Is batman on netflix?

О чем Бэтмен?

С темной палитрой и очень небольшим количеством плейбойской легкости Брюса Уэйна на экране

Бэтмен избегает больших частей действия (для основного), чтобы привлечь внимание к Чайнатауну, Хичкоку и двуличию

Фильм держит Паттинсона в задумчивости почти вечной ночью. Его впалое выражение лица и угрюмый вид больше напоминают наркомана, чем бизнесмена-миллиардера.

Фильмы о Бэтмене часто изо всех сил пытаются дать ему какое-то занятие. Антагонистическая сила всегда одна из трех вещей: повседневное преступление для удара; экстравагантные злодеи, чье существование Бэтмена имеет тенденцию увековечиваться; или криминальные авторитеты мафии.

У Нолана Batman часть трилогии о мафии всегда стремилась заполнить пробелы во времени выполнения и никогда не представляла какого-либо индивидуального интереса. Бэтмен достигает похвального баланса по отношению к вторым двум и выявляет малоизученную «детективную» сторону персонажа.

Одного персонажа, перелетающего от сцены к сцене в течение 3 часов, вряд ли будет достаточно, чтобы удержать наше внимание, и поэтому Паттинсона прекрасно уравновешивает Селина Кайл (Зои Кравиц). Кравиц одновременно излучает упрямство, уязвимость, независимость и женственность, обеспечивая столь необходимый контрапункт, который обосновывает то, что в противном случае грозило стать «горе мне», переутомленному Бэтмену

Кравиц одновременно излучает упрямство, уязвимость, независимость и женственность, обеспечивая столь необходимый контрапункт, который обосновывает то, что в противном случае грозило стать «горе мне», переутомленному Бэтмену.

Многое было сделано из 3-часовой продолжительности и очень темной цветовой палитры фильма. Но по большей части Ривз справляется с этим.

Интересные Факты о Фильме «Бэтмен» — Жизнь Героев за Кадром

Вселенная DC огромна, а ее персонажи многогранны. Бэтмен – очень узнаваемый главный герой, и его неоднократно представляли с разными особенностями личности и биографии. Разобраться в этой вселенной достаточно сложно, учитывая огромное количество материала, переплетений сюжетов и отсылок, но можно обратиться к общим фактам, актуальным для Бэтмена из любого фильма и года:

  • Бэтмен – не первый борец за справедливость, ведущий двойную жизнь. Идею создатели героя позаимствовали у другого, более «старого» персонажа – Зорро.
  • Трагическую предысторию Брюса Уэйна рассказали далеко не сразу: классическую биографию (ее сейчас используют в фильмах) персонаж приобрел уже после выхода первых комиксов и получения популярности.
  • Во всех фильмах Бэтмен не имеет сверхспособностей, вместо этого он использует интеллект, смекалку и гаджеты – у него более 500 технических приспособлений для борьбы с преступниками.
  • В разных фильмах франшизы Бэтмен всегда примерно одного возраста – это мужчина средних лет. В то время, как второстепенные герои стареют (например, Робин), Брюс Уэйн всегда представлен на пике своей формы. Исключение – флэшбеки, где показывается гибель его родителей и становление героя.
  • «Бэтмен» Тима Бёртона, вышедший на экраны в 1989 году, стал самым успешным фильмом студии DC. Побить его рекорд в 2008 году смог только новый фильм о Бэтмене – «Темный Рыцарь» Кристофера Нолана.
  • Первым оскароносным фильмом в новом жанре супергероики стал «Темный Рыцарь» 2008 года – посмертную награду получил Хит Леджер за роль Джокера.
  • В фильмах студии DC Бэтмен неоднократно встречался с другим популярным супергероем – Суперменом. Случалось, что им приходилось соперничать и даже сражаться друг против друга.
  • В одном из университетов Канады есть целый курс, посвященный научным исследованиям Бэтмена. Студенты изучают становление, психологию, влияние героя и другие аспекты, связанные с Брюсом Уэйном из культовых фильмов и комиксов.

Одна из самых известных черт Бэтмена – он не убивает своих врагов. Вместо этого он отправляет их в тюрьму или в психлечебницу (во вселенной DC эти места уже будто бы стали самостоятельными персонажами – настолько они колоритны и узнаваемы).

Но так было не всегда: до 1970-ых годов Брюс Уэйн был куда более жестоким персонажем, и преступников он часто «ликвидировал», в том числе и на экране. Современный Бэтмен же не только не совершает убийства, но и спасает своих врагов – только для того, чтобы наказать их по справедливости.

How to watch Batman on Netflix

Now that you know what you need to unblock Batman on Netflix, follow this quick step by step guide and you’ll be streaming Batman on Netflix quicker than Bruce Wayne’s wit.

  1. Visit the ExpressVPN site and click “Get ExpressVPN“. Then enter your email address and sign up for their service. (The 12-month package offers a great discount and comes with 3 free months).
  2. Download the ExpressVPN app to your device and log in using your email address and password or the activation code.
  3. Click on ‘Selected Server‘ and choose Australia, then click Connect. (I’ll be explaining which region each Batman movie will need later in the article).
  4. After the connection has been made, visit the Netflix website or use the Netflix app and you’ll now be able to watch any Batman on Netflix.
  5. Grab the popcorn and soda. It’s time to sit back and relax.

Unlock every Batman movie using ExpressVPN.

30-day money back guarantee

«Я — возмездие»

Именно с этой цитаты хочется начать текст. Она проходит через всю картину и въедается в голову с первого упоминания.

Режиссёр Мэтт Ривз пересмотрел образ супергероя и изменил его в корне, приблизив к реальности. В такого героя хочется верить, он мог бы существовать и сейчас в нашей жизни. Обо всем по порядку. Начнём, как всегда, с сюжета.

️Внимание, возможны спойлеры️

Город Готэм увяз в преступности, но у него появился свой защитник — Бэтмен, он же Брюс Уэйн. После убийства родителей он стал единственным владельцем корпорации Wayne Enterprises. Брюса почти не интересует бизнес, он уже два года ловит преступников. А за Wayne Enterprises отвечает дворецкий и старый друг семьи Уэйнов, Альфред Пенниуорт.

В отделении полиции Бэтмену доверяет только лейтенант Джеймс Гордон. Гордон вызывает Бэтмена на дело Загадочника — убийцы, который уничтожает политическую элиту города.

На месте преступления он оставляет необычные шифры-подсказки и постоянно требует присутствия мстителя в маске. Чтобы разобраться с этим сложным делом, Брюсу придётся обратиться к своему прошлому, потому что все улики так или иначе связаны именно с ним.

️Конец спойлеров️

Ривз выбрал уже привычное для киновселенной DC нуарное направление. Только обыгрывает этот стиль режиссёр по-своему.

Фильм длится аж 2,5 часа, и это особенно хорошо чувствуется на фоне множества растянутых сцен, медлительных действий героев и происходящего на экране. Общая атмосфера постоянного гнета чувствуется буквально в каждом кадре. И, действительно, позитивного в городе мало — на каждом углу случается очередное преступление, а почти вся картина выполнена в темных тонах, большая часть действия происходит вечером или ночью.

Образ Бэтмена пересмотрели целиком. Теперь он не может поймать каждого злодея в любом уголке Готэма. Да, его все боятся, но фактически это не вездесущая рука правосудия. Очень многое в городе происходит без ведома супергероя. У него есть свои уязвимости, страхи и желания. Именно это и приближает мстителя к простым людям, к кинозрителям в том числе.

В этом фильме ставка делается на то, что весь город реально боится Бэтмена, потому что никто не знает, в каком темном углу он их может подстерегать.

Сюжет не пестрит изобретательностью, но сценаристы смогли заставить зрителя задуматься над происходящим и пытаться вычислить мистического Загадочника вместе с темным рыцарем. Сами по себе шифры получились интересными и логичными, можно реально стараться отгадывать в ходе действия фильма.

Каждый персонаж детально проработан. У каждого героя и злодея (а их здесь хватает) есть своя история, собственный чёткий характер, амбиции и мотивы. А взаимоотношения Брюса и Альфреда выведены на новый уровень, с такой стороны их ещё не показывали: от недоверия и слабого взаимопонимания до почти родства. И за это хочется только похвалить создателей. Сейчас подобное встретишь редко.

Актерский состав подобран просто отлично. Роберт Паттинсон потрясающе влился в роль Бэтмена и показал все его внутренние переживания.

То же можно сказать и про остальной каст: Зои Кравиц в роле Женщины-кошки (хотя её линия здесь показана достаточно размыто), Джеффри Райта в образе комиссара Гордона, Джона Туртурро в виде Фальконе и так далее. Видно, что все выложились в новинке по-максимуму. Единственное, мне не хватило Пингвина. Даже сложно сказать, чего именно — самого образа или его участия в общей истории.

Is it possible to watch The Batman on Netflix using a free VPN?

We strongly advise against relying on unreliable free VPN alternatives, as our thorough assessment has uncovered persistent issues such as the recurring Netflix Proxy Error and frustratingly sluggish streaming speeds accompanied by frequent disruptions.

Instead, we wholeheartedly recommend investing in a trustworthy and secure premium VPN service like ExpressVPN. By doing so, you can ensure a seamless and uninterrupted viewing experience for all your cherished Netflix movies and TV shows, including The Batman.

To enhance your viewing pleasure and foster a sense of camaraderie, we suggest organizing an exciting watch party. Facilitate engaging interactions and shared entertainment by utilizing platforms such as Discord to share your Netflix screen with others.

Is The Batman On Netflix?

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began and when different cinemas around the world closed down, streaming websites became the saving graces for those who love to watch movies and shows. As such, the streaming giant Netflix became even more popular as more and more subscribers started watching different Netflix films.

The fact that there were different movies from different companies making their way to Netflix made people think that just about any kind of movie will eventually be in the streaming giant’s library. So, in that case, does the same situation hold true for The Batman? Is The Batman going to be on Netflix?

Unfortunately, The Batman will not be on Netflix. The sole reason why The Batman won’t be in the streaming giant’s library is the fact that this is a Warner Bros. movie. Considering that Warner Bros. has its own streaming service, it would be silly to think that they would allow Netflix to hold the rights to The Batman, which is a property of Warner Bros.

Of course, we are not dismissing the possibility of The Batman making its way to Netflix because there have been Warner Bros. movies that have appeared on the streaming service. However, it might take a while before The Batman makes its way to Netflix, as Birds of Prey, which is also a Warner Bros. movie, only made its way to Netflix in 2022 after its 2020 release.


If you’ve been wondering how to access Batman on Netflix, then now you know.

But to recap, you need to have access to various Netflix regions around the world. To access them all, you’ll need to use a VPN such as ExpressVPN.

Using ExpressVPN, you’ll be able to access each of the 11 Batman movies and shows mentioned in the list above.

Plus, there are several other movies that I haven’t mentioned such as all of the Lego Batman movies and some other cartoon Batman movies such as Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Get a VPN now and you’ll have access to hours of Batman content that will keep you entertained all week.

Where is Batman available on Netflix?

There are numerous Batman movies on Netflix, but none of them are available in every region.

Each Batman film is available in a select group of regions. Most are available on Australian Netflix, some are on US Netflix, and there’s even one available on Indian Netflix.

Usually, to access them all, you’d have to travel to each of these countries to access all of the movies. And unless you’re a billionaire like Bruce Wayne, then it’s not really viable.

Luckily for you, I have a much easier and much cheaper option that will allow you to unblock the content of other regions from anywhere in the world, including Batman.

I’ll show you how to use a VPN app such as ExpressVPN to unblock regionally blocked content with the click of a button.

ExpressVPN is extremely fast (almost as fast as the Flash), making it the perfect VPN for the job.

However, you should also check out NordVPN and CyberGhost VPN if you want to look at some alternative solutions, the choice is yours!

30-day money back guarantee

Is The Batman Set in the DCEU (DC Extended Universe)?

No, The Batman is not set in the DCEU where films like Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Wonder Woman, Justice League, and the upcoming Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom and The Flash are set. Director Matt Reeves’ take on Batman is specifically intended to be its own story, set in a different cinematic world. Of course, that doesn’t mean that it won’t someday cross over with other DC films or characters, especially with The Flash movie already promising to bring the multiverse to the big-screen DC movies (that film has two Batmen in it already — Michael Keaton’s and Ben Affleck’s!). But for now, the intention seems to be to keep the Robert Pattinson Batman off in his own world, much as the Joaquin Phoenix Joker was also portrayed.

Смотреть? Конечно, да!

«Бэтмен» Мэтта Ривза получился отличным фильмом. Но не всем он придётся по душе по двум тесно связанным причинам:

1. Он идёт 2,5 часа2. Треть хронометража получилась из-за медлительности и растянутости сцен

Тем не менее, это отличный перезапуск, показывающий супергероя с нового ракурса, с шикарной картинкой, музыкой и постановкой. Советую к просмотру обязательно.

Высший пилотаж.

Артём Баусов

Главный по новостям, кликбейту и опечаткам. Люблю электротехнику и занимаюсь огненной магией.

По всем вопросам пишите в Telegram: @TemaBausov

Watching The Batman on Netflix with ExpressVPN | Detailed Explanation

Batman fans from every corner of the world keep searching and wondering where to watch The Batman on Netflix or When The Batman is coming to Netflix.

Well, guess what! The Batman is available for streaming on Netflix, and here are the steps you need to follow to watch it from the US or anywhere else:

1- Sign up for ExpressVPN

You will need a VPN to change your Netflix region and stream The Batman on Netflix. You can get three extra months free of ExpressVPN with their annual plan. That’s 15 months for the price of 12.

A single subscription supports five devices simultaneously and comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

2- Download it on your preferred device

ExpressVPN supports almost all devices, including iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux, and more. You can also use ExpressVPN on your smart TV or gaming consoles using their smart DNS.

3- Connect to an Australian server

After downloading the ExpressVPN app, open up the ExpresVPN app and connect to an Australian server.  Since The Batman is available on Australian Netflix, you will need an Australian IP address to access the Australian Netflix library and watch The Batman on Netflix.

Image Source:

4- Enjoy

After connecting to an Australian server, open Netflix in your browser or in-app and search for The Batman (2022). Now you can stream and enjoy The Batman on Netflix from anywhere in the world.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

The Batman’s Plot

Despite featuring a young and still largely unproven hero, The Batman isn’t an origin story. The movie is set in Year 2 of his superhero career, as Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne is still perfecting his equipment and methods and establishing a relationship with the GCPD. The plot revolves around the hunt for a puzzle-obsessed serial killer who murders wealthy Gotham residents, as well as Batman’s discovery of a deep conspiracy reaching far back into Gotham’s history (and potentially involving his own parents).

Early rumors suggested The Batman is set in the ’90s. That, in turn, has fueled speculation that Pattinson is either playing a younger version of Affleck’s Batman, or that the movie is set in the same universe as 2019’s Joker. The Clown Prince of Crime is certainly conspicuously absent in The Batman. However, the trailers show modern technology like cellphones and late-model cars, so it appears to be a contemporary story. Though there’s certainly a retro muscle car quality to the new Batmobile design.


Moreover, The Batman isn’t connected to the DCEU and takes place in its own universe. But with DC emphasizing the multiverse in its future live-action projects, that doesn’t necessarily mean we won’t see Pattinson’s Batman appear elsewhere.

The Batman will take a more noir and mystery-oriented approach to the Dark Knight’s world, emphasizing his detective skills more than previous movies and drawing inspiration from films like Chinatown and the work of Alfred Hitchcock. However, Reeves is said to have recently tweaked the script to include more action and give fans a more well-rounded superhero experience. Expect some big action scenes, as Pattinson trained in jiu-jitsu. And Andy Serkis promises The Batman is darker than any of its predecessors.

7 Detective Stories ‘The Batman’ Could Adapt

Early rumors pointed to The Batman featuring anywhere from two to six villains. We know that Catwoman, Riddler and Penguin will all appear, and another rumor claims the Mad Hatter and Two-Face could also be in the movie.

Multiple reports suggest The Batman is the start of a new trilogy. Reeves revealed as far back as 2017 that he has ideas for a multi-movie Batman story. «I have ideas about an arc,» Reeves said in 2017, «but really, the important thing is just to start… you have to start with one.»

How to watch The Batman on Netflix in 2023?

Image Source:

The Batman is available on Netflix, but only in Australia and Japan. You will need a workable VPN to watch it from the US or anywhere else. Follow these steps to watch The Batman on Netflix:

1- Sign up for a reliable VPN to unblock Netflix (We recommend ExpressVPN and NordVPN after testing)

2- Download the VPN application on your preferred device. (Both ExpressVPN and NordVPN have dedicated apps for several devices like PC, Mac, and Android devices)

3- Select an Australian server from the country list

4- Now open Netflix in your browser or in-app

5- Search The Batman (2022) on Netflix

6- Enjoy the movie

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

The New Batman Movie’s Trailers

Fans didn’t have to wait long after production began before seeing their first glimpse of The Batman. Reeves posted a short costume test video featuring Pattinson in a dramatically redesigned Batsuit. That costume seems to be drawing inspiration from both the comics and the Arkham video games.

The first full-length trailer for The Batman was released during DC FanDome in August 2020. You can watch it out below:


Then you can check out IGN’s full breakdown of the trailer and the secrets hidden within:


A lengthier trailer debuted at DC FanDome 2022:


IGN also did a deep dive into that trailer, and why it appears Pattinson’s Batman may just be the most psychologically unhinged one yet:


Video Release Breakdown

Release Date Title DomesticVideo Salesto Date Watch Now
The Adventures of Batman    
Batman Returns  
Batman: The Movie    
Batman Begins $65,831,399
Batman: The Motion Picture Anthology    
Justice League — The New Frontier $5,742,577  
Batman: Gotham Knight $8,542,823
The Dark Knight $300,988,607
Batman Forever  
Batman & Robin  
Batman: The Brave and the Bold — Season On…    
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 $6,020,461
The Dark Knight Rises $158,345,411
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 $4,318,914
Batman the Dark Knight Returns $3,728,256
4 Film Favorites: Batman Collection  
Batman: Unlimted Animal Instincts $1,020,126
Batman Unlimited Monster Mayhem  
Gotham: The Complete First Season $5,107,580  
Batman Bad Blood $4,898,037
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice $82,487,525
Batman: The Killing Joke $9,002,044
Batman: The Brave and the Bold — The Compl…  
The Lego Batman Movie $45,419,916
The Lego Batman Movie  
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm $693,349
Batman and Harley Quinn $2,263,124
Batman: The Complete Animated Series Deluxe $9,389,858  
Batman: The Complete Animated Series $15,013,350
Batman 80th Anniversary Collection  
Batman: 4 Film Collection  
Joker $56,903,251
Batwoman & The Panther Woman: Double Feature $5,951  
Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One $3,616,784
Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two $2,560,643
Batwoman: The Complete Second Season $16,411
The Batman: The Complete Series $984,733
The Batman $17,717,506
  Totals $810,618,636

Our DVD and Blu-ray sales estimates are based on weekly retail surveys, which we use to build a weekly market share estimate for each title we are tracking. The market share is converted into a weekly sales estimate based on industry reports on the overall size of the market, including reports published in Media Play News.

For example, if our weekly retail survey estimates that a particular title sold 1% of all units that week, and the industry reports sales of 1,500,000 units in total, we will estimate 15,000 units were sold of that title. The consumer spending estimate is based on the average sales price for the title in the retailers we survey.

We refine our estimates from week to week as more data becomes available. In particular, we adjust weekly sales figures for the quarter once the total market estimates are published by the Digital Entertainment Group. Figures will therefore fluctuate each week, and totals for individual titles can go up or down as we update our estimates.

Because sales figures are estimated based on sampling, they will be more accurate for higher-selling titles.

When Will The Batman Come On Streaming Platforms?

It might be true that The Batman is only available in cinemas. However, that doesn’t mean that it will never be available on streaming websites. The Batman will be available on online streaming platforms, particularly HBO Max. But when will that be happening?

For starters, Warner Bros. struck a deal with Cineworld for an exclusive 45-day theatrical release window for The Batman. That means that starting from its release date on March 4, 2022, The Batman will only be available to watch on the big screen and will not be available on streaming platforms.

However, anything can happen after that 45-day release window in the sense that Warner Bros. is now free to release the movie on its streaming service provider, which is HBO Max. That means that there is a good possibility that The Batman will be available on HBO Max as early as April 19.

In fact, it has already been confirmed that April 19 will be the HBO Max release date of The Batman, and that means that fans only have to wait a month and a half until they are able to stream it. This is good news to those who want to re-watch the movie after seeing it on the big screen or to those who are still hesitant to watch movies in cinemas.

What Batman movies are available on Netflix?

Almost every Batman film is available on Netflix, simply connect to the country given below and watch where you are.

1. Batman (1989)

In the 1st movie set in Tim Burton’s Gotham City, Batman comes face to face with his arch-nemesis, The Joker.

The Joker takes over the mafia and is causing all sorts of mayhem on the streets of Gotham, and there is only one many who can put an end to his tyranny… Batman.

This movie is extremely popular among its fans and really shows a dark and gritty Gotham city.

Available in: Japan

2. Batman Returns

In this sequel to Tim Burton’s 1989 Batman movie, Batman not only has to face the infamous Penguin, but he also has to face off with the mysterious Catwoman and a corrupt businessman.

Will the three criminals prove to be too much for Batman to handle? – You’ll have to use ExpressVPN to unlock the film and find out.

Available in: Australia

3. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm

Bruce Wayne is troubled when an old flame of his returns to Gotham City, leaving him torn about what he should do. Meanwhile, his alter-ego Batman has to deal with a new “Hero” who has arrived on the scene who’s killing all of the gangsters in Gotham.

Available in: Australia

4. Batman Forever

Batman is back for a third movie outing, except this time under a new director and Batman himself being played by Val Kilmer.

Batman must face off against two psychotic villains, “Two-Face” and the enigmatic “The Riddler”. When the pair prove to be too much for Batman to handle alone, he brings his apprentice Robin into the fray in the hopes to turn the tide of the battle.

Available in: Australia

5. Batman Begins

This reboot of the Batman franchise is seen as one of the most popular reboots of all time.

The movie tells the origin story of how Bruce Wayne became Batman. In the film, he faces an old enemy from his past who has come back to haunt him, and his return threatens Gotham City in its entirety.

It’s dark, it’s gritty, and the fight scenes are brutal.

Available in: Australia

6. The Dark Knight

In this sequel to Batman Begins, Batman himself is facing an enemy like he has never met before… The Joker.

He is unhinged, deadly, and nobody knows what he wants.

The late Heath Ledger players The Joker, a role that has become so iconic amongst Batman fans worldwide.

Available in: Australia

7. The Dark Knight Rises

After falling from grace, Batman has been missing for years, Gotham has receded into darkness and is riddled with crime.

It’s only when a new terrorist organisation begins using Bruce Wayne’s old technology that it forces him to put on the cape for one last time.

He might be older, slower, and crippled with pain, but he is Batman and nothing will stop him.

Available in: Australia

8. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

This is another reboot of the franchise that sees Ben Affleck don the cape and cowl for the first time as he goes head to head with Superman in a battle of the ages.

The movie also sees Wonder Woman entering the fight in a spectacular fashion.

Available in: India

9. Batman: The Killing Joke

The killing Joke is set in an alternative universe where Batman yet again must face the crazed but deadly Joker.

The Joker escapes Arkham Asylum and kidnaps Commissioner Gordon’s daughter. He tortures her and torments the commissioner to make him crazy.

This is a dark storyline for the Batman franchise and probably shouldn’t be watched by your kids.

Available in: USA

10. Justice League

This version of Justice League is not to be confused with the Zack Snyder Cut of The Justice League.

Bruce Wayne finally sees his dream of having all of Earth’s greatest heroes fighting against a common enemy to save the world.

Aquaman, Cyborg, Wonder Woman, The Flash and Superman all join Batman to take down a wave of aliens that have come to Earth to destroy the planet.

This version of the movie is 50% shorter than the Zack Synder cut and is very underwhelming compared to its much longer counterpart. However, it’s still OK to watch.

Available in: Brazil

11. Titans

Titans is a popular TV series set in the DC universe.

After splitting off from his Mentor (Batman), Dick Grayson (Robin) finds that there’s a group of young heroes who are in desperate need of a mentor.

Together they face deadly villains such as the assassin Death Stroke and many other characters you’ll no doubt have heard of.

Available in: Australia

The Batman – What to Expect from the Movie?

The story borrows some elements from Year One comics and follows the life of the up-and-coming crime-fighting vigilante known as Batman. This young Batman is now pursuing a serial killer who is challenging Batman and GCPD’s detective skills. As Batman inches closer to cracking the case, he realizes that things are more twisted than he could ever have imagined and must now make hard choices to bring the much-deserved peace and justice to the city.

When Riddler, a sadistic serial killer, murders Gotham City Mayor Don Mitchell Jr. on Halloween, reclusive billionaire Bruce Wayne has no choice but to work alongside the Gotham City Police Department to solve the case and find the culprit. However, things get complicated when Lieutenant James Gordon discovers a cryptic clue intended for Batman.

Batman Ventures into the Underworld

Shortly after killing the mayor, Riddler murders GCPD Commissioner Pete Savage and leaves another message for the masked vigilante. As more bodies fall, Batman finds himself venturing into the underworld to gain more information. 

Accompanied by Gordon, he also discovers photos showing the late mayor with a woman named Annika, leading him to Iceberg Lounge – a cesspool of corruption and crime run by none other than Oswald “The Penguin” Cobblepot. While the infamous criminal claims not to know anything, Batman finds out the dead police chief and District Attorney Gil Colson are working for Cobblepot’s boss, Carmine Falcone.

Meet Selina Kyle aka Catwoman 

When Annika goes missing, Wayne enlists her mysterious roommate, Selina Kyle, to gather information from the Iceberg Lounge. Kyle, aka Catwoman, uses her stealth and agility to collect valuable intelligence from the notorious nightclub while posing as a waitress. She also gets closer to Batman, her moral ambiguity creating a perfect juxtaposition to the bleak outlook possessed by the brooding billionaire.

What Makes Riddler A Formidable Foe?

Riddler thrusts Gotham City into terror with his disturbing murder spree. As a former forensic accountant who despises the rich and powerful, Riddler makes for a worthy opponent as he continues to elude Batman while live-streaming his gruesome murders for the world to see. He also holds a deep-rooted grudge against Thomas and Martha Wayne, who used to run the orphanage he was raised in.

Will Batman be able to catch Riddler before it is too late? Will Catwoman team up with Batman for the greater good? How is Falcone related to the latest wave of crime washing over the city? Watch The Batman to find out the answers.

Здесь прекрасно почти всё

Экшн-сцен в фильме не очень много, это кино ближе к разговорному: триллер, немного нуар, детектив и мелодрама в одном флаконе. Не ждите от него максимальной суровости для типичного представителя жанра.

Тем не менее, те динамичные моменты, которые были показаны в картине, заставляют ими восхищаться. А сцена с погоней вообще отложится у всех в голове надолго.

В этом и кроется успех этих сцен: они редкие, но при этом очень эффектные. Поставлены они тоже на высоком уровне. А операторы выбирают необычные и неожиданные кадры. Та же погоня — вы никогда не узнаете, что случится в следующую секунду, потому что вам это просто не покажут, в очередной раз сменив ракурс и место съёмки.

Звуковая составляющая тоже отличная. Все саундтреки отлично подчеркивают происходящее на экране, а некоторые даже пробирают до самых пяточек.

Where to watch The Batman (2022) Online?

The Batman is streaming on several VOD/OTT services. Some of these are listed below:

Where to watch The Batman in the US?

The Batman was released in theaters and moved to HBO Max in the United States. At the moment, the movie is streaming on HBO Max and Direct TV in the US.

However, you can watch The Batman on Netflix from the United States with an ExpressVPN subscription.

You can also watch other superhero movies and shows like Titans, Spider-Man: No Way Home, and Morbius on Netflix.

If you are looking to rent the movie, head over to Apple iTunes, Amazon Video, YouTube, or Vudu. The best price you can get is $3 on AMC on Demand. Vudu, Apple iTunes, and Redbox are some of your best options for digital purchase.

Where to watch The Batman in the UK?

You can watch The Batman on Netflix with an ExpressVPN subscription. An ExpressVPN subscription account will cost you around $6.67/m with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

If you are looking for a local streaming option, The Batman is only streaming on Now TV Cinema in the United Kingdom. You can also purchase a digital of the movie on Amazon Video, Sky Store, Rakuten TV, and CHILI for £13.99.

Where to watch The Batman in Canada?

The Batman is streaming on Crave in Canada. You can also rent the movie on Apple iTunes, Cineplex, and Amazon Video and purchase a digital copy of the movie in the same stores.

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