‘hell house llc origins: the carmichael manor’ improves on original

Hell house llc origins ending, explained: who killed the carmichael family?

Who murdered the Carmichael family?

Catherine’s footage showed that on the day of the mass suicide at the Abaddon Hotel, Patrick returned home a new person. His arm was fixed, and he had confidence in his voice. He stated that he was locked in jail for getting into an argument when the mass suicide occurred at the Abaddon Hotel. He added that it was not a suicide but simply crossing over to the other side, and he, too, was supposed to be there. It makes one wonder if Patrick was possessed during that time. Did he give away his soul for Margaret to return from the dead? Or, possibly, that was the night he joined the cult, and he felt more clear about his intentions. The mass suicide was a cult ritual, and the murders at the Carmichael Manor can be considered its aftermath. Patrick was sentimental in the last footage that was recorded on Catherine’s camera. He had submitted himself to the higher power, and he sacrificed his entire family to please Satan. We also learn that Patrick was the murderer, but he was controlled by an evil force, and an entire cult was behind the incident. The only explanation for Arthur’s missing body must be a supernatural factor, or possibly his body was used for a ritual.

Not only is the Carmichael murder mystery solved, but we also find out that the man who tried to lure Margot out of the county fair when she was a little girl belonged to the clown cult. And it will not be too far-fetched to assume that the man was Andrew Tully. The clown cult surely leaves a great scope for more exploration. For now, it is established that Tully is the mastermind, and he and the other followers continue to haunt and capture souls to feed their master.

What Happened to Patrick’s Body?

Patrick Carmichael serves as the connecting link between the Carmichael family massacre and the horrifying events at the Abaddon Hotel we have seen in the previous movies. In the movie, it is revealed that Patrick worked at the Abaddon Hotel, where he became a part of the Satanic cult. After Patrick’s elder sister died, it is implied that he tried to revive her with the help of his cult friends. However, things clearly did not go as planned as the Carmichael family was murdered, presumably by Patrick, whose body was never discovered.

In the final scene, previously unseen footage of Patrick is seen where he is donning the clown costume as voices can be heard in the corridor. The final scene confirms that Patrick did not die in the Carmichael Manor massacre. Instead, he was the perpetrator and killed his family. Patrick’s work indicates that he is under the influence of a demonic force as he talks about serving someone. Thus, it is evident that Patrick sacrificed his family in some sort of Satanic ritual and then disappeared in the clown costume, explaining why his body was never found.

Read More: Where Was Hell House LLC Filmed?

Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor Plot Synopsis

‘Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor’ opens with Alice and Bradley speaking to a documentarian about the events that occurred at the infamous Carmichael Manor in Rockland County, New York. The Carmichael family comprises the patriarch, Arthur Carmichael, the matriarch, Eleanor Carmichael, and children, Patrick, Margaret, and Catherine Carmichael. Margaret was killed in a car crash a couple of months before the entire family was murdered in their mansion. Only Catherine and Eleanor’s dead bodies were found in the house. Arthur’s footprints were found leaving the house, making him the prime suspect. However, Patrick’s dead body was never discovered, leaving the case unsolved.

In 2021, amateur paranormal investigator Margot Bentley decided to solve the cold case. She arrives in the small town to spend five days at the supposedly haunted mansion with her girlfriend, Rebecca Vickers. Rebecca wants to source properties for her company in the area and works remotely while helping Margot pursue her passion. Meanwhile, Alice and Bradley reveal Margot’s background. She was nearly kidnapped during a county fair when she was a child but could never identify the culprits, leading to a life-long obsession with unsolved cases. After arriving at the Carmichael Manor, Margort and Rebecca are greeted by Daniel, who looks after the estate. Daniel shows the women around the mansion and leaves. A short while later, Margot’s brother, Chase, arrives at the mansion.

Rebecca speaks with Margot about Chase, as the latter has been dealing with mental health issues. However, Margot insists on having Chase around as she promised their mother to look after him. While Margot, Rebecca, and Chase explore the haunted house, they discover a trio of clown mannequins in the attic. When Margot and Rebecca visit the town, Chase is left alone and experiences disturbing visions. On the other hand, Margot steals some memorabilia from the abandoned Abaddon Hotel in the nearby town, as Patrick used to work at the hotel. Later, Rebecca’s meeting with her boss is disrupted by strange occurrences, freaking her out.

Meanwhile, footage filmed by Catherine reveals Patrick was depressed after Margaret’s death. He soon started acting weird and brought home the mannequins from the Abaddon Hotel, where he worked. Patrick began speaking about revving Margaret, which freaked out Catherine. On the third night, Chase sees one of the mannequins in his bedroom. Chase leaves the mansion in the middle of the night. In the morning, Margot and Rebecca find Chase missing. Rebecca, who is already scared by the strange occurrences, tries to convince Margot to leave the mansion, leading to an argument between the two. Eventually, Rebecca and Margot leave the mansion only for further terrifying incidents to follow them.

Who Killed the Carmichael Family?

The Carmichael family massacre is one of the key plot points of the story and remains a mystery for most of the narrative. While it is evident that the Carmichael family’s murder is the haunting factor at the mansion, Margot and Rebecca attempt to solve the cold case only to be led to their demise. However, in their investigation, Margot comes extremely close to finding the truth about the Carmichael family. As the narrative progresses, viewers learn that Patrick was part of a Satanic cult at the Abaddon Hotel.

After his sister’s death, Patrick was likely brainwashed into believing his sister could be brought back through rituals. However, things did not go as planned, and it was Patrick who, under the influence of the evil forces, killed his own family. In the film’s final scene, archive footage shows Patrick dressing up as the clown, confirming that he was indeed behind the murders of Archie, Arthur, and Catherine. As a result, Patrick’s story is directly connected to the tragic and eerie events at Abaddon Hotel. The revelation of Patrick being behind the murders also explains the lack of evidence in the Carmichael family’s murder that left it unsolved for years.

What Happens At The Abaddon Hotel?

An abandoned hotel was turned into a tourist attraction in Rockland County, but on the day of the inauguration, a tragic accident led to the deaths of fifteen people, including attendees and members. The hotel was burned to the ground, and all that was collected was displayed at a nearby antique store. When Rebecca noticed a secret chamber in the German clock, she opened it and found pieces that perhaps had never been taken out since the fire. Rebecca pulled out a pendant, a film canister, and a bunch of letters and notes stacked together. While it was expected that the footage would be of the Abaddon Hotel, it was surprisingly a collection of all the videos recorded by Catherine Carmichael, one of the murder victims.

Catherine wanted to become a filmmaker, and she practiced the art at any given moment. Her videos went on to show how her brother’s behavior drastically changed after the car accident. He could not cope with Margaret’s death and, therefore, started spending most of the time alone in his room. Catherine was frightened when she saw three clown mannequins in his room. Patrick used to work at the Abaddon Hotel, and the owner of the place wanted him to store a few of the hotel’s junk. Catherine was left petrified when she noticed the clothes and mask that Margaret was wearing for the show the morning she died. Patrick stored the blood-stained dress in his room, and he refused to give any explanation about it. From the recording, it seemed that Patrick was hopeful about bringing Margaret back from the dead. This suggests that he came across people who promised to bring back his sister in exchange for a blood sacrifice.

The owner of the Abaddon Hotel, Andrew Tully, and several other cult followers committed suicide together. As far as Tully’s history goes, he lived in Arkansas with his family during the 1960s, and he was said to be a deeply religious man. After the death of his younger daughter, Andrew Tully went off-grid. It is said that he traveled to West Virginia and met Thomas Rollins and Freddy Perkins. Rollins and Perkins ran a gaming stand known as “Down a Clown” before they moved to Abaddon, New York. It is believed that the Satanic cult started at a fair in West Virginia, between Tully, Rollins, and Perkins. The hotel was believed to be a cover story for the cult practices, and locals were hired to work, and Patrick Carmichael was one of them. As The Carmichael Manor progressed, it became evident that there was a strong connection between the Carmichael murders and the Abaddon Hotel.

Who Killed Margot, Rebecca, And Chase?

Rebecca was resolute about leaving the mansion when she experienced a horrifying incident during a video call. The ghosts were not just haunting them in the house but had also taken over their digital devices. She believed it was enough reason for them to leave, but Margot was not on board with her. She wanted to get to the bottom of the truth, and she believed things were drastically getting worse because they were closer to the truth. She begged to stay for a day more, and things started to get worse from then on. One of the clowns from the storage room moved on their own to the bedroom, while the other moved to the cupboard. The next morning, Chase was found missing, and his cell phone and bag were left in the mansion. Rebecca started to panic; deep down, she knew there was a sinister explanation behind every occurrence.

In the end, we get to see the video recording of the last night Chase spent at the mansion. While he was busy drinking, there were constant knocks at the door. Each time Chase opened the door, there was no one outside. When Chase finally turned off the lights and went to sleep, someone opened the door of his room and entered. He pointed the camera and found the clown dressed in black and white in his room. He begged the clown to forgive him and allow him to leave, but there was no escaping from the clowns. After waiting for Chase to return the entire morning, Rebecca and Margot decided to leave the mansion, but their car was out of order. Margot suggested they walk to the city since that was the only way they could make it out of the hellish place. They started to walk through the woods, but soon, they came across strange objects that suggested ritualistic sacrifices had taken place at the estate. They also came across a trailer and a hearse randomly parked in the woods. Out of nowhere, two people dressed in all blacks appeared, and they started following Rebecca and Margot. The internet sleuths had no other choice but to head back to the mansion—clearly, that was exactly what the ghosts wanted them to do.

During The Carmichael Manor‘s ending, Margot receives a text from Chase saying that he is back at the mansion. He mentioned meeting new friends he wanted to introduce Rebecca and Margot to. Margot asked him and his friends to enter the room, and suddenly the door opened. Margot received another text from Chase stating that his friends were already in the room. Rebecca panicked, and she rushed out and got into the car parked outside the mansion. Margot later found Chase in his room—his eyes were gouged out, and blood dripped from his lips. Evil souls possessed the clown mannequins, and they returned to the Carmichael Manor to murder Margot and Rebecca. There is a reason why the storeroom was locked, and the deaths of the amateur detective and her partner explain why some things are better left untouched.

What was Margot’s objective?

Margot owned a website dedicated to internet sleuths. The amateur detective was determined to solve every possible cold case and was assisted by her girlfriend, Rebecca. She was not another keyboard warrior; Margot believed in going to the locations of the crime while solving the cases. Margot contacted Donald, the person looking after the house currently, and convinced the board to allow her to stay for five days at the ominous manor. The Carmichael Manor was situated in a remote location that could be reached after crossing dense woods and dirt roads. Rebecca agreed to be part of Margot’s adventure, a decision that she would regret soon. Margot’s childhood had a role to play in her choosing to become an internet detective. When she was ten, she traveled with her parents to the Rockland County Fair, where a man tried to lure her away. She screamed when she realized something was wrong, but she failed to identify the man. Margot blamed herself for not remembering the perpetrator because that night, it was not just Margot that the man targeted but several other kids who went missing and were never found. After growing up, Margot tried to compensate by solving cold cases.

Rebecca supported Margot in every way she could, but at the same time, she had to be practical. She got a job that helped pay their bills, and she realized that she could not always be physically present for Margot because she had to prioritize her job to keep them afloat. Joining Margot and Rebecca at the Carmichael Manor was Margot’s brother, Chase Bentley. Chase was mentally unstable, and Margot wanted to include him in her plans to monitor his mental health. The mansion was elegant and luxurious, but the knowledge of the past contributed to the uneasiness that everyone experienced. Now that Margot had the layout of the house, she intended to track the steps of the perpetrator to find out the secret behind the disappearances and the murders. They were all equipped with cameras to record every spooky incident that they experienced. Margot opened the storage room that was off-limits since Donald did not have the keys. She found three mannequins dressed in clown clothes, and they looked eerily real. There was also a chest full of clown clothing, balls, toys, and a hand-drawn picture of a clown. On the first night, they heard a girl sing. The next day, Catherine’s ghost was caught on camera, and later that morning, Chase came across Margaret’s ghost dressed in a mask. The mansion was haunted, but would that deter the interest of our internet sleuth?

Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor Ending: What Happened to Margot, Rebecca, and Chase?

During the film’s climax, Margot, Rebecca, and Chase realize they are in grave danger. After Chase disappears, video footage recovered later from the group’s belongings reveals Chase encountered one of the mannequins and was attacked. Margot and Rebecca wait for Chase, but when he fails to show up, the couple decide to leave the mansion. However, Margot and Rebecca’s car breaks down, forcing them to travel on foot across the dense woods that surround the mansion. While traversing the woods, Margot and Rebecca witness a cult’s ritual and are attacked by the clowns, forcing them to return to the mansion. Margot and Rebecca lock themselves inside the mansion, where the clowns further torment them.

Margot receives a message from Chase saying he is back and has met new friends. However, it turns out to be a diversion tactic, as Chase has already been killed. Eventually, Margot and Rebecca are also killed by the clowns. In the final moments, it is revealed that Margot was connected to the clowns, who were a part of the Satanic cult started by Andrew Tully at the Abaddon Hotel. The clowns were the ones who had tried to kidnap Margot as a child, making her death at the Carmichael Manor even more tragic. While the film establishes earlier on that Margot, Rebecca, and Chase did not make it out of the mansion alive, their truly gruesome fates help us understand the events that took place in the Carmichael Manor years prior and their connection to the Satanic cult of Andrew Tully is also unveiled.

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