Фанаты mortal kombat поспорили из-за карла урбана из «пацанов», который может сыграть джонни кейджа

First Look: Karl Urban’s Johnny Cage In ‘Mortal Kombat 2’

First Look at Karl Urban as Johnny Cage In ‘Mortal Kombat 2’ Revealed (Image)

However, one face that truly stands out more than the rest is none other than Karl Urban who sports a completely new hairstyle opposite to what his fans will be used to.

The new hair is hands-down the hair he will be sporting for the movie itself as it screams with Johnny Cage-esque personality.

Even his clothing seems similar to that of Johnny Cage in this picture, despite it most likely being an outfit that he just wanted to wear to dinner.

Urban has proved time and time again his skill in bringing different characters to life. Such as Star Trek‘s famous Leonard McCoy, Judge Dredd, the Doom guy, and let’s not forget Éomer from Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

First Look at Karl Urban as Johnny Cage In ‘Mortal Kombat 2’ Revealed (Image)

It’s safe to say that the role is in safe hands as Urban has never failed to show how much care and effort he is willing to put into his performances.

Even recently as he has starred as Billy Butcher in Prime Video’s The Boys for three seasons now, with season four expected to drop sometime by the end of 2024.

Now that he has been confirmed to have joined the cast of Mortal Kombat 2. It could be safe to assume an official announcement from the actor himself sometime soon.

The full cast for the live-action Mortal Kombat 2 so far includes Karl Urban as Johnny Cage, Jessica McNamee as Sonya Blade, Martyn Ford as Shao Kahn, Hanzo Hasashi aka Scorpion, Damon Herriman as Quan Chi, Chin Han as Shang Tsung.

Tati Gabrielle as Jade, Ana Thu Nguyen as Sindel, Lewis Tan as Cole Young, Adeline Rudolph as Kitana, Desmond Chiam as King Jerrod, Mehcad as Brooks, with Ludi Lin as Liu Kang, and Tadanobu Asano.

Joe Taslim is also set to return but this time as Noob Caibot who is still Bi-Han but not quite Sub-Zero anymore.

Additional casting and plot details are being kept tightly under wraps, something that Mortal Kombat fans will be no stranger to, follow CoveredGeekly on Twitter @CoveredGeekly to stay updated with all MK2 news.

Mortal Kombat 2 does not yet have a confirmed release date.


Mortal Kombat 2 останется верным предыстории Джонни Кейджа

Фирменный ремень Кейджа будет в фильме

В Mortal Kombat (2021) не фигурировал Джонни Кейдж, что вызвало некоторые опасения относительно того, как франшиза в конечном итоге отнесется к этому персонажу. Однако, начиная с плаката «Гражданин Кейдж» в конце первого фильма и заканчивая недавно показанным поясом Джонни Кейджа (которым поделился Гарнер через X), персонаж Карла Урбана будет очень верен игры не только визуально, но и с точки зрения лора. Кейдж, похоже, довольно известная звезда фильмов категории B, и мы надеемся, что Mortal Kombat 2 изобразит его как аутсайдера, который понятия не имеет, что происходит.

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У Карла Урбана и Джонни Кейджа в Mortal Kombat 2 будут светлые волосы

Карл Урбан сыграет Джонни Кейджа в Mortal Kombat 2.

Карл Урбан в роли Джонни Кейджа — вдохновляющий выбор актеров, который, хотя и удивителен, делает Mortal Kombat 2 намного более захватывающим. Урбан – невероятный актер, который на протяжении многих лет снимался в великолепных фильмах и шоу, включая, помимо прочего, современную трилогию Звездный путь и Мальчики от Prime Video. Хотя Билли Батчер, пожалуй, уже является самым знаковым персонажем Урбана, в Mortal Kombat 2 актер увидит совсем другой образ – нечто более близкое к внешности Кейджа в играх. На следующем снимке, опубликованном продюсером Тоддом Гарнером (через X), изображен Урбан со светлыми волосами и без бороды.

Куан Чи дебютирует в живом боевике Mortal Kombat 2

Персонаж почти появился в Mortal Kombat: Annihilation

Спустя почти три десятилетия после своего неудачного дебюта в фильме Аннигиляция, Куан Чи наконец появится в театральном фильме Смертельная битва. Хотя для «Аннигиляции» была снята сцена с участием Кун Чи, в финальную версию она так и не вошла. Теперь Куан Чи, которого, как сообщается, играет Дэймон Херриман, сыграет важную роль в MK 2. Бледная рука демона Преисподней была показана на закулисном изображении, опубликованном на X, что позволяет предположить, что в сиквеле будет раскрыто гораздо больше знаний игры, чем в его предшественнике. Куан Чи в Mortal Kombat 2 может быть связан с возвращением Саб-Зиро в роли Нуба Сайбота.

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Mortal Kombat 2 Cast Photo Reveals First Tease Of Karl Urban’s Johnny Cage Look (& Fans Are Losing It)


A recent photo of the cast of Mortal Kombat 2 has sparked excitement among fans as it appears to tease the look of Karl Urban’s Johnny Cage. The upcoming sequel, set to debut in the rebooted movie franchise, will feature the iconic character after being teased in the previous film’s ending. Linden Ashby and Chris Conrad previously portrayed Johnny Cage in the 1995 and 1997 movies, respectively.

Producer Todd Garner took to Twitter to share a picture of the movie’s main cast hanging out at a restaurant as filming for the sequel has just begun. Fans were quick to spot Urban with a new look, including a shaven beard and frosted tips in his hair, leading many to believe that he is preparing for his Johnny Cage role.

While details of the plot for Mortal Kombat 2 are still unknown, Simon McQuoid will be returning to the director’s chair, while Moon Knight’s Jeremy Slater wrote the screenplay. Cinematographer Stephen F. Windon has also taken over from Germain McMicking, and his contributions to the Fast & Furious franchise will be interesting to see in the action sequences of the video game movie sequel.

The sequel will feature the return of Lewis Tan as Cole Young, Jessica McNamee as Sonya Blade, Josh Lawson as Kano, Mehcad Brooks as Jax, Tadanobu Asano as Raiden, Ludi Lin as Liu Kang, Chin Han as Shang Tsung, Joe Taslim as Sub-Zero, and Hiroyuki Sanada as Scorpion. In addition, the movie will introduce new characters, including Jade, Kitana, Shao Khan, King Jerrod, Queen Sindel, and Quan Chi, respectively played by Tati Gabrielle, Adeline Rudolph, Martyn Ford, Desmond Chiam, Ana Thu Nguyen, and Damon Harriman.

Although no release date has been announced for Mortal Kombat 2, production is expected to conclude in September, and the film is likely to hit theaters in 2024. With a focus on Johnny Cage and an expanded roster of fan-favorite characters, the sequel is expected to capture the same level of success as the 2021 reboot.

A new photo from Mortal Kombat 2‘s cast is seemingly teasing the look of Karl Urban’s Johnny Cage. The upcoming sequel to 2021’s Mortal Kombat will see Johnny Cage make his debut in the rebooted movie franchise after being teased during its predecessor’s ending, where Cole Young (Lewis Tan) travels to Los Angeles to look for Cage. Linden Ashby and Chris Conrad previously portrayed the character in 1995’s Mortal Kombat and 1997’s Mortal Kombat Annihilationrespectively.

Producer Todd Garner has taken to twitter to share a picture of Mortal Kombat 2’s main cast hanging out at a restaurant, as the movie has recently begun filming.


Fans were also quick to spot Urban pictured above with his beard shaven and having frosted tips in his hair, seemingly for his Johnny Cage look. Naturally, many are losing their minds, subsequently sharing their excited responses to The Boys star bringnig the iconic character to life. Check out some of the reactions below:

Everything We Know About Mortal Kombat 2

While the plot details of Mortal Kombat 2 aren’t currently known, the movie is bringing back Simon McQuoid to the directorial chair, whilst Moon Knight‘s Jeremy Slater wrote the screenplay, taking over duties from Greg Russo & Dave Callaham, who wrote the 2021 reboot. Cinematographer Stephen F. Windon has also taken the reins from Germain McMicking, and given his contributions to the Fast & Furious franchise, it would be interesting to see how his style translates to the video game movie sequel’s action sequences.

Returning for Mortal Kombat 2 are Cole Young’s Lewis Tan, Sonya Blade’s Jessica McNamee, Kano’s Josh Lawson, Jax’s Mehcad Brooks, Raiden’s Tadanobu Asano, Liu Kang’s Ludi Lin, Shang Tsung’s Chin Han, Sub-Zero’s Joe Taslim, and Scorpion’s Hiroyuki Sanada. In addition to Urban joining the sequel as Johnny Cage, Mortal Kombat 2 will also feature Jade, Kitana, Shao Khan, King Jerrod, Queen Sindel, and Quan Chi, respectively played by Tati Gabrielle, Adeline Rudolph, Martyn Ford, Desmond Chiam, Ana Thu Nguyen, and Damon Harriman.

Currently, no release date has been announced for Mortal Kombat 2though with production having begun this month and expected to conclude in September, save for any stoppages from the WGA writers strike or potential SAG-AFTRA strike in July, it seems likely the sequel will hit theaters in 2024. With the promise of a focus on Johnny Cage, based on the first movie’s ending, and an expanded roster of fan-favorite characters, the sequel seems primed to capture the same level of success that the 2021 reboot enjoyed.

Sources: @Todd_Garner & Various/Twitter

Karl Urban’s Possible Interpretation of Johnny Cage

Karl Urban is a versatile actor with an impressive range of roles under his belt. From the brooding Eomer in The Lord of the Rings to the charismatic and ruthless Billy Butcher in The Boys, Urban has proven time and time again that he can tackle any character with ease. As he enters final talks to play Johnny Cage in the upcoming Mortal Kombat 2 movie, fans are excited to see how he will bring his own unique spin to this iconic character.

NetherRealm Studios

Johnny Cage is known for his larger-than-life persona, flashy clothes, and constant references to the Hollywood industry. As an egotistical action star who becomes embroiled in the deadly fighting tournament, Cage’s character is sure to provide plenty of entertainment and excitement for viewers. With Urban’s talent for bringing out the absurdity of his characters, it is likely that he will deliver a memorable performance that stays true to the essence of Johnny Cage.

As Mortal Kombat 2 enters its final stages of development, fans are eagerly anticipating the release of the film. The news of Karl Urban’s potential involvement has only added to the excitement, with many wondering how his portrayal of Johnny Cage will fit into the overall storyline. It remains to be seen how significant Cage’s role will be in the film, but with Urban’s talent and the popularity of the Mortal Kombat franchise, there is no doubt that it will be a thrilling and action-packed ride.

Johnny Cage’s Role in Mortal Kombat 2

The anticipation for Mortal Kombat 2 just got even more intense with the news that Karl Urban, known for his roles in The Boys and Star Trek, may be taking on the role of Johnny Cage. This Hollywood heartthrob turned fierce fighter has been a fan favorite since the first movie, and now it’s confirmed that he will be joining the upcoming Mortal Kombat 2 film.

The producer of the movie, Todd Garner, recently took to to break the exciting news. It’s safe to say that Urban’s portrayal will be anything but dull, emphasizing the absurdity of Johnny Cage’s persona and adding a new level of depth to the character.

While we don’t know the full extent of Johnny Cage’s role in the movie, it’s expected that he will be a main character rather than just a brief cameo. As fans of the game already know, Johnny has a romantic relationship with Sonya Blade, and there’s a good chance this will be explored in the film as well. Will we see sparks fly between the two on the big screen? Only time will tell.

Karl Urban Is In Talks To Star In Mortal Kombat 2

Credit: Prime Video

READ MORE: Dredd 2 In Development With Karl Urban Returning

There are already other high-profile celebrities who have expressed interest in taking the role of Johnny Cage. One thing, Van Damme himself has said that he’d love to play the character. Then again, he did play Guile in Street Fighter in 1994. WWE’s The Miz has also said that he wanted to role, which Ed Boon, co-creator of the game, even supported.

If Karl Urban does push through with being Johnny Cage, his presence alone would already stand out. Personally, that really fits Cage. Urban himself is a flexible actor, and I love that he has played a variety of characters throughout his acting career.

I enjoyed seeing him in Star Trek, Dredd, and Almost Human. And I think his personality playing the role of Skurge the Executioner in MCU’s Thor: Ragnarok, in which he played a character who was very confident in his own abilities, would be perfect for Johnny Cage.

Credit: NetherRealm Studios

Simon McQuid, director of the first film, is set to return to direct the sequel. Filming is reportedly scheduled from June to September of this year.

If things go well with the second film, then there is a chance that the franchise will be able to finish the planned trilogy. The sequel is expected to focus on the main tournament itself, while the third film is set after that. Not only that, but WBD wants to expand more projects based on the franchise.

What do you think of Karl Urban possibly taking the role of Johnny Cage in Mortel Kombat 2? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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The Wrap


Karl UrbanMortal KombatMortal Kombat 2

Everything We Know About Mortal Kombat 2

While the plot details of Mortal Kombat 2 aren’t currently known, the movie is bringing back Simon McQuoid to the directorial chair, whilst Moon Knight‘s Jeremy Slater wrote the screenplay, taking over duties from Greg Russo & Dave Callaham, who wrote the 2021 reboot. Cinematographer Stephen F. Windon has also taken the reins from Germain McMicking, and given his contributions to the Fast & Furious franchise, it would be interesting to see how his style translates to the video game movie sequel’s action sequences.

Returning for Mortal Kombat 2 are Cole Young’s Lewis Tan, Sonya Blade’s Jessica McNamee, Kano’s Josh Lawson, Jax’s Mehcad Brooks, Raiden’s Tadanobu Asano, Liu Kang’s Ludi Lin, Shang Tsung’s Chin Han, Sub-Zero’s Joe Taslim, and Scorpion’s Hiroyuki Sanada. In addition to Urban joining the sequel as Johnny Cage, Mortal Kombat 2 will also feature Jade, Kitana, Shao Khan, King Jerrod, Queen Sindel, and Quan Chi, respectively played by Tati Gabrielle, Adeline Rudolph, Martyn Ford, Desmond Chiam, Ana Thu Nguyen, and Damon Harriman.

Currently, no release date has been announced for Mortal Kombat 2though with production having begun this month and expected to conclude in September, save for any stoppages from the WGA writers strike or potential SAG-AFTRA strike in July, it seems likely the sequel will hit theaters in 2024. With the promise of a focus on Johnny Cage, based on the first movie’s ending, and an expanded roster of fan-favorite characters, the sequel seems primed to capture the same level of success that the 2021 reboot enjoyed.

Sources: @Todd_Garner & Various/Twitter

Karl Urban Is In Final Negotiations To Play Johnny Cage

READ MORE: Mortal Kombat 2 In The Works With Moon Knight Writer

According to The Wrap, Karl Urban, who is currently known for his role as William Butcher in Amazon Prime Video’s The Boys, is said to be in final negotiations to be part of the Mortal Kombat sequel. The report says that he’ll possibly take the role of Johnny Cage.

The character was teased in the 2021 film. At the end of the film, Lewis Tan’s character Cole Young sets to travel to Hollywood to look for fighters to recruit for the Mortal Kombat tournament. Before the film ends, it shows a movie poster starring Johnny Cage.

Cage is known for being overconfident and a showoff. He works as an actor, and he joined the Mortal Kombat tournament to show off his skills. The character was originally somewhat inspired by the look of Jean-Claude Van Damme. But his character has grown distant from its original inspiration. Nevertheless, it still kept his style of humour. The character is known for his special move called the Nut Cracker.

Credit: NetherRealm Studios

Back in May 2022, Jeremy Slater, writer of Mortal Kombat 2, said that Cage would be part of the sequel, but at the time, he wasn’t sure how significant his role would be, saying:

Slater is known for writing Marvel’s Moon Knight, and he has developed the Netflix series The Umbrella Academy.

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Царство Пустоты практически подтверждено в Mortal Kombat 2

Наконец-то появится Underworld Mortal Kombat

В то время как действие Mortal Kombat (2021) происходит в основном на Земле и всего лишь пара сцен происходит во Внешнем мире, Mortal Kombat 2 может раскрыть больше знаний игры, когда дело касается разных мировMortal Kombat 2 б>. Netherrealm, подземный мир MK, был показан на закадровой фотографии, которой поделился Тодд Гарнер. На изображении видна красная каменистая земля, которая выглядит так, будто она из Преисподней. Учитывая, что в первом фильме пропущена большая часть истории происхождения Скорпиона, появление Царства Пустоты в сиквеле было бы отличным способом раскрыть больше истории Ханзо, особенно с участием Куан Чи.

The First Mortal Kombat Movie and Reboot

Let’s kick things off by taking a trip down memory lane and revisiting the previous adaptations of the Mortal Kombat franchise. The original movie, released in the 90s, is still revered as one of the greatest video game movies of all time. It not only had a successful run at the box office, but its catchy theme song, “Techno Syndrome (Mortal Kombat)”, became a pop culture phenomenon that’s still remembered fondly to this day.

Warner Bros. Pictures

Fast forward to 2021 and the franchise was rebooted under the direction of Simon McQuoid. Starring Hiroyuki Sanada as Scorpion and Joe Taslim from The Raid as Sub-Zero, the film was a commercial success, despite receiving mixed reviews from fans and critics alike. The reboot took on a grittier, more violent tone that was more in line with the game’s reputation, while also introducing some new characters to keep things fresh.

First Look: ‘Mortal Kombat 2’ Cast Revealed

First Look at Karl Urban as Johnny Cage In ‘Mortal Kombat 2’ Revealed (Image)

Garner’s behind-the-scenes image of the cast of Mortal Kombat 2 seems to be a last meal before the group head into production aka head into the brutal tournament.

Various new faces are in this photo alongside familiar cast members from the first instalment such as Jessica McNamee (right) who stars again as Sonya Blade.

On the left side of the table, we can see, who seems to be, Ana Thu Nguyen who stars as Sindel, producer Todd Garner, Desmond Chiam who stars as Sindel’s Husband King Jerrod, and Tati Gabrielle who stars as Jade.

Then on the right, we have Ludi Lin who reprises his role of Liu Kang, and Karl Urban who stars as Johnny Cage. Adeline Rudolph joins as Kitana, and as mentioned Jessica McNamee returns as the iconic Sonya Blade.

Just to be clear, this picture does not contain the full cast of the movie, possibly just the cast that is set to begin filming soon.

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