Spider-man: miles morales: 2 post-credits scenes, explained

10/10 Завершите обучение Спайди

Майлз Моралес, возможно, уже стал своим собственным уникальным суперсильным парнем-пауком, но ему еще многому предстоит научиться у самого настоящего Человека-паука, Питера Паркера. Питер готов помочь своему юному протеже, и он с удовольствием обучает Майлза в этой игре в виде голограмм и пошлых, но очень милых жизненных уроков. Если вы еще не выполнили упражнения по тренировке паука во время прохождения основного сюжета, сейчас самое время это сделать. Всего в игре девять упражнений, по три на бой, скрытность и перемещение. Питер также даст Майлзу «последнее задание», которое может вас просто удивить, а сразу после его выполнения вас ждет замечательная награда.

What is Miles Morales’ Comic Book Origin Story?

This shouldn’t come as a surprise to those who understand the basic workings of a comic book multiverse, but Miles Morales’ comic book origin story is a bit fractured and complicated. Miles Morales first appeared in Marvel’s alternate universe Ultimate Comics imprint and was created by Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli.

One night, Morales’ uncle, Aaron Davis, a.k.a. The Prowler, steals a formula from Oscorp and accidentally takes a spider similar to the one that bit Peter Parker with him. Miles Morales is bitten by that spider and acquires the powers of Spider-Man.

Then, when the Ultimate version of Peter Parker is killed by Green Goblin, Miles Morales is inspired to use his newfound abilities to replace the webslinger and fulfill his heroic duties. Suffice it to say, he soon encounters an epic learning curve. Challenges aside, Morales eventually proves to be a hero worthy of the Spider-Man lineage and learns to serve the Ultimate universe well in that capacity.

New trailers for Across the Spider-Verse revealed what endings of Into the Spider-Verse meant

The ending of Into the Spider-Verse showed Gwen Stacy contacting Miles from another universe. At the time, this meant that the story of Miles Morales would continue – and that Miles and Gwen have a stronger connection than we thought.

During the first movie, we see Miles having a crush on Gwen, who is too distracted with the mission to acknowledge the teenager fully. Of course, this chemistry isn’t just there – Miles and Gwen briefly date in Marvel Comics, and in one possible future, specifically Earth-8, Gwen and Miles are a famous married couple with two children. From the Across the Spider-Verse trailers, we saw that this relationship will be explored more, and we are excited.

Basically, Gwen contacting Miles in the first movie ending was the one we saw in the recent trailers for Across the Spider-Verse, a one-year time-skip.

Another ending saw movie creators recreating the famous internet meme. In another dimension, we see Miguel O’Hara, also known as Spider-Man 2099, arguing with 1967 Spider-Man from the animated series of the same name, recreating the meme, which is there for a comical effect.

However, the scene also teased the new version of Spider-Man that will be featured in the upcoming sequel. This is a great usage of the internet meme that will get even bigger in the Across the Spider-Verse if the trailers suggest it correctly.

Is the Marvel’s Spider-Man Version of Miles Morales Canonical?

As you can clearly see, the origin story of Miles Morales in Insomniac’s game is different from the origin of the Miles Morales character in the comics. As such, you may be wondering which is canonical. The short (if complicated) answer to that question is that they’re both technically canonical.

Basically, developer Insomniac Games was granted permission by Marvel to tell a Spider-Man story of the studio’s own design. The team was not required to strictly adhere to an existing version of the character in either the MCU or Marvel Comics. However, there was some debate at the time of the game’s release regarding how, exactly, the Insomniac Games Spider-Man (and Miles Morales, for that matter) fit into the Marvel universe.

That debate was settled during the 2018 Spider-Geddon comic book storyline which saw various versions of Spider-Man join forces. The Insomniac Games version of Spider-Man appeared as one of the versions of the hero in that storyline, which solidified him as an official member of the Spider-Man multiverse. For the record, the Insomniac Games’ version of Spider-Man inhabits the Earth-1048 universe in the Marvel canon.

What about Miles Morales, though? Well, he lives in the same Earth-1048 universe. That means that he’s not the Miles Morales who began in the Ultimate universe and now lives on Earth-616. That also means that he’s not bound by the same plot points and character developments that define the character in the comics. 

Insomniac Games also hinted at a Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 for the PS5.

By Akhil Arora | Updated: 19 June 2020 11:07 IST

Photo Credit: Insomniac Games

Miles Morales in Spider-Man: Miles Morales on the PS5


How long is Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, and are we getting a full-length sequel? Insomniac Games hasn’t done a great job with the reveal of Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, what with Sony’s initial comments that it was an expansion to the 2018 original, before a statement from Insomniac clarifying that it is a standalone game. But it’s finally providing more details. For one, Spider-Man: Miles Morales is around half as long as the first game, in which the main story took a little less than 20 hours to complete. It takes place about a year after the events of Marvel’s Spider-Man. And, Insomniac confirmed, it makes the most of the PS5’s next-gen capabilities.

Set in the winter season, just prior to the Christmas holidays — in line with its release period — Spider-Man: Miles Morales centres on “a war between an energy corporation and a high-tech criminal army” taking place in and around New York City’s Harlem neighbourhood, Miles’ new home. Horton added: “Miles’s multicultural background reflects a more modern, diverse world and we wanted to give players a new story, with new set-pieces, fresh villains, and unique quests across Marvel’s New York City.”

Watch All 27 Trailers for PS5 Games, From New Spider-Man to Gran Turismo

Additionally, Miles has new powers — in bioelectricity and invisibility — that set him apart from the original protagonist Peter Parker. For those wondering what happened to Parker, as were we when Spider-Man: Miles Morales was announced, Horton said not to worry and that they “still have much of Peter’s story left to tell”. That hints at a Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 for the PS5 down the line.

In terms of the PS5 — Sony and Insomniac continue to avoid the question of the game’s availability on the PS4 — Spider-Man: Miles Morales will offer near-instant load times, upgraded character and building models, improved skin shading, and more natural hair. Insomniac will make use of PS5 capabilities such as ray-tracing, 3D audio, and the DualSense controller on the new Spider-Man game.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales is out late 2020 as a launch title on the PS5.

Further reading:
Spider Man, Spider Man Miles Morales, Insomniac Games, PS5, Spider Man 2

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5/10 Into The Spider-Verse

Майлз Моралес — довольно новый персонаж, поэтому вполне понятно, что в других средствах массовой информации о нем пока не так много информации. Он еще не появлялся ни в одном живом фильме, а его другие крупные появления за пределами игр — в анимационных сериалах и анимационном фильме 2018 года под названием «Человек-паук: В мире пауков» (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse). Эта игра, наряду с фильмом 2018 года, является, безусловно, самым большим любовным письмом к персонажу. Учитывая это, неудивительно, что в игре есть костюм, взятый прямо из фильма. Он примечателен не только тем, что выглядит точно так же, как в фильме, но и тем, что движение Майлза ограничено 12 кадрами в секунду, как и в фильме.


Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is a marvelous superhero extravaganza with emotional conflict and character development. It is the beginning of a story that will be resolved in Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse. Gwen forms a squad of Spider-People to rescue Miles, but the ending of Across the Spider-Verse leaves room for the sequel to wrap up any other loose ends.

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Учитывая всю эту информацию, если всё пойдёт по плану, то в ближайшие годы Insomniac станет едва ли не ведущей студией Sony. Всё благодаря популярности их франшиз, высокой продуктивности и неплохому качеству их продукции. Последнее, впрочем, придётся доказывать игрокам раз за разом.

Тем не менее столь глобальная утечка наверняка скажется на работе студии — возможно, им придётся полностью перестраивать планы. Но даже в таком случае, на продажи оно всё равно может оказать негативное влияние. С другой стороны, если мы говорим о продукции крупных игровых компаний, то это далеко не первый подобный случай — и сливы только подогревают интерес к продуктам.

К слову, о продажах. Если посмотреть на данные до февраля 2022-го года, то у Sony здесь всё очень даже хорошо. В связи с этим возникает два вопроса: почему они стесняются делиться данными, и зачем вообще нужно было это переориентирование на игры-сервисы?

Последние два поколения игры Sony были любимы игроками как раз блокбастерный поход к одиночным продуктам. И переход к играм-сервисам стал не только плевком в лица фанатов — что для крупных компаний дело обычное — но и банально глупый ход. Зачем менять то, что уже работает? Отсюда и все проблемы.

In Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, What Happens to Miles Morales?

In the end, Miles Morales and his Prowler counterpart from Earth-42 end up tied.

Miles (Shameik Moore) visits a machine that sends people back to their home universes according to their DNA after Miguel O’Hara (Oscar Isaac) tells him that he is the initial abnormality that triggered the Multiverse disaster.

The machine transports Miles to Earth 42 because he got his superpowers from a spider there. When Miles finds his uncle Aaron alive, he knows he isn’t at home anymore. Meeting Miles’ own variant comes as an even bigger surprise.

After the death of his father, Miles’s path in life changed on Earth 42, and he became known as Prowler. For a while, Earth-42 Miles and his alternate counterpart stand face to face, with the plot implying the latter harbors malevolent intentions for the former.

Spider-Man v. Spider-Man

We’ve already touched on the idea of Peter and Miles being divided by ideological differences. What if the sequel draws inspiration from a storyline like Civil War, putting Peter and Miles on opposite sides of the debate over the Superhuman Registration Act? Miles’ secret identity troubles could easily feed into that conflict, forcing him to become a fugitive from the law and Peter to hunt him down.

There are certainly other ways the sequel could pit one Spider-Man against the other. Harry Osborn would be one obvious culprit. Maybe Peter will be torn between his loyalty to his old friend and the need to bring a Venom-possessed villain to justice. If the game is anything like most versions of the Spider-Man mythos, Peter himself may fall prey to Venom’s influence at some point.

It’s also worth remembering that the first game’s extensive library of alternate costumes covers almost all of Spidey’s comic book history except two key areas — the black costume and the Superior Spider-Man era. It’s pretty obvious by now the former was intentional, as Insomniac is building to something big on the Venom front. So why shouldn’t we assume the same is true for Superior Spider-Man? Given the first game’s heavy focus on the Peter/Otto Octavius relationship, it’s not hard to imagine the sequel adapting the infamous storyline where a dying Otto hijacks Peter’s body. Especially since Superior Spider-Man writer Dan Slott had a hand in shaping the game’s story.

Whether thanks to Venom’s influence or a Superior Spider-Man-inspired scenario, we could see the next game pitting Miles against a morally compromised Peter Parker. This Spider-bromance may not last forever.

It may be a while before we learn what Sony and Insomniac have planned for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. In the meantime, be sure to check out IGN’s review of Spider-Man: Miles Morales and see how the PS4 and PS5 versions compare. Then watch an iconic moment from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse recreated within the game.

Jesse is a mild-mannered staff writer for IGN. Allow him to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket by following @jschedeen on Twitter.

Does Miles Still Have a Secret Identity?

It would be nice to believe everyone involved will stay true to their word and Miles’ identity will remain secret outside of his neighborhood. But realistically, it’s probably only a matter of time before someone spills the beans. That’s how Daredevil got outed in the comics. First a drug-addicted Karen Page sells Daredevil’s identity in exchange for a fix, which results in Kingpin learning the identity of his most hated enemy. Years later, that information goes wide when would-be Kingpin assassin Sammy Silke needs to cut a deal with the FBI. It only takes one Harlemite desperate for money or fame for Miles’ secret to vanish overnight.

This definitely feels like a plot point that could be explored in a sequel. What happens when Miles’ identity is leaked and his friends and family are suddenly in the crossfire of every supervillain Spider-Man has ever inconvenienced? How will Peter Parker respond? This could be a way for Insomniac to highlight the growing disconnect between the two Spider-Men, with Miles becoming a true hero of the common man while Peter is more a rigid law and order type who often works directly alongside the police.

If anything, the game even seems to hint at Miles facing a secret identity crisis down the road. One of the game’s main sidequest subplots features Miles foiling an imprisoned Kingpin’s attempt to snatch up cheap real estate. Kingpin even threatens Miles with the reminder that his loved ones could pay the price for his actions. That seems like pretty clear setup to us.

Майлз Моралес кажется знакомым, но я не читаю комиксы. Откуда я его знаю?

Как уже упоминалось, Майлз Моралес действительно попал в поле зрения мейнстрима благодаря фильму «Человек-паук: Через вселенные». Если вы не следите за комиксами о Человеке-пауке, вы почти наверняка уже видели его здесь.

Он главный герой фильма, и анимация также в некоторой степени объясняет, как может быть множество разных персонажей Человека-паука в разных альтернативных вселенных. Это идеальное знакомство, если вы мало что знаете о Человеке-пауке, но хотели бы узнать больше.

Какую обувь носит Майлз Моралес в фильме «Человек-паук: Через вселенные»?

Майлз Моралес может быть вымышленным персонажем, но благодаря тому, что его обувь вдохновлена кроссовками Nike AJ-1, компания Nike разработала кроссовки, специально вдохновленные этим персонажем. Кроссовки, известные как Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG «Origin Story», представляют собой пару высоких красно-белых туфель со светоотражающими тканями и глянцевыми вставками, которые имитируют анимацию из фильма.

Довольно эксклюзивно, не ожидайте, что сможете легко найти пару. Однако, если вы это сделаете, вы можете почувствовать, что берете с собой небольшую часть Майлза Моралеса, куда бы вы ни пошли.

In Spider-man: Across the Spider-verse, What Happens to Gwen Stacy?

In an effort to rescue her pal, Miles, Gwen forms a squad of Spider-People.

After a heated argument with the Spider-Society’s head over Miguel’s treatment of Miles, Gwen (Hailee Steinfeld) returned to her own dimension. After her father had second thoughts about arresting his daughter, she reconciled with him even though it forced him to resign from the police force.

By using the teleport Spider-Punk provided, Gwen was able to visit Miles’ realm and learn the tragic news that her friend had never returned. Peter B. Parker, Peni Parker, Spider Noir, Spider-Ham, Pavitr Prabhakar, Hobie, and Spyder-Byte were all brought into the hunt for Miles because of her.

Кто такой Майлз Моралес?

В зависимости от серии комиксов, которую вы читаете, Майлз Моралес является «последним» Человеком-пауком, унаследовавшим мантию от версии Абсолютного Человека-паука, Питера Паркера, после его смерти в 2011 году.

Сколько лет Майлзу Моралесу?

Майлз Моралес — 15-летний подросток, когда он впервые принимает образ Человека-паука. Это делает его немного моложе Питера Паркера, которого мы видели в фильмах кинематографической вселенной Marvel, и примерно на 8-13 лет моложе, чем другие версии Человека-паука, которых мы видели в комиксах, играх и фильмах на протяжении многих лет.

Кто озвучивает Майлза Моралеса?

Майлз Моралес был главным героем оскароносного мультфильма «Человек-паук: Через вселенные». Его озвучивает Шамейк Мур. Майлз Моралес также фигурирует в мультсериале Ultimate Spider-Man, где его озвучил Дональд Гловер.


Кроме того, Майлз Моралес также фигурирует в Marvel Super Hero Adventures, его озвучивает Зак Зиверт, а также появляется в мультсериале о Человеке-пауке, озвученном Наджи Джетер.

Какого роста Майлз Моралес?

Майлз Моралес обычно считается ростом около 5 футов 2 дюймов в соответствии с Marvel, но также упоминается как 5 футов 8 дюймов. Это меньше, чем 5 футов 10 дюймов, которыми часто называют Питера Паркера.

Miles meets Peter B. Parker who becomes his mentor

Peter B. Parker is Spider-Man from another universe whose life isn’t that happy. He fears having a family because of his superhero status, which ruins his marriage with Mary Jane. Peter B. Parker reluctantly agrees to help Miles steal data about the collider from Fisk’s research facility and mentor him.

The dynamic duo eventually discovers that the more Peter B. Parker stays in Miles’ universe, he will disintegrate. Gwen Stacy saves the day, and Miles has an instant crush on the girl. After Miles, Peter, and Gwen visit the deceased Peter Parker’s Aunt May; it is revealed that the woman kept other versions of Spider-Men safe. We meet Peni Parker, Spider-Man Noir, and Spider-Ham, who agree to help the team to destroy the collider and return to their universes.

However, the Spider-Men don’t want Miles to go with them because he is too inexperienced. Miles is devastated and finds his Uncle Aaron to tell him everything. However, he gets the shock of his life when he discovers that his Uncle is a criminal Prowler working for Wilson Fisk.

Everything steamrolls from there – Fisk’s goons, Octavius, Scorpion, Prowler, and others, hunt for Miles’ head. Of course, Prowler corners Miles and discovers his nephew’s secret – he is Spider-Man and his enemy.

Prowler spares his nephew, but Wilson Fisk kills him on the spot. Miles is devastated and even needs to hide from his father, Jefferson, who mistakenly thinks Spider-Man killed his brother. Miles flees the scene and goes home, where his father apologizes and unknowingly inspires the boy in the best way he can.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales post-credits scene

The two-and-half-minute long Spider-Man: Miles Morales post-credits opens at New York’s Trinity Church. Miles looks out at the city before crouching down and placing the “Spacebound Young Researchers Award” — he won it with former best friend Phin Mason — on one of the outer platforms of the Trinity Church in her memory. The church was a favourite childhood haunt for the nerdy duo, as is revealed during Spider-Man: Miles Morales when the two meet there to find some middle ground.

It’s clear that Phin’s death is deeply affecting Miles. On one hand, she was the Tinkerer, the leader of the high-tech criminal army the Underground that had brought war to Harlem. But at the same time, she sacrificed herself to save Harlem from the blast of the Roxxon reactor. Miles brings up his conflicting thoughts on a call with his mother Rio Morales and wonders why Phin would do that, despite losing her brother Rick to Roxxon’s experimental tech, which led her on her vengeance quest to begin with.

Miles’ mother gives Miles some great advice with her response: “People are messy. Take your uncle Aaron . He’s the reason Krieger is in jail, and he helped us get people out of Harlem. But every time I look at him, I think of all the pain he put your dad through. You don’t need to make a judgment on Phin’s life, mijo , or her death. Just remember who she was and why you loved her.”

Spider-Man: Miles Morales costs Rs. 3,999 / $50 on PS4 and PS5.

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Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s story synopsis

Marvel’s Spider-Man’s overarching plot revolves around the symbiote that was found from a meteorite crash site some years prior to the story. As teased in the post credits scene of the previous game, Norman Osborn was secretly working on curing his terminally ill son, Harry Osborn. Due to his desperation to find a cure, Norman put Harry into several experimental cures, including what was only teased back then as the alien symbiote.

Fast forward to the present day of this sequel, Norman woke up Harry with the belief that the symbiote cure worked after seeing that his son’s condition has greatly improved. However, this was proven wrong throughout the course of the game, as what was supposed to be just a symbiote suit slowly corrupted Harry’s mind.

During an encounter against Kraven, Peter took a fatal stab from the hunter which eventually killed him. Harry, who was subconsciously controlled by the symbiote, approached Peter which caused the symbiote to take on Peter as its new host and reviving him in the process. However, this also caused Peter to slowly lose his mind to the symbiote, and since Harry needs the symbiote to survive, they had to go through great lengths to get the symbiote back to its original host.

When Harry finally got the symbiote back, things did not go back to normal. Now that the symbiote had a taste of Peter’s power, and it’s also revealed that a part of it still remained inside Peter’s body, it set out to get Peter back as its host. The symbiote now chose to fully corrupt Harry and turn him into Venom, and corrupt everyone that it can, including MJ as it turned her into Scream; all of these in order to overpower Peter and assimilate everything on Earth.

Thanks to Miles, and from an unexpected help from Martin Li a.k.a. Mr. Negative, they managed to get into the root of whatever symbiote remained in Peter and negated its powers. This allowed Peter to still use the symbiote without its connected influence to the symbiote hivemind, and gain the power of Anti-Venom.

Miles Morales’ Missing Spider-Verse 2 Line

Eagle-eyed fans spotted a missing line during Miles Morales’ climactic monologue in the home release of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

In the theatrical version of the film, Miles Morales’s «I’mma do my own thing» speech is longer and included an integral line that’s missing from the digital release.

This monologue moment occured towards the end of the film when Miguel O’Hara has Miles pinned down to stop him from returning to his home universe. 

Sony Pictures

But instead of surrendering, Miles uses his electric powers against O’Hara and says: 

Sony Pictures

Then, remembering Hobie Brown’s advice, Miles uses his palms to transfer that electric charge into O’Hara, all the while telling him, «Sorry man. I’m going home.» 

Sony Pictures

But in the digital version of the film, Miles’ line about going home has been removed, making «Nah, I’mma do my own thing» the last thing he says to O’Hara.

However, these adjustments support comments from the voice cast about the film’s creators changing lines «up to the last second,» such as when Hailee Steinfeld said, «This is coming out in a couple of weeks, guys. What are we doing here?!»

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s Post Credits Scene

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has two post credits scenes. In the first scene, Norman Osborn is seen inside the RAFT as a visitor. He stops at Otto Octavius’ cell and asks for his help in dealing with the Spider-Men. Otto also reveals that he’s working on a plan that he just dubs as “the final chapter”.

In the second scene, Hailey is shown visiting Miles and Rio in their apartment for what appears to be a family dinner. The two teenagers then head inside Miles’ room and talk about what Miles is up to in the mean time. They then share a kiss which is interrupted by a knock on the front door. Rio opens the door and reveals their visitors, Albert Moon and his daughter, Cindy.

Seeing the good in people

First, we see Miles’ caring side. Raneem Rashad (aka Rabble) has tried to kill him and his family. Despite that, Miles wanted to try and talk to her. He felt that there was a way to reach her. All he had to do was talk to her. On his way to meet her, Miles is attacked by Gao and her Cape Killers (Scorpion, Hightail, Taskmaster, Electro, and Gust). When things looked bleak, Miles took his powers to another level. Everyone was shocked except Scorpion. He said that the Spider-Men are always holding back. 

Ziglar started his run by introducing a new villain. Her name is Raneem Rashad (aka Rabble). She felt that Miles squandered his opportunity at the Brooklyn Visions Academy that should have gone to her. For 17 issues, she’s made Spider-Man’s life Hell. During issue No. 300, she took things to a whole new level. She killed Miles’ friend (and clone), Shift.

The issue ends with Miles telling Rabble that if she wants to finish it, this is her best shot and she won’t get another chance. It’s unclear whether Miles is going to let her kill him or if he’s going to fight back (someone will intervene if she goes for a death blow).

Knowing Miles he probably still has faith in Rabble. Like most Spider-Men, he sees the best in people. If he doesn’t, readers will see what Spider-Man is capable of. Miles is friendly and understanding, but even he has a breaking point. For example, in Spider-Geddon, Miles kills the Inheritors’ father, Solus.

It’s doubtful that Miles will kill Rabble. Having him kill someone with a chance of redemption is unlike a Spider-Man. Especially since this series started with Miles having issues with his anger. Miles Morales: Spider-Man No. 301 should end with a defining moment for Miles Morales as Spider-Man. What that is remains to be seen. Stay tuned to Bam Smack Pow to see what happens between Miles and Rabble.

Is Miles Morales becoming one of the best comic book heroes ever? Do you think he’ll kill Rabble? Let us know on Bam Smack Pow’s or Instagram.

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