Titan takes this round once more even though he may not look like he is quite intelligent.
Vader 1, Thanos 4
Darkseid versus Thanos: Fight!
Thanos in Marvel’s Infinity #1
Marvel Comics
Thanos has decided that after being met with constant failure in the Marvel Universe, it’s time to set his sights on another. Traveling beyond the known reaches of the universe and breaking through the Source Wall, Thanos, in his mighty ship, Sanctuary II, has entered the DC Universe. He’s confident that the beings here will be much easier to destroy.
Darkseid is immediately aware that something has changed within the omniverse. He senses a new presence, one seeking to once again impress Death. He’s not amused.
Mere moments after Thanos’ arrival, Darkseid opens a Boom Tube in front of the Deviant’s ship. Thanos gives pause at the stone-faced figure hovering in front of him. He’s dealt with the multiverse before, and he wonders if this grey figure is simply another version of himself.
It matters not. He’ll kill him too.
Thanos opens fire on Darkseid, launching the full might of his ship’s arsenal at the figure. Missiles, laser beams, energy blasts that could crumble moons into dust are loosed. When the clouds clear, Darkseid remains – unblemished and undaunted. The New God smiles, and for the first time in a long time, Thanos feels fear rise in his chest.
Wordlessly, Darkseid beckons Thanos out of his ship. The Mad Titan steels himself, grabs a blade made of Vibranium, and exits the ship. The two hover across from each other.
“You are this universe’s defender?” Thanos asks.
“No,” Darkseid replies. “Its savior.”
Darkseid is ready for Thanos
DC Comics
Darkseid looks inside Thanos’ mind and sees six Infinity Stones destroyed, lost to Thanos but still in existence. Immediately Darkseid recognizes them for what they are, not simply stones but the elements of an equation — the Anti-Life Equation.
Thanos pushes through the space between them, his blade held high. Darkseid grins wider. He’s already won, but he’ll indulge his opponent. Darkseid doesn’t move as Thanos’ blade hits his forehead and shatters. Darkseid puts a finger against the small mark in his forehead, seeing only the faintest glimmer of red.
“All that for a drop of blood,” Darkseid says. Thanos recoils, his own words thrown back at him. Darkseid offers another word: “Run.”
Thanos retreats. It’s too late. Darkseid releases his Omega Beams and they turn Thanos to ash. Darkseid looks at the hole in the Source Wall, the universe that waits beyond, and the Infinity Stones that hold the answer to everything he’s ever dared to dream.
Кто был самым жестоким злодеем Бэтмена?
1 Анакин Скайуокер: добро

Позвольте мне начать с того, что Дарт Вейдер и Анакин Скайуокер — не одно и то же лицо. Это абстрактное понятие, которое лучше всего объяснить этим теоретиком здесь. Дарт Вейдер часто обманывал себя в аллюзиях или галлюцинациях во сне или видениях.
Анакин Скайуокер считается настоящим Избранным, а Дарт Вейдер — тенью своего прежнего я.
Вейдер всегда побеждал Анакина, однако в их последней битве Анакин преодолевал свои самые мрачные искушения. Это Энакин Скайуокер, а не Дарт Вейдер, который спас Люка, свергнув Дарта Сидиуса и, таким образом, спас галактику и принес баланс силе, как было предсказано.
Plo Koon
Image Source:
Full Name: Plo Koon
Species: Kel Dor
Parent Planet: Dorin
Lightsaber: Blue
Debut: The Phantom Menace (1999)
Role Performed By: Alan Ruscoe-I, Matt Sloan-II and III
During the Galactic Republic’s fading years, Plo Koon had served as a Jedi Master of Kel Dor. He was also a respectable general during the pangalactic Clone Wars between the Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems.
He was a bold General, never shy of taking risks. His command 104th Battalion always stood side by side with him. Koon is also a veteran of the First Battle of Geonosis, a Clone War that killed as many as 200 Jedi in a single fell swoop. During the Battle of Geonosis, Plo Koon was assigned the sensitive task of hunting down warship Malevolence, operated by separatists. After myriad botched attempts, he finally managed to exterminate the warship.
His best comrade is Ahsoka Tano with whom Koom has a special bonding. They fought side by side in the Battles of Felucia, the Battle of Kadavu, and the Battle of Lola Sayu.
His comradeship with Ahsoka ended on a grim note. Ahsoka was charged with the allegation of plotting a sabotage attack on the Jedi Temple. Subsequently, Ahsoka Tano got removed from the Jedi Order. Nevertheless, fortunately, the real culprit was apprehended soon, but that was too late to bring Ahsoka back into the Jedi fold. She left the Jedi order forever. Plo Koon became alone.
Koon has also commanded the 442nd Siege Battalion during the Battle of Cato Neimoidia. He played a key role in winning that battle. After thumping victory, Koon and his acolytes, squadron of ARC-170 fighters, were flying over the Bridge Cities, they were shot down and executed by the enemies.
The brave General had had a brave end. Hats off!
And the Winner is…
To find out our winner, let’s first come to an agreement. As both Marvel and Star Wars universes are pretty progressive, it is more reasonable to construe that none of the opponents are ignorant of each other.
Therefore, Thanos would be at a greater disadvantage against Vader’s reflexes and Force-based attacks, and his reliance on the Infinity Stones to deal some significant damage would make him quite vulnerable because of his inability to move in front of Vader.
So, the winner of this matchup is – the all-time greatest Sith lord and the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Forces – DARTH VADER!
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Арки Дарта Вейдера и Кайло Рена не завершены на экране.
К сожалению, из-за неравномерного качествамедиа «Звездных войн» ни Дарт Вейдер, ни Кайло Рен не получают полных и последовательных арок персонажей в своих выступлениях на большом экране. Несмотря на то, что на падение Энакина Скайуокера было отведено полных шесть часов, трилогия приквелов «Звездных войн» слишком рано изображает Энакина как неустойчивого тяжелого футляра, из-за чего его превращение из вундеркинда-джедая в палача ситхов кажется неизбежным, а не трагическим.
Только в анимационном мидквеле « Звездные войны: Войны клонов» Энакин Скайуокер появляется как герой или друг, и даже это не может полностью сгладить беспорядочную дугу Энакина из фильмов. Возможное искупление Вейдера в «Возвращении джедая» также кажется относительно внезапным, особенно сейчас, когда путешествие персонажа настолько разбросано по десятилетиям средств массовой информации, но его действия и мотивы в оригинальной трилогии значительно конкретизируются в серии комиксов о Дарте Вейдере 2015 года, которая раскрывает секретные попытки Вейдера подорвать позиции Палпатина на протяжении всего их партнерства.
Точно так же Бен Соло, сбросивший мантию Кайло Рена и искупивший себя героическим самопожертвованием в « Скайуокере . Подобно тому, как Вейдер восстал против Палпатина, чтобы спасти своего сына, Бен Соло после смерти своей матери отдает свою жизнь, чтобы спасти преемницу Люка, Рей. (Бен и Рей целуются перед его смертью, несмотря на то, что они двоюродные братья, что на самом деле очень типично для Скайуокеров.)
Кроме того, превращение наставника Кайло Рена Сноука в простую марионетку для возрожденного Императора Палпатина, который был «каждым голосом когда-либо слышанным в его голове», лишает Бена того небольшого влияния, которое он имеет в своей собственной истории, а также возможность стать чем-то новым, более похожим на самого Палпатина, чем на Вейдера. Если бы истории Бена/Кайло позволили остаться чистой трагедией о неуверенном в себе ребенке привилегий, безвозвратно соблазненном фашизмом, это, возможно, позволило бы ему произвести более сильное финальное впечатление.
В нынешнем виде трудно утверждать, что Кайло Рен является превосходным персонажем, но обидно, что решение рассказчиков сохранить структуру «рифмованной строфы» саги о Скайуокерах подорвало любую возможность того, что Кайло Рен станет культовым злодеем в своей собственной жизни. верно.
Победитель: Дарт Вейдер (но Кайло Рен более чем держится).
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Final Veredict
In the epic battle between Darth Vader and Thanos, it is clear that both characters possess incredible power and abilities. However, when considering the vast capabilities of the Infinity Gauntlet, it seems that Thanos would ultimately emerge as the victor. While Darth Vader’s mastery of the Force and lightsaber skills are impressive, they may not be enough to overcome the sheer might of the Mad Titan.
Regardless of the outcome, a battle between these two powerhouses would undoubtedly captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression. The clash of their immense powers would be a spectacle to behold, and fans can only dream of such a showdown taking place.
13. Ant-Man
Image used with permission by copyright holder
Ant-Man is objectively a superhero, but it’s the quantum technology that his suit is based on that ultimately allows the Avengers to unlock time travel. His ability to enter the Quantum Realm, coupled with the ultra-strength he gets from becoming really small, makes him a surprisingly powerful Avenger.
All of that is true even before we get into the fact that he’s also capable of becoming a literal giant. As Giant-Man, he was able to take on Kang the Conqueror’s forces and overthrow his whole empire in Quantumania. He still has some weaknesses, but if you were building out a superhero army, you’d almost certainly want Ant-Man to be on your team.
In the blue corner: Darkseid
Darkseid in action.
HBO Max / Warner Bros.
Standing at an awe-inspiring 8’9 and weighing in at 1815 pounds, Darkseid (born Uxas) is a New God and the ruler of the hellish planet Apokolips.
With the sole aim of ruling the universe, Darkseid and his acolytes relentlessly pursue the Anti-Life Equation, the solution to eliminating all free-will in the universe and allowing him to control every living thing.
Darkseid first appeared in DC Comics’ 1970 comic Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #134, with his first big-screen appearance set for Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Darkseid has served as a sizeable threat in Jack Kirby’s Fourth World saga, and a nemesis of Superman, eventually going on to wage war against the Old Gods, the Amazons, the Legion of Superheroes, and Justice League. He even killed Batman in the 2008 comic book Final Crisis.
Darkseid is invulnerable and immortal. He possesses superhuman strength, speed, and stamina. He can travel anywhere in the universe via Boom Tubes. He can fly, manipulate gravity, create darkness, and possess cosmic awareness and telepathy that makes him near omniscient. And if that wasn’t enough, he also possesses Omega Beams, blasts from his eyes that never miss their targets and can hold up through Flash’s speed force, injure Kryptonians, and destroy planets. When it comes to Darkseid, his title of godhood isn’t just for show.
The Battle
This really all depends on the mindset of Thanos. If he felt like using the Infinity Gauntlet and didn’t care about being a show-off by having to snap, the battle wouldn’t be a battle. Thanos would wish Vader in to dust, and he’d be dust.
But I don’t think that’s how that would work out. I think Thanos would know how much of a battle he was in for, think himself better than Vader, and do the typical Thanos thing of wanting a battle and underestimating his opponent. This would give Vader an opening. Vader could use the Force to stop Thanos from snapping, and although he doesn’t have to snap to use the Gauntlet, I think he wouldn’t use it and want to keep battling. And quite a battle it would be.
1. Powers
Thanos, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is capable of incredible strength. He is a great fighter and has access to superior tech and weaponry. But Thanos is far from being in the race to get ahead of Darth Vader. Vader can manipulate the Force to such a level that he can control molecular vibrations. He can even bend the laser emanating from a light sabre using the Force. That’s right. Darth Vader has shown himself of bending light with Force manipulation. Apart from the obvious telekinetic powers and the telepathic abilities granted by the force, Darth Vader has access to some abilities so powerful Thanos could only dream of. The comic book version of the Mad Titan has access to energy manipulation but he too does not match up to Darth Vader.
Luke Skywalker
Image Source:
Full Name: Luke Skywalker
Species: Human
Parent Planet: Tatooine
Lightsaber: Blue/Green
Debut: Star Wars (1977)
Role Performed By: Mark Hamill
Luke Skywalker is one of the principal characters of George Lucas’ Star Wars. Born in an asteroid belt of Polis Massa to Anakin Skywalker and Queen Amidala of Naboo, Luke also had a twin brother, Leia Organa. Later, he was raised on a moisture farm on the planet of Tatooine.
There, he meets Ben Kenobi who introduces Luke to the Force and also bestows him with the sword of his late father, Anakin (then Darth Vader).
Luke displays his true heroics in the Battle of Yavin, by blue lightsaber, wherein he destroys the control station by piloting an X-wing. After the Battle of Hoth, Luke spends a brief period with Jedi Master Yoda and learns lifelong skills from him.
As Yoda’s prime disciple, he goes on to face Darth Vader without knowing that Darth Vader is Anakin Skywalker, his real father. However, the father wins and Luke loses his hand during the confrontation.
As another spin of destiny, both father and son Skywalkers again lock horns at the battle of Endor. The love of the father rules the roost here.
Anakin tries to turn back to the Light Side in immense love for his son. Nonetheless, Emperor Palpatine senses the danger beforehand and tries to kill Anakin Skywalker. During the scuffle, both kill each other. As a sign of reverence, Luke takes his father’s dead body and flees a minute before the Death Star explodes.
READ ALSO: Most Powerful Villains in Star Wars – Ranked by Power
The end of Luke is also at the hand of kith and kin. Luke dies while fighting with his nephew Kylo Ren, looking at two suns.
“And if Thanos must die?”
“No one kills Thanos but Thanos.”
At the end of his ongoing, Thanos was brought to the distant future to meet up with his older and very victorious self, King Thanos. Over countless years, Thanos wiped out seemingly all life in the universe. The only things left were his henchman Frank Castle (a failed Ghost Rider/Herald whose mentality has made him more Deadpool than Punisher over the years), the Hulk (treated as Thanos’ dog), and the threat of a vengeful Silver Surfer armed with Mjolnir. King Thanos brought his younger self over to help him kill the Surfer, hoping that it would bring forth the missing Death.
When only the two Thanos’ remained, Death showed herself and made it apparent that she wanted them to fight to the death. Their battle was brutal, but the younger Thanos was supreme. Still, he would not be goaded into killing his older self, purely out of disgust. Instead, he went back to the present with the promise that he would make sure that King Thanos’ future would never come to pass, killing him with non-existence.
I guess they took the whole “Thanos undoes his own victories” thing literally.
Any other Thanos losses you want to remind me of? Sound off in the comments!
Gavin Jasper notices that Carol Danvers sure happens to partake in a lot of Thanos smackdownery. Huh. Follow Gavin on Twitter!
After his loss to Ka-Zar, Thanos was locked up in some kind of energy dimension, unable to escape without help. In the form of a giant, he tried to convince the Hulk to pull him out of that dimension in exchange for power, only for Nate Grey to interfere. Alone, Hulk and X-Man were no match for the colossal Thanos.
Together, X-Man was able to transfer his telekinetic armor onto Hulk’s body. Bouncing around, looking like The World from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Hulk proceeded to overpower Thanos and sent him back into the portal from whence he came. Thanos’ connection to reality was cut completely and the heroes went their separate ways.
Seriously, though. He looks exactly like The World.
Thanos started off as a Dr. Claw-type of threat who was treated like a big deal, but never got his hands dirty. Like how in his first appearance, in an issue of Iron Man, Thanos’ “defeat” came in the form of a robot duplicate. He didn’t truly take a big L until possessing the Cosmic Cube and facing Captain Mar-Vell.
Using his newfound omnipotence, Thanos rid Earth of its population and discarded the Cosmic Cube by becoming a big, scary Neon Noodle face in the sky. Captain Marvel wasn’t much of a match for Thanos, especially in this form, but he realized that even if discarded, the Cosmic Cube was still the source of Thanos’ abilities. While Thanos tried to disorient Mar-Vell’s surroundings and even speed up his aging, the Captain was able to use his last ounce of strength to karate chop the Cosmic Cube, thereby seemingly killing Thanos and setting everything back to normal.
Back in the late 1990s, Mark Waid and Andy Kubert did a Ka-Zar ongoing that lasted roughly a year. Much like Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Ka-Zar took on his evil brother who turned out to be working for Thanos. Thanos had some plot based on terraforming the entire universe so that all the plant life would kill everyone else, including Hillbilly Stephen King.
Somebody out there will get that reference.
In this story, Thanos absolutely towered over Ka-Zar and was able to shrug off all of his attacks. They fought it out in the middle of a volcano and while Thanos had Ka-Zar in a bearhug, the power of love gave Ka-Zar some crazy Spider-Man-under-a-pile-of-wreckage strength and he both escaped the hold and knocked Thanos into the lava below.
Это самый прибыльный персонаж «Звездных войн»
Создателям «Звездных войн» удалось отлично заработать на своих персонажах, продавая сопутствующие товары, игрушки и тому подобное. Армия фанатов этой саги огромна. В интернете есть специальная «Вукипедия» (Wookiepedia) – энциклопедия «Звездных войн», с подробными статьями обо всех и вся, которые может редактировать любой желающий. Но как бы ни любили других героев саги, Дарт Вейдер – самый популярный, культовый персонаж и, конечно, именно на этом образе удается заработать больше всего. Судя по тому, что доходы от мерчендайзинга, например, в 2015 году составили более 27 млрд долларов, можно предположить, что Дарт Вейдер стоит миллиарды – ведь он значительная часть этого пирога.
9. Spider-Man
Image used with permission by copyright holder
As the protégé of Tony Stark, Spider-Man has acquired a lot of high-tech suits that he’s used against his many adversaries. Most notably, his Iron Spider suit helped him square off against Thanos and Doc Ock. However, Peter Parker proved in Homecoming that he was able to be a hero without the aid of such equipment by taking down the Vulture.
His enhanced strength has allowed him to rival the likes of Captain America and the Winter Soldier, and the fury he unleashed on the Green Goblin showed how much power he was holding back. His remarkable intelligence has also helped him outsmart and overpower Doctor Strange. But what really gives him an edge is his Spider-Sense, which warns him of surrounding threats both visible and invisible. The fact that this body could sense and avoid danger when his soul was separated from it is pretty amazing.
Альтернативная вселенная, где все супергерои — злодеи.
Дарт Вейдер из оригинальной трилогии “Звездных войн” – один из самых узнаваемых кинозлодеев в истории. Изначально он был рыцарем-джедаем Энакином Скайуокером, но под влиянием Темной стороны Силы превратился в жестокого ситха Дарта Вейдера.
Этот персонаж оказал огромное влияние на мировую поп-культуру и послужил вдохновением для множества других антагонистов в фильмах, книгах и видеоиграх. Вейдер уникален тем, что изначально был позитивным героем, но в итоге стал одним из величайших злодеев в истории. Его драматическая история, его внешний вид в черном костюме и маске и его поистине зловещие способности ситха – все это создало незабываемый образ культового антагониста.
Таким образом, Дарт Вейдер может по праву считаться одним из самых известных примеров “перешедшего на Темную сторону героя”, чье влияние вышло далеко за пределы “Звездных войн”. Его фигура вошла в мировую поп-культуру как олицетворение могущества, жестокости и неумолимости.